Luna got frustrated earlier that day, she felt that no one could really understand her and went to the internet cafe where she wanted to spend the whole day at. She normally would never do such things and head to the club to play 'All Fight' instead. This is what got her nominated as the club's captain, everyone saw how she was always present in the club and assumed it as a huge commitment to the club. She muted her phone so that she could game in peace and booted up 'All Fight'. Her wish to be immersed in 'All Fight' did not last long however. "Hey! Luna you are here?" Danny reached out to her, she turned around displeasingly, "Leave me alone please." Luna replied back demandingly. They caught sight of her as they went to their PCs, coincidentally, they were seated right beside Luna. Luna realized this and wanted to shift her seat to another PC, before she could do that, Ellie asked : "Let me ask you Luna, should a Support player be selfless?".
"Of course! I'm a support player after all." Luna answered back with an obvious answer, she thought that question was naive.
Ellie folded her arms together and looked at her unconvincingly. "A Support player must be selfish if need be, if you play Support thinking you need not assume any responsibility and hide behind your DPS, then your a liability to your team."
"I - I reached Masters by being selfless after all, so you can't say that I'm wrong."
Ellie rebutted : "How many games did it take to get there? You can't always be lucky and get great teammates."
There was a moment of silence. Luna did not know how to reply.
Danny broke the silence by asking : "Wait so that means you do not go out of your way to change roles and always stick to Support? "
There was yet another moment of silence, since roles are not really chosen and is dependent on what a player buy in the shop, often times if need be players can switch up their roles. This is very commonly done in ranked especially if a player is lacking in skill in a particular role. The most common of which is a Support or a Sentinel switching over to a DPS role.
Ellie grinned and said : "Now we really need you Luna!", she got really close to Luna to use her PC's mouse and Luna leaned back to maintain what is left of her personal space. She scrolled through her profile and scanned through all her games played. "101,555 games played??" Ellie and Danny exclaimed. Her games played was on par or otherwise far exceeded the number of games professional players played. Ellie looked at Luna as if she was treasure, her eyes sparkling, she now really desired Luna as their Support player.
Luna was confused as to why Ellie was acting excited and clarified with her : "Listen, I have already left the club and if you want me as your Support for the tournament I assume, there are surely better options right?"
Ellie took out the form Luna handed her at the club room earlier and tore it apart. "What?" Luna reacted in shock, Ellie then looked at her earnestly and said : "Your the captain of the 'All Fight' club, I can't take it away from you. Do you know that your a unique player? A specialist in the Support role. To me, your irreplaceable in both the club and the Support Role."
Luna was hit with praises that she had never heard of, what Ellie said touched her, she for the first time, felt appreciated.
Ellie then went on : "Join us Luna, we want you, we need you, your greatest flaw is our greatest strength. Trust me, your selfless nature will make you the greatest Support player that the world has ever seen."
Luna felt so valued that before she could start speaking, she choked up as she replied : "Really?"
Danny jumped in at this moment and said : "Yes! Of course! Who wouldn't want you?"
Luna took a moment to take in it all in as she turned away from the both of them to wipe away her tears that were on the verge of falling out. She finally composed herself as she turned around and said : "Still though, it takes a lot to even get past the qualifiers, who do we have? The Dark Knight?"
Ellie and Danny looked at each other.
"Errr, we can talk more about this later. Anyways wanna play some ranked games?" Ellie changed the topic and wanted to play ranked together with the two of them.
Just like this, they played a few ranked games together and for the first time in a long while, she felt happy playing the game. They connected really well as they played the game seriously. Ellie and Danny offered to walk with Luna back home as they were caught up in a fervent discussion about the games they had earlier. This jovial mood would be shattered entirely upon reaching home.
