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Teachers who were nearby heard all of the commotion, initially they ignored it and passed it off as excitement from the students. They were indeed proven right after it settled down after a while, this did not stop however as they saw Luna running off as she slammed the door shut, a wave of students soon came out seemingly chasing after her. Maybe they are organizing an event? They thought as they continued on their business. After which they heard screams from within the clubroom. The teachers in the club rooms nearby and in the surrounding area could not stand it anymore and rushed to the clubroom to find out what is happening. They entered to find Joseph, Danny and Ellie standing around two students who are lying down on the ground in pain. To their astonishment, they seemed to not care about the two students and were even talking to one another. "HEY! What are you all doing?" One of the teachers ran over to assist the two students who were groaning in pain on the ground. The rest of the teachers immediately questioned the trio, "It's rather hard to explain." as Danny tried his best to explain to the teachers. "This is unacceptable! Follow me to the principal's office right now!" This teacher also instructed the others to find the club members who are all missing from the clubroom and bring them to the principal's office too. One of the teachers knew that Luna is the club's captain and realized that she was missing too. "Contact Mona as well, her twin sister Luna is also missing from her club."

Lily who arrived a while ago at the school was currently present at the principal's office. "So your telling me to register the 'All Fight' club to the regional tournament?" the principal questioned, doubting the club's ability to even perform decently at the tournament. This tournament even involved professional organizations from every level, there was no way they could even make it past the qualifiers. Lily smiled and responded back : "Trust me , my sister who just enrolled in this school today will definitely impress you." The principal grew curious at the mention of her sister and asked : "Does she have any experience professionally?"

"She does not but there is a student in this school that has."

The principal expressed disbelief as he stated : "What? I know every student's accomplishments in this school, we have an academy football player for xxx team , and ... " . Lily gave up convincing the principal and said : "Fine, I will bring them here, you will be shocked when you find out how outstanding they are."

Just then a knock sounded on the door, "Hello Principal? A huge incident occurred, there was a fight and I have brought the ones who started it."

"What? Bring them in! I have to reprimand them!"

The teacher opened the door, revealing Joseph, Ellie and Danny.

"Sis, what are you doing here?" Ellie asked while looking at the stupefied expression on Lily.


The whole room was enclosed in awkward silence after that exchange. The principal held a stunned expression for what seems like an eternity.

He finally started talking with some difficulty : "What is the meaning of this?" Before any of them could respond, the door was opened yet again, a crowd of students flooded into the room led by a teacher. The teacher then proceeded to say : "These are the 'All Fight' club members."

"Is Luna present? If I recall she is the club's captain" The principal asked.

"Mona is currently finding her. She will bring her here soon."

"Hmm okay, then will any of you tell me what exactly happened today?"

Joseph stepped up and he started by expressing deep sorrow, his gaze directed downwards. "We , we went in hoping to join the club in their pursuit of glory." He grimaced as he described : "They didn't accept us and told us to prove our worth!" The club members gave a face of disbelief, they were the ones who came in hoping to take over the club not join it! He faced up lightning quick, with skin bunching around the eyes, he passionately stared at the principal's eyes, "We started a match and we were getting along well but..." Joseph pressed his lips together as he slowly tilted his head downwards, his eyes grew tense as he continued : "We got too passionate and started to to- to - " His voice started shaking and his eyes grew visibly red as he seemed to be on the verge of tears. Joseph had some difficulty speaking afterwards, he crouched to the ground breathing with a lot of difficulty. Ellie stepped in and continued in his stead : "No no no its- its my fault! I shouldn't have gotten too passionate!" She took out a handkerchief from her pockets and held it closely to her face. Danny sheltered both Ellie and Joseph from showing this shameful self of theirs as he spread out his body directly in front of the two of them, attempting to block this view from everyone in the room. He was the only one who composed himself, his face filled with determination as he explained : "I had to protect my friends!"

Joseph, Danny and Ellie had to protect the club as they realized after venting their anger that the repercussions could be severe if anyone found out what the club is actually used for. They couldn't risk the club being abolished in the worst case scenario and be prevented from taking part in the tournament due to disciplinary reasons.

"I'm really impressed by the club's passion!" the principal reviewed. Lily looked at him, she was at a loss of words hearing the reaction of the principal. "Fine! You three have proven how much you really want to join the club." The principal unexpectedly gave permission for the trio to join the club much to the shock of everyone in the room, "But, you still have to punish them for physical violence!" the teacher complained.

"Punish them accordingly, plus, as for the tournament, you also have my permission to join it, relay it to the club's captain." The principal ordered, he added on from there : "I will question the victims tomorrow since its getting late, tell Mona she can go back together with Luna, we can question her tomorrow." before waving everyone out. Before fully exiting the room, the principal informed the trio : "If you all are planning to join the tournament, you also have to get permission from the student's body president. That is not up to me but up to you."

The teacher in charge of the whole situation then ordered them to go to the school's infirmary to be examined. "I will call the doctor over, please stay here." The teacher left them alone along with Lily in the infirmary.

"Nice one!" Danny celebrated as they got out of that troublesome situation. "Your acting skills are Oscar worthy indeed!" Lily praised Joseph as she remembered her past experiences with Joseph. The curtains covering the rest of the wards from them suddenly opened and they saw the two students who they fought with sitting up on their bed. They unexpectedly were apologetic and felt guilty. "I'm Brandon and he is Harry." They both introduced themselves. "We both really want to apologize for what we said earlier."

Joseph replied to them : "Not to me, but to Luna." He then informed the both of them of the story they have made up to cover up what they did. "Alright, if one day we could make it up to you all especially Luna, we will do so."

The public address system in the school suddenly sounded at this moment : "Ding!" , there was a pause before it went on : "This is the student's body president Mona, I'm requesting for my stubborn sister Luna to stop hiding and meet me at the school gates."

Luna and Mona are twin sisters, their appearances are completely identical to one another which often confused the students in the school. Luna at this moment was in tears, crying silently alone on the roof. She heard the announcement and felt a sense of urgency to meet Mona, she wiped her tears away and listened to her sister. She went down from the roof to the school gate in silence, she was really sad and ignored everyone who saw her on the way. "Let's go back shall we?" Mona greeted her sister as she came closer.