Find out about demons.

After Fullus, Plifer and Lylia finished tidy up the conference room. They immediately rushed to the next building and climbed the second floor stairs. They headed to Commander-in-Chief Slieve's room, Fullus knocking on the door of the room. When Slieve's commander -in -chief's voice gave permission for them to enter, Fullus opened the door.

Fullus and his two subordinates, Plifer and Lylia enter Slieve's commander -in -chief's room. Slieve's right -hand man, Kruel, closes the door after Fullus, Plifer and Lylia are in the commander's room. Fullus, Plifer and Lylia bow respectfully to Empress Grilly, Slieve's chief commander and also Fludd's chief who is in front of them.

"I'm sorry if we didn't come on time." Fullus spoke while still bowing respectfully to the empress.

"It's okay my son. I understands your work." The Empress got up from the sofa, she stood in front of her son Fullus. Her hand carried her son in her arms. Fullus just let go without feeling like returning the queen's hug.

"You are working too hard my son, because you want to get our world peace again. I almost lost you, rest for a while. Prince Drieshan is still memorizing the book, let Plifer and Lylia watch over Prince Drieshan. You go back and rest until Prince Drieshan is ready to our world. "Empress Grilly was still in a position to embrace Fullus. Fullus didn't have time to protest, Plifer spoke first.

"Forgive me if I interrupt, empress. I have done my best to persuade prince Fullus to return to the palace to rest, but I am only his subordinate. It is good that the empress persuaded prince Fullus to rest. As for prince Keishii, let me and Lylia watch him. Prince Fullus just rest until we hear about Prince Keishii again. "Plifer bowed respectfully as did Lylia. Fullus last little complaint, he could not refuse Plifer's request this time. However he needs to know every single thing Kei does.

"Okay. This time I accept your request Plifer, but every day I want to know about Kei. If there's a problem, let me know." Fullus spoke firmly. Plifer smiled and nodded understandingly.

"It's good you agree my son. Rest until you really have energy again. After this, you need a lot of energy to guide prince Drieshan about his power." The Empress gently rubbed her son's shoulders. Fullus smiled a little.

"All right, my empress." Fullus nodded.

"All right. When everyone's ready, let's get started." Slieve's commander -in -chief spoke up after the empress gave permission.

"Start what?" Fullus asked in surprise as did Plifer and Lylia.

"This morning around ten -thirty. Our soldiers received a report from undercover soldiers in the human world. There was a commotion going on in the forest of the giant demon castle. They said, deadly wolves had raged in the forest of Krimok, south . " Fullus heard only the words spoken by Slieve's commander, he remembered where he and Plifer sent Kei back to the human world. The same forest.

"Southern Krimok? Isn't that where we sent Keishii?" Plifer spoke after hearing the place said by the commander -in -chief.

"Kei has done things beyond our expectations." Fullus clenched his teeth.

"Maybe that's why the deadly wolf is raging?" Chief Fludd spoke up. The commander -in -chief and the empress could only silence themselves.

"Fullus. I doesn't want you to think about this, let Plifer, Lydia and the commander -in -chief solve this problem. You have to give an explanation." Empress Grilly reminded her son. Fullus sighed before nodding.

"All right. Let's get started." They gathered at the table and looked at the map that was already on the table.

After hours they talked about keeping an eye on the hideout from being discovered by deadly wolves and death wolves. Eventually they stopped there because Fullus could not cooperate. The empress took Fullus back to the palace to rest. Plifer looked at Lylia who also looked at him.

"We asked ourselves first." Plifer and Lylia bow respectfully to Fludd's chief and Slieve's chief.

"Plifer, Lylia. We'll keep an eye on you." Chief Fludd spoke up when he saw Plifer and Lylia about to open the door of Slieve's chief's room. Plifer and Lylia hid their fears.

"We know our job, chief Fludd." Lylia ventured to speak up. They both exited the commander's room and continued to disappear behind the door.

Plifer and Lylia walked towards the black smoke in front of them. They appeared in front of the room door there was a 'no entry' sign in front of the door. They went in and saw Kei who was in his house and reading the book again. Lylia looked at Plifer who looked at her, they returned to see Keishii who was busy reading the book.

"Let's started with our prince." Plifer smiled seeing Kei in front of him.

"How, Chief know what we are doing?" Lylia spoke up as she stepped to the chair in front of her.

"Relax Lylia, Prince Fullus will help us." Plifer smiled and gently rubbed Lylia's head.

"Stop playing with my head!" Lylia began to get serious. Plifer was surprised to see Lylia's fierce face.

"Okay .. Okay .. Sorry." Plifer apologizes.

"But .. You're so cute. Like a kid." Plifer started to want to kiss Lylia's cheek. Lylia quickly slaps Plifer before seeing Kei in front of her.

"Lylia. We don't have a lot of time for fighting" Plifer rubbed his cheek which felt sore from the slap of the little girl next to him.

"You start first." Lylia sounded serious. Plifer nodded with a sad face. Lylia was still focused on seeing Kei who was busy reading the book, she saw the paper on the table.

"We need to know how to control demon power don't we?" Lylia looked at the paper in front of her.

"Yes. But how? We are not as powerful as the real devil." Plifer spoke weakly. Lylia looked at Plifer who was starting to think lazily.

"You have a note about our powers right?" Lylia spoke after she had been silent for a while.

Plifer nodded, he got up and headed to the bookshelf that was in the room. After Plifer finds the file that has the power list, tell Lylia and hand it to Lylia. Lylia read for a moment before looking at Kei who was asleep at his desk.

"Look at that book. What chapter did he read?" Lylia tells Plifer to look at the book Kei is reading. Plifer squinted before following Lylia's instructions.

"Emm .. About half magician." Plifer spoke up after he saw the title at the end of the page. Lylia who listened just nodded understanding.

"Record every thing he did. Prince Keishii's time, chapter and actions." Lylia spoke again. Plifer nodded and just followed.

"For now, we're concentrating on this. I need time to find information about the real devil." Lylia spoke without looking at Plifer.

"All right little princess Lylia." Plifer stared at Lylia who didn't care.

'Keishii .. It's only been a day since you left the human world, all sorts of things you've done so Fullus has to focus on you.' Plifer whispered to himself with his eyes on Kei asleep at his study desk.

"Protect your worlds Keishii. You are the only one we hope for." Plifer smiled at Kei's tiredness. Lylia looked at Plifer who looked at Kei.

"What has happened to the cold Plifer?" Lylia looked at Plifer's side face.