Take my words as a passing wind for I have only skimmed through your work.
Separate your paragraphs such that they contain 2 to 4 sentences depending on length, otherwise it would be too taxing to read.
Apologies for not reading the entire story.
Write well and don't hesitate to ask for help from other authors in the official discord server of inkstone.
You can be a better writer.
4 years ago
Hi! I’m still waiting for your reply. If your are interested in our international Suspense/Thriller Writing Contest I, Please email adaren06*@*gmail.com (delete *) for more details.
3 years ago
Hi! This is Ada, an editor of the international Suspense/Thriller Writing Contest I. I see great potential in your book, but your book is so underrated here. Thus, I invited you to join the contest a week ago. Please reply to me. Let’s discuss in detail.
3 years ago
Come and create your own suspense stories and thrillers !!!
Hey! Come and check out our Suspense/Thriller Writing Contest I, where your hard work and talent pay off. If you like suspense stories and thrillers or stories of these sorts, the contest is your world to run. You can refer to the given examples and tips to develop a new story. This might be your chance to begin your writing career, and we have a financial support program for every entry. Moreover, you stand the chance to win the big cash!
For more information, you may email adaren06*@*gmail.com (delete *).
3 years ago
It was okay, I was pretty sure that maybe you could change the books thumbnail and it might make it more interesting to read...[img=exp][img=exp]
Take my words as a passing wind for I have only skimmed through your work. Separate your paragraphs such that they contain 2 to 4 sentences depending on length, otherwise it would be too taxing to read. Apologies for not reading the entire story. Write well and don't hesitate to ask for help from other authors in the official discord server of inkstone. You can be a better writer.
Hi! I’m still waiting for your reply. If your are interested in our international Suspense/Thriller Writing Contest I, Please email adaren06*@*gmail.com (delete *) for more details.
Hi! This is Ada, an editor of the international Suspense/Thriller Writing Contest I. I see great potential in your book, but your book is so underrated here. Thus, I invited you to join the contest a week ago. Please reply to me. Let’s discuss in detail.
Come and create your own suspense stories and thrillers !!! Hey! Come and check out our Suspense/Thriller Writing Contest I, where your hard work and talent pay off. If you like suspense stories and thrillers or stories of these sorts, the contest is your world to run. You can refer to the given examples and tips to develop a new story. This might be your chance to begin your writing career, and we have a financial support program for every entry. Moreover, you stand the chance to win the big cash! For more information, you may email adaren06*@*gmail.com (delete *).
It was okay, I was pretty sure that maybe you could change the books thumbnail and it might make it more interesting to read...[img=exp][img=exp]