A Fairy Tale

Fifteen Years Ago.

In the Zoo, there was a little girl sat on a long chair with a young age girl beside her. The two of them looked so seriously.


Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Luz Del Alba which was led by a very wise king. He has a beautiful daughter. The King and Queen are very happy to have such a beautiful daughter and become the darling of the kingdom and its inhabitants.

The name was Vanetta. This princess has an aura that makes everyone love her very much. Even the fairies and all the gods gave her gifts. Because of blessings, prayers, and magic touches from the fairies and gods. The princess has magical powers and magic bestowed on her by the celestial fairy godmother. With that magic power, the fairy godmother of the sky hopes that Princess Vanetta will help a lot and help humans.

Princess Vanetta has a lot of grace and magic compared to other princesses. Because of that,

Vanetta was loved and grew up with a beautiful face and helpful personality.

Seeing Vanetta grow up to be a good girl and loved by many people. The King and Queen decided to immediately give the royal throne to her. Vanetta, who was educated and taught to be the person who would replace the royal throne, of course, was ready when her father and mother gave the throne to her.

Shortly after that, the King and Queen died peacefully. The throne of Luz Del Alba was followed by Vanetta. However, bad things happened. The evil fairies and evil magicians who dislike and envy Princess Vanetta make a plan to bring her down.

One day, as usual, Vanetta left the palace disguised as an ordinary person to meet her people and help those who were in trouble without them knowing that she was a royal queen. She was accompanied by four loyal bodyguards. Two male bodyguards to guard her and two court maids.

When Vanetta crossed the forest with her four bodyguards. Windstorms and typhoons hit them. They also tried to take cover from the storm, but because Princess Vanetta had magical powers, Princess Vanetta immediately knew that the storm was the act of evil magicians.

There was a fight between Vanetta and the evil magicians. The four of Vanetta's bodyguards tried to help her. However, their numbers were extremely incomparable to them. Finally, the four bodyguards were easily paralyzed. Seeing that Vanetta did not remain silent. Immediately he used the magic power given to her.

Instantly, white light coming out of Vanetta's body filled the entire forest and caused the evil magicians to be unable to move because the white light was so dazzling their eyes. And immediately their evil magic power stopped. But at that critical moment, one of the evil magicians cast a magic spell against Vanetta.

Vanetta, who was still trying to dispel the evil magic spell, immediately bounced off the magic spell and hit her four loyal guards.

Vanetta was surprised to realize that her four bodyguards were knocked off and injured. Vanetta approached the four bodyguards. But unlucky, the evil magicians used the opportunity to attack Vanetta back.

Having not had time to reach out to the four bodyguards, Vanetta felt something twisted in her body. Vanetta was surprised that there was a huge root wrapped around her body. Vanetta tried to release the magic. But Vanetta's concentration was fixed on the four bodyguards who didn't move at all.

"Are they dead?" Vanetta panicked. She felt angry that the four of them died because of them.

Vanetta didn't move, her strength was slowly being sucked in by the power of the coiling and creeping roots. Gradually the roots almost covered her entire body.

"Father, Mother, Fairy Mother, can I fight them?" Vanetta thought with a scream as she saw her four bodyguards slowly being crushed before her eyes by the evil magicians earlier.

Vanetta then tried to use the last of her strength. She will try to fight them that way.

Then Vanetta, closed her eyes to gather all her power and strength. Suddenly a colorful light like a rainbow came out from Vanetta's body. Makes the evil witches unable to see so brightly.

Instantly the entire forest became filled with those colorful rays. Slowly but surely one by one the evil magicians disappeared and perished. A few moments later, the forest returned to calm.

No storms, no more light. The forest is so dark. There was no light from the sky, the forest was dark and there was no sound. Only the sound of tree branches and leaves rubbing against each other. Then there was a beautiful blue butterfly flying in the forest.

"The End."

"Sis, how come the story just finished?" a little child sitting next to a girl in her twenties.

The girl even smiled at the little child's question. Then got up leaving the little child who sat down in amazement.

"Where are you going?" asked her. A little child who was surprised to see the girl was about to leave before finishing her story.

"I have to find my friends, you are here just a little while your parents will come to pick you up!" replied the mysterious girl began to walk.

"Sis, how about Princess Vanetta?" asked the little girl, still curious.

The girl then turned around and looked at the little girl who was lost, she saved and invited the child here. She was separated from her entourage at the zoo. And the girl asked her to sit down and tell a fairy tale while waiting for someone or her family to come.

"Do you know what Vanetta means from Greek?" asked the girl.

The little child shook her head cluelessly. How could she possibly know about that?

"Vanetta in Greek means butterfly," the girl continued as she walked away.

The little girl only frowned. Trying to digest and make conclusions on their own with the fairy tale that the mysterious girl told.

"Does that mean, Princess Vanetta turned into a blue butterfly," muttered the little girl?

"What about Princess Vanetta's four bodyguards?" the boy was about to ask again, but after she looked at the girl. She's gone.

The little girl looked around in confusion, looking where the girl was walking away. That's when a mother ran over to her.

"Roselyn, I have been looking for you everywhere. Are you okay?" That old woman immediately hugged Roselyn with relief.

"I'm okay Mom, I was with a beautiful older sister," replied the little girl whose name was Roselyn.

"What, a sister? Where?"

"There was, but she's gone," said Roselyn.

The mother immediately swept across the zoo in search of the girl Roselyn was referring to. She wanted to thank her. But she did not find a single girl.

"Yes, let's go home now, the group of other orphanages will be angry if we come home late," said the Orphanage of the mother, holding her hand.

Roselyn then smiled sweetly as soon as her Mother warmly took her hand. Roselyn then still had time to look around to find out where the beautiful sister who had been telling her story had gone.

And Roselyn had seen the girl sitting with a boy her age. Roselyn was about to call and approach her, but the Orphanage had to take her home immediately.

*From Author

This story will tell the story of four central figures who have the same bond with one character who is the core of this story.

Be sure to be patient in reading and understanding each of the four characters. Roselyn, Ronan, Reino, and Ruby.

Give me feedback to make it better! I would really appreciate it.