Sirens wailed outside Luna's house as the paramedics rushed in, Luna who just came back was frightened, she ran into her house as she avoided police officers who were trying to stop her from entering. Luna shouted anxiously : "MONA? MONA?". She barged in and saw Joseph holding Mona in his arms who seemed to have fainted. "Huh? Mona? What happened?" Luna rushed up to her and teared up and felt even worse upon seeing their father in such bloody state. Luna locked eyes with Joseph angrily, demanding answers from him. The paramedics forced Luna and Joseph away from Mona as they took her and her father into the ambulance. Police officers who were present apprehended Joseph and forced him to come with them to the police station to give an account of the whole incident. He complied and went along with them. Luna went with the paramedics to the hospital accompanied by both Danny and Ellie, throughout the whole time, she was in complete devastation. Danny and Ellie tried their best to comfort her however it was futile as she kept feeling horrified.
A while later, Joseph landed up at the interrogation room, he didn't feel nervous at all as he patiently waited for an officer to interrogate him. Finally, a man with a stern looking face entered, he appeared tough and muscular. "Le-" Joseph opened his mouth to utter something before shutting it completely, the officer looked at him and was puzzled : "Did you say something?" Joseph responded back quickly almost as if to hide something : "Oh no."
"Whatever, I want to introduce myself I'm Levy and I need answers on what happened." Levy folded his arms and demanded answers from Joseph.
Joseph started explaining today's event all the way leading up to when he went to Mona's house in search of Luna.
"My friend Mona is abused by her father and I couldn't just watch on. He threw a kitchen knife at her and I had to take action."
Levy appeared skeptical about this part, so he questioned : "So you had to stab him on his forearm? Afterwards right at the guts?"
Joseph continued speaking : "He would have done so to me and to his daughters. I needed to protect myself."
Levy sighed and nodded his head, "We will have to question them later, for you, I can pass it off as self-defense. Call your parents to fetch you back."
After the interrogation, Joseph did as told and called his parents to fetch him back. It was already late at night when his father came, he drove up to the police station and signaled for Joseph to come in after seeing him sitting outside of the station.
On the way back , his father told him : "I'm not going to ask much, for you to be motivated to take action must mean that you have a good reason to do."
Joseph who was sitting in the backseat told his father : "I also want to add that I'm going back to what I did in the past."
His father looked at him through the front mirror looking a little astonished.
"You told me you are never going to be involved in the pro scene again, you even threw away your PC when we took you-"
Joseph interrupted as he went on : "I have never played on stage with a smile, I hope to do so now..."
Joseph thought of his experience in the past few days with Danny and Ellie. He cherished it a lot deep down. He would never admit it in front of the both of them but he felt extremely grateful to have met the both of them.
"I also have a chance to get my revenge."
Joseph's father eyes widened as he heard it, he smiled broadly and responded : "The Dark Knight is back."
"No, Joseph is coming back."
Luna sat beside Mona, Mona is unconscious and despite reassurance from the doctors that she will be alright, she could not keep calm. During this time, police officers told Luna of what transpired at her house, she got massively grateful to Joseph as she realized that he saved Mona from the physical harm that she wanted to save Mona from. Danny and Ellie had already went back home as it was already night time.
Out of the blue, Mona showed signs of life as her eyes slowly opened, Luna distressed feelings dissipated as Mona woke up. "Where am I? " Mona muttered in a low voice with all of her strength. A rush of relief overwhelmed Luna and she held Monas' hands as she explained everything that has happened. "How about Joseph?" Mona asked out of concern. Luna answered : "He is fine, he got out of it unscathed and should be at home now."
Luna started tearing up suddenly and cried : "Whyy did you persist fo-for so long? I wanted you to stop caring-g for him, I wanted to help you but I couldn't find the strength to do so, I was scared, so scared of everything!"
Luna took her hands away from Mona's hands and used it to cover her tears.
Mona smiled and stretched out her hands to caress Luna's side hair, "You know what I realized?"
Luna asked while wiping her tears : "W-what? "
"Your the only family I have left."