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Danny, Ellie and Joseph headed over to 3 unused PCs in the first row and started 'All Fight' before changing their settings. Luna likewise along with her two other teammates went to setup on their end as well. The club members all surrounded them with excitement, eagerly anticipating the match between them.

"I should have bought along my gaming mouse to school!" Danny lamented the sudden challenge with the mouse they provided. The gaming mouse they provided were old and even faulty to a certain extent. "Does this school not have budget for this club?" They thought inwardly as they changed its DPI and also the mouse sensitivity. The PCs are also considered old as well, running on GPUs that are two generations behind.

In 'All Fight' , the ranking system goes from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond , Master and Legend.

Once they log on with their accounts, the club members all laughed at Joseph's profile as they noticed he was unranked. They then went on to look at Danny's profile and was shocked by his rank, "He's a Master player!", "Wow!". Their surprise would be heightened even further as they noticed Ellie's profile. "OHH! WOW! She is a Legend!" "WHAT no Way! A legend??" "Oh my god!"

Luna was informed of their ranks based on her members' reactions and appeared unfazed . Her two other teammates however, wavered in confidence after hearing about Ellie's rank. Luna tried her best to motivate them : "Come on! You guys are cowards if you are already scared of her rank!" Her words appeared to not have an effect on their mentality and they remained apprehensive about their chances of winning.

They went to setup a custom match and chose to play on 'Payload' in a Best of 3. Both teams agreed to spawn at the halfway line so it comes down to a direct battle of skill. Before the match started, Ellie planned tactically for the team and Joseph noticed something about Ellie during this time. "Hey, have you ever used ranged weapons before?" Joseph asked Ellie out of the blue after the planning was done. After Joseph asked Ellie about it, Danny also came to a realization that he has never seen Ellie use a gun before.

"I actually can't aim..." Ellie revealed to the surprise of Joseph and Danny. "Then, then how did you get to Legend?" Danny asked. Joseph took a guess and said : "I guess she just needed to do everything else perfectly." Ellie nodded at that response, Danny reacted back : "That's so weird! What is wrong with you all...". First there is Joseph that would sometimes freeze up when aiming but apparently he is the Dark Knight, and now Ellie revealed to everyone that she can't aim at all.

"F*** man, why are all my friends here so unique." Danny thought to himself as the game was about to start. Ellie recalled something and pre-emptively took out a black device to the puzzled looks of Danny and Joseph. She left it on the table near Joseph, prompting him to ask : "What is this now?"

"It is a Hand Shock Device used for pranking people when shaking hands."

"Then why is it here?"

"To shock you of course when you inevitably freeze up."

Danny was on the verge of laughing when he heard this.

"This is actually genius I'm really impressed Ellie!"

Luna looked over from afar as they were on the opposite corner and witnessed their cheerful exchanges. She felt jealous of their relationship and secretly wished that she could find friends that she could enjoy playing with. Her club members were... No! She snapped herself out of her thoughts as the game started.

Danny led the way from the start, holding up his usual plasma shield as he activated it immediately upon spawning. Joseph and Ellie spawned directly behind him, taking out their Burster and Stinger respectively.

Luna's team spawned directly in front of them and all of them went for a Taker as their main weapon. Luna bought along a plasma shield and held it in front of his teammates, this meant that she could not buy any utilities for herself Taker (10 point) + Plasma Shield (10 point). Ellie made sure to inform her team of this upon noticing it.

Both teams agreed beforehand to use Medium Armor and not buy any buffs.

Luna's teammate remarked : "What a joke! Using melee weapons in a direct fight?" "Concentrate please!" Luna demanded of her teammates. They were kept in this deadlock till, "Fire!" Luna ordered her teammates to start the engagement first, they both immediately started firing at Danny's plasma shield. Danny in response moved forward as fast as he could towards his opponents, Joseph and Ellie stuck behind closely. Joseph began to fire while moving forward with the team, spraying at their opponent's shield. "Joseph, move out of the shield!", Ellie ordered. "What the hell?" Danny reacted for Joseph. Joseph trusted her whole-heartedly and proceeded to do so.

