WebNovelGod Aim100.00%

The will, decisions and potential

Joseph woke up in a cold sweat, he shivered briefly only to be tempted by the usage of drugs. He went over to his drawer and stretched out to reach for a bottle that was hidden in an obscure corner of the drawer. He hesitated briefly before reaching out and swallowed a pill.

Danny woke up feeling refreshed, he went to do his usual routine of brushing his teeth and showering. He made sure to have an extra slice of bread for no reason at all, he was sure that it was due to his nervousness showing and also an aftereffect from the reality check yesterday.

"Ellie? Why are you not going to school today?" Lily was extremely puzzled as to why she was still lying in bed. Ellie did not respond and told Lily : "I will be there later after school to attend the game but I won't go to school right now."

Lily got really concerned and was bewildered as to why she was acting this way. She called Joseph who only responded back : "She will be fine, I think all that cleaning yesterday is getting to her."

Joseph and Danny greeted each other before lesson started and Joseph could only tilt his head to see the now empty seat beside him. "Ellie isn't present today it seems." Their teacher announced to the class.

Joseph did not want to entertain the class on how Ellie is doing due to their seemingly strong relationship when she first came into class and ignored all of the questions that were tossed at him.

Danny similarly could not be bothered to answer his friends' questions as well and went about his business. The day finally came to an end and it was time for the game to start. Luna and Mona were already there when they both walked to the clubroom together.

They arrived just in time to witness Luna opening the club's door with her key and they went on to prepare themselves for the game ahead. The layout of the seats were as follow from the far left : Mona, Joseph , Ellie , Danny and Luna. Mona who was seated beside Joseph greeted him enthusiastically today as well : "Hey Joseph!"

Joseph greeted back in a monotone voice : "Hi Mona." He then proceeded to place his bag underneath the desk of his PC and put on his headphones. Mona felt something was off today as he was acting unusually cold.

Even the positive vibes that Danny was showing was lacking in glimmer and he was acting gloomy. Luna asked Danny : "Hey where is Ellie?" Danny replied back in a low voice : "She should be coming soon..."

Just on cue, Ellie walked in dressed horribly, she wasn't wearing her school uniform and was wearing a casual T-shirt with a visitor pass hung around her neck.

Her bangs were messy and her eyes appeared weary. The twin sisters were visibly confused and asked the trio : "What's happening guys?" Ellie gave a quick answer : "Well, let's prepare ourselves against Top Legion, we will see what happens next."

She booted up her PC and went on to warm-up by herself. Joseph instructed Mona to warm-up with her usual routine and Luna like-wise did the same. They were both puzzled by what's happening but they didn't question it any further, it seems like the game ahead of them is very serious.

10 minutes before the game started, 'TankMunch' prepared his team for the game ahead. Their line-up is as promised to Lily, their main players for the tournament including 'Zero'. He invited Ellie's team to his custom game and went to setup the game on the map 'Part World'.

'Part World' is a map densely packed with colorful blocks that made up the structures of a building. These buildings could extend horizontally or vertically which acted as floors or platform extensions. This map is an unorthodox pick and tested the mechanical skills of the players heavily.This map gave a playful and vibrant vibe that would soon be painted red which some found unsettling.

'TankMunch' glanced over to their opposition team in the lobby and noticed their in-game names(IGN). YourFather, FakeDarkKnight123, Luna, Mona and Ellish. IGNs could be changed for a relatively small sum and thus players could opt to change their names whenever they feel like it. Ellie was of course 'Ellish' which she found cute. Mona just like her sister found that her name was cool on its own and did not change it which irked Danny especially. He wasn't used to gamers using their own real name.

In the past few days of training, Joseph has changed his IGN to the 'FakeDarkKnight123' as a result of his poor sense of humour. His team took a quick glance at his name and chose to ignore it entirely, their communication thus far involved them using their real names so it did not matter tactically.

Zero's mood changed severely upon seeing Joseph's IGN and he was livid. Since they were currently sitting beside one another in their gaming room specially designed to accomodate the main team, he raised his voice ever so slightly as he pointed at the screen: "This guy is mocking my Dark Knight."

The rest of the team expected such reaction from this fanatic fanboy of the Dark Knight. TankMunch recalled that he had been in his room before and he was completely blown away by the amount of Dark Knight merchandises that he had. Posters and news article about the Dark Knight were scattered in every corner of the room. There was even a suspicious pill-.

'HEY! FakeDarkKnight123! Answer me YOU F***!' Zero demanded. TankMunch snapped out of his trance and ignored him while continuing to setup the game. He finally opened his voice chat that could be heard in the entire lobby and shamelessly lashed out at them as he exclaimed : "Yo this is some disrespect! You hear me you f*****! HOW DARE YOU USE HIS NAME!"

Almost two seconds later, Zero saw a voice chat open from the player 'YourFather' : "Talk more bro! You are actually a disgrace in front of the Dark Knight!" Zero continued to unleash his fury : "W**! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

His target, FakeDarkKnight123 opened his voice chat and responded with a simple : "No."

"Oh you better watch out my frie-" Zero warned as the game started.

'Is every DPS this crazy?' Danny wondered.