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Welcome to 'All Fight'

Joseph Phantom is just your ordinary, average student with no particular interest or hobbies. This seemingly self secluding anti-social behavior piqued the interest of his peers around him, Danny Lux was one of them. On rare occasions would Joseph ever speak out in his class, when approached however, he would always be eloquent enough to shatter his mysterious stature that is given to him in this social environment. Danny would always imagine him as a student with talent, just that this talent of his would never show in a class environment.

This would all change when Danny through excruciating means, managed to convince Joseph to follow him to an internet café. "Follow me please! I can sense it, your a natural gamer." Danny explained awkwardly. Joseph thought of this as a very cumbersome situation to deal with, and he was appalled by his assumptions. But out of a little sympathy for Danny and also the free time he has led to him following Danny to the internet café. Danny was overjoyed that he finally could see his new found friend play 'All Fight'. They paid for their computers seated beside one another and proceeded to boot up their PC. His head was filled with delusional thoughts like "Could he potentially be a Legend" and "Maybe he is a pro player?".

To his surprise, Joseph answered : "I have no idea what is 'All Fight'". Danny high expectations vanished instantly and he was utterly disappointed. Danny however, was still glad to have made a new friend and introduced the game 'All Fight' to Joseph. He could not hide his excitement for this tactical game during his incredible exposition for 'All Fight'. His excited facial expressions accompanied by his animated body language exudes passion for the game. Joseph could not help but to be drawn in by his infectious excitement.

'All Fight' is the latest 5v5 tactical shooter in the gaming world, it has exploded in popularity due to its complex tactical nature and also the high skill ceiling for the various mechanics that the game has to offer. This is supplemented by the customizations given to each character aesthetics with the potential to affect the gameplay for each player. The character's height is one of them, adjusting this would inevitably affect the speed stat for each character due to the difference in stride.

The character customization window in summary have the following options

1. Name

2. Gender

3. Height

4. Weight

5. Body ( Skin tone , Shoulders, Arm Thickness , Hand Size , Chest , Torso , Waist , Leg Thickness , Foot Size, ...) adjusted by sliders.

6. Facial Features ( Eye Shape, Nose , Mouth, Eyebrows, ...) adjusted by sliders.

There are full body capsules that scans and capture players' features owned by 'All Fight' developers, Full Force. This is immensely popular due to how accessible and cheap it is, with a global reach in every country around the world. For those who neglect such capsules , having a camera is more than enough to calculate the body features. The downside to this is that inaccuracy will occur.

The main driving point behind getting an accurate scan is due to the realistic physics feel of the game. Initially when the game came out, most players ignored the customization without considering the stats changes. The new players who do care about stats, prioritized movement by adjusting their weight to a low level and made themselves as thin as possible, making them harder to hit. They dominated the game initially, favoring players with insane Action Per Minute (APM).But, over time a proper team composition is formed and having an entire team with light weight characters made fights less sustainable due to their low health. Since the physic system is extremely realistic, the proper balance for Strength and Speed stats can be attained by using your own body metric. Players with parkour experience on online forums have written about their increased immersion due to the scans ,with some describing it as if they are actually moving in the game itself.

Having the game feel as realistic as possible to the player is an added advantage as knowing what part of the body is exposed is a necessity because of the Reflex Augmented System (RAS) . The RAS Developed by Full Force allows for individual control of every body part, allowing for realistic control of joints through the use of micro controls. A bullet headed for the head can be dodged easily by tilting one's head by going through the RAS. The RAS starts from all of the major body parts, Head , Chest , Torso , Arms , Legs. They are then divided into their parts, Arms will lead to Shoulders, Forearm, Hands and so on. RAS is an interface with mapped controls leading to each part. An advanced user interface with visuals of the player's body will appear on the screen upon trigger. When the game just released, players will use their mouse to navigate through this menu, bringing the cursor to the parts to be manipulated. This method however is slow and is not practical for actual combat usage. This is the reason why players initially ignored this system entirely and use their superior aiming and movement from other FPS games to dominate 'All Fight'. However, three years have passed since then and there are many players realizing its potential and have invented many control schemes to fully utilize RAS, the most common of which popularized by a famous Korean player Garo. Garo mapped the menu controls to individual keys, allowing him to immediately use the part that he wants with his fast APM. He also realized that he could control other body parts after manipulating one body part in a swift manner, in his now famous video on YourTube, he showcased how he could dodge multiple bullets by predicting the bullet's path and twisting certain body parts. This completely revolutionized how the game is played

Full Force have within the past few years made tremendous strides in revolutionizing gaming , with 'All Fight' their latest game, they are pushing boundaries of what is possible for a competitive game. Full Force has claimed that 'All Fight' is the 'ultimate' version of all first person games. 'All Fight' is now an international game played in stadiums and have overtaken the viewership of traditional sports.

After Danny gave an incredibly long exposition about 'All Fight', Danny guided Joseph through the character customization page, saying : "You probably should just try out the game, I have some presets from online forums for a balanced character." Joseph went along with Danny's advice and started keying in values for his character. "There are stats shown on the bottom left, what does it affect?" Joseph asked. Danny replied with "You shouldn't bother with it too much! Haha only serious players will take concern with it". "Hmm okay...".