"Huh? What is he doing?" The spectators all asked the same question as Joseph ran out of the shield's cover. Luna's teammates are both astounded by his movement and immediately seized the opportunity, they both began to fire at the now exposed Joseph. Joseph took a deep breath, his mind completely blank, concentrating deeply to the game world around him. The bullets flew on the open field, it was headed towards his head and around his chest. It was a familiar sight to him, it was nothing new, the character model , the bullets, the way the Taker was angled pointing at him felt so similar. What is this? He brushed away his thoughts just as quickly as he activated RAS. Joseph copied the bindings from Flare yesterday after he left, it turns out, he didn't log out of his account and they had to do it for him, Joseph took the chance to copy his settings during this time. He understood how RAS worked based on his observations yesterday coupled with his immense experience with FPS games and gambled it all on his intuition.

"Head first." Joseph thought as he used RAS to tilt his head 45 degrees, the bullet whizzed past his head.

"Many on the chest, directed towards my right side , a consequence of the spray pattern no doubt."

Joseph tilted his upper body first clockwise around 20 degrees, a stray bullet flew by his chest, he focused on the next few that were behind by a few milliseconds.

All of which were slightly around the previous one, he rotated his entire body in the same rotation as before, the bullets flew by him as he lost sight of the bullets during this rotation.

He spun around full circle, completing a roulette motion.

"COME BACK NOW JOSEPH!" Ellie ordered with urgency as more bullets came flying from the two Takers.

"What did we just see? A roulette with RAS? Who is this guy?" All sorts of reactions came flying out from the bewildered spectators. Danny who bore witness to it all was astonished by Joseph's usage of RAS and wanted to cheer for him but he had to concentrate on the task at hand right now.

"Oh my goodness! Did you see that?" Their opponents reacted locally to each other in game as they continued spraying at Joseph who was sprinting at full speed towards the cover of Danny's shield.

Luna is the only one who kept her cool this entire time and scolded her teammates : "Admire him later! We need to focus!" Her teammates were displeased with her as they regained their focus, thinking "This girl is too serious man."

Joseph made use of this time to get back to Danny's shield without suffering a single point of damage, Ellie praised Joseph once he got back : "You are really full of surprise Joseph. Thanks for distracting them its already game over." "Game Over?" They both asked.

"Look above!" Ellie told them. Danny and Joseph looked up to the heavens and saw a grenade in the air, above Luna and her teammates. "Cook Grenade?" Danny exclaimed as he understood what was happening. Luna and her teammates were completely unaware of a grenade hovering right above them as it exploded. "WHAT?" Luna's team was suddenly dealt a ton of damage, lowering them to extremely low health. Ellie cooked the grenade and threw it when everyone was distracted with Joseph's absurd movement.

"GO GO GO Everyone!" Ellie ordered as Danny lowered his shield and took out his Hoper, Joseph also charged full speed at them as they were still shocked by the sudden damage dealt to them. "Fire at them!" Luna ordered as she moved back with her shield still activated. Her teammates were unresponsive and have already fully given up much to the despair of Luna. "YOU GUYS? HELLO?" Luna raised her voice with the utmost urgency. She looked at them outside of the game, the both of them looked dispirited and had their hands off the keyboard, she could not believe the attitude shown by her members. She realized at this time that she was already used to it all...

Ellie's team cleaned up smoothly afterwards, they attacked the inanimate characters till they were dead. They looked over to their opponents after the game ended, puzzled as to why they were not fighting back at all. They saw Luna storming over, pushing away her club members who were in the way till they met each other face to face. Luna said with a blank expression on her face: "Take this club then. I have nothing to do with it anymore." She then stormed out of the clubroom in anger, slamming the door shut afterwards.

Joseph rarely ever spoke out in school, he did not express much in school and was silent most of the time. This would all change right now, "Joseph?" Ellie and Danny questioned as he stood in front of the entire club, with pure resentment, hate and fury.

"You guys are f***ing disgraceful! All of you can't see the passion Luna has for the game! Mo*******rs! Get out right now and apologize to her!". Joseph lashed out with an aggressive body language. Most of the club members trembled in fear and felt guilty, they immediately went out and chased after Luna. Her two teammates did not.

"You think we are in this club to actually compete? We were forced to choose a club and we ended up choosing this club to waste time!" One of them shouted back at Joseph. Danny clenched his fists and shouted back in response : "F*****! How can you say that!"

Joseph went straight up to the one that shouted at him, "What do you want?" that guy asked.

Joseph retaliated back and punched his stomach in anger, "AHH! WHAT THE HELL!" he screamed in pain. His friend who was beside him could not stand watching his friend get hit like this and swung back at Joseph only to be blocked by Danny. "HEY! TAKE THIS!" Danny screamed as he kicked his head, giving a devastating blow. He got knocked back from the blow, and landed on the floor with a thud. Ellie who watched from afar could only smile at her two friends right now.