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School life is boring

The monday blues heavily affected the entire class's mood as the day was about to begin, it was much more apparent for the night owls in the class, their slouched body posture and sleepy self did not contribute at all to a positive class environment. Joseph in contrast, led a healthy lifestyle, he slept early yesterday and was the only one who looked enthusiastic about the day ahead. Danny also appeared energetic much to the surprise of his friends who always saw him with a bored expression on Mondays. Danny was excited and eagerly anticipated the arrival of their new classmate, Ellie. The mood could not get any better as the teacher opened the door and walked in, everyone's glance was caught not by the same teacher whom they saw most days but the elegant arrival of a girl beside him. The class stared at her as she came into the class. The teacher introduced Ellie to everyone : "This is your new classmate , Ellie, please treat her well." Ellie stood in front of the teacher and waved at her new classmates : "Hi everyone! I'm Ellie! I will be your new classmate starting today." The teacher then proceeded to point to an empty seat in the back row, directing her to her new seat.

"Can I sit beside him instead?" Ellie requested to her teacher as she pointed at Joseph. The entire class began to light up with gossip as they were speculating about her decision to sit beside Joseph, "But unfortunately Jeremy is already sitting beside Jos-." Before the teacher could finish his sentence, Jeremy who felt in the way, immediately stood up and packed his belongings, shifting his place to the seat directed by the teacher earlier. "Seems like the problem is solved." Ellie smiled as she told the teacher, she walked over while whistles were being made by the more mischievous classmates. Danny followed the crowd and started whistling as well, he even formed a heart shape with his hands, prompting more reactions from his classmates. Joseph was no stranger to the attention he was receiving as he once was the Dark Knight and appeared unaffected by the commotion. As she settled down beside Joseph, she secretly enjoyed the attention and suddenly thought of an idea to tease her classmates even more.

While everyone's gazes were on her, she leaned on Joseph's shoulders while facing a bewildered expression from him, he was wondering what Ellie was thinking as she did all these. The class began to gossip even more loudly as they witnessed this, with some students blushing from this romantic scene unfolding in front of them. "ENOUGH! Alright! It's time to start the lesson." The teacher who had enough of what he was watching, immediately brought the class's attention on him and began to start teaching for the day.

In a flash, the last lesson ended and the students were free to leave. Ellie was the center of the attention after class, she was surrounded by many at her desk who wanted to know her more. Joseph packed his belongings and stood up, intending to leave school with Danny. Ellie held his arms suddenly, she appeared shy as she said in an embarrassed tone : "I need you right now Joseph." Her new friends began to squeal and gave creative excuses to leave. "My friend is waiting..." , "I have a meeting with..." , "My cat is...". After her friends left them alone, Ellie dragged Joseph out of the class and stumbled upon an awaiting Danny who popped out from a corner. Danny started by teasing them further : "Are you two really together?" "NO!" They both denied it at the same time, amusing Danny even more.

Ellie composed herself together and said seriously : "Now that we are all here, lets hijack the 'All Fight' gaming club. Lead the way guys to their clubroom." Joseph and Danny who were only informed of her arrival, did not expect this at all. Ellie explained further : "To take part in the regional qualifiers we need to be part of an organization, luckily this school of yours fulfill this condition." Danny who knew about the club but chose not to join due to the commitment required led the way forward as Ellie and Joseph followed closely behind. They went past several club rooms before arriving at the end of a corridor, there a door was opened and the trio did not hesitate and went in. The club room was spacious, it had rows of PCs lining up across the entire room. Upon entering the room, a round glass table with movable office chairs is situated in front of the first row of PCs. The club members were all already seated down on their individual PCs and they were rowdy. Some of them were lazing around and talking very loudly and some even had legs resting on top of their keyboards.

Their visit did not garner the attention of any of them at all as they minded their own business. Danny glanced around wanting to find the club's captain, he caught a glimpse of a girl with a concentrated expression playing in the front row, she stood out as she was the only one playing seriously and also the only female in the club.

The trio went over to her while ignoring the other members who are ill-disciplined. They didn't want to disturb her as she was still playing and simply stood behind her, watching her gameplay. "She is playing as a support and has decent aim as well." Ellie analyzed her gameplay as she watched on. Finally, the game ended and she introduced herself to them. "Hi I'm the club's captain Luna, what do you three want?"

Ellie went straight to the point and asked Luna : "It's simple really, I just want your club." Joseph and Danny are both taken aback by her straightforwardness, not believing how rude she is to declare something like this. A few members who overheard them fell from their chair as they were leaning back in a relaxed position. Luna responded passionately : "What is this? Have you even contacted the school's student body president?" Ellie ignored whatever she has said and went on to say : "It doesn't matter, we are taking over this club from today onwards, may I ask how we can do so?" Luna was appalled by her atrocious behavior and raised her voice : "Get out! You think you can just stroll in and take over the club?" By now every single club member was aware of the present situation and a few stepped up, "Who do you think you guys are huh?", "Get them out of here!" were all mouthed out from the club members. A tall and buff guy stared down Joseph and Danny, making both of them fear for their lives. They were both innocently dragged into this situation by Ellie and looked at Ellie disapprovingly.

"How about this, lets do a 3v3 and if we win, we take over the club okay?" Ellie suggested. Luna who was already fuming from her actions agreed to it and chose two of the club's best players to fight with her.