Look at Kei's condition.

Plifer was shocked to hear the sound of a chair, he staged his head to see Lylia who was just about to sit down. He looked at Kei who was reading a book in the living room.

'How long have I been asleep?' Plifer whispered to himself. He glued the veins of his arms and waist.

"You slept all night. Let me stay awake, you go clean yourself." Lylia spoke without looking at Plifer.

Plifer only saw Kei a few seconds before he woke up, black smoke began to obscure him and Plifer disappeared in the blink of an eye. Lylia just focused on her search. Occasionally she looked at Kei who was sitting with his family at the dining table. In a moment, Kei's actions quickly changed. Without her thinking long, she wrote in a report paper about Kei.

Plifer has already written four sheets of paper. Lylia smiled a little before resuming her work. Overnight she searched for information about the power of the devil and also the power of the empress-king of all demons but not much information she found.

"I need to see lord Fullus." Lylia spoke up after she almost gave up.

Lylia is now moving to the bookshelf. She uses her power to float herself, she finds a book on the top shelf. For almost three minutes she went down and rested for a while, recharging her energy before she used her power. She looked at the water balloon, her eyes saw Kei and another woman chatting outside the house.

"Hmm .. Prince Drieshan found a lover?" Lylia whispered to herself.

Lylia returned to floating her body and once again searched for the book on the top shelf. After fifteen minutes she repeated and repeatedly searched for the book, the room door open. Lylia just looked from above without making a sound, Plifer's head appeared behind the door.

"Eh .. Where is this girl, Lylia? She says that she want to take care of this place. Now she's the one who's missing? This little girl is really lazy." Plifer began to murmur, his feet walking closer to the bookshelf.

Lylia who looked at Plifer just narrowed her eyes, finally arriving at the evil fabrication in her mind. She smiled cynically at Plifer who was standing on the shelf in front of her. She was right on top of Plifer's head waiting for her power to run out.

"Hish .. The little girl only knew how to shake her legs. I've had a lot of work to settle, since Fullus rested at the palace .. I have a lot of Fullus work to settle." Plifer sighed.

"This Lylia, where did she go? She not told to-" Plifer fell to the floor when Lylia fell on his body.

'It's no use having Lylia! she can fly over my head. Plifer scolded inwardly.

"Hurt? I'm sorry Mr. Plifer, I didn't see Mr. Plifer there." Lylia hurried to get up before a small laugh saw Plifer roll a shovel to the floor.

"Eh! Why do you want to landed on me ?!" Plifer rubbed his body. Lylia smiled with a scary face, afraid Plifer saw Lylia's scary face.

'I am dead !!' Plifer smiled afraid to see Lylia.

"That's retaliation when you accuse me of being a lazy for work." Lylia walked over to the chair in front of her. Plifer held his head which felt swollen as a result of being smashed with books by Lylia.

"By the way, I want to meet with lord Fullus. I want to discuss with lord Fullus about the power of the devil." Lylia spoke calmly. Plifer just nodded understandingly.

"Okay. About Prince Keishii, I can handle it." Plifer sat in the chair next to Lylia. His eyes saw Kei who was still busy reading a book with Shima and Freddy next to him.

"I go to the palace. If anything will happen, call me." Lylia spoke before she disappeared with a black shadow on the wall. Plifer smiled until Lylia completely disappeared from sight.

"Huh .. This little girl never stop bothers me." Plifer sighed and a few minutes later Lylia re -entered the room through the door. Plifer was surprised to see the room door open from the outside.

'Eh? Why did this girl come back? Did she hear me say that ?! ' Plifer's face turned pale. His eyes saw Lylia sitting next to him.

"W-why did you come back?" Plifer asked.

"I'm not allowed into the palace." Lylia answered in the same way. Plifer frowned.

"Eh? Why? Didn't Fullus give us permission to meet him when something happened here?" Plifer asked in surprise.

"The story goes like this ...." Lylia recalled the situation a few minutes ago.

Lylia arrives in front of the palace gate and she approaches the two palace gatekeepers. She gave permission to enter, but only after she was about to arrive at the palace gates. Chief Fludd and Commander in chief Slieve emerged from the black shadows on the palace walls and approached her.

"Want to see Prince Fullus?" Chief Fludd spoke loudly. Lylia was a little surprised to hear Fludd's chief's voice.

"Yes chief Fludd and commander in chief Slieve. I want to talk to lord Fullus. I ask myself to see lord Fullus." Lylia bowed respectfully to Fludd's chief and Slieve's chief of staff.

"You are not allowed to see Prince Fullus." Commander -in -chief Slieve spoke up.

"Forgive me if I am a little rude. Lord Fullus allows us to meet him when beyond our expectations." Lylia still bowed respectfully.

"You are still not allowed to see Prince Fullus." Chief Fludd spoke firmly. Lylia was just silent for a moment before she apologized.

"Excuse me chief Fludd and commander -in -chief Slieve. I begged myself first." Lylia once again bowed respectfully before she disappeared into the black smoke.

"That's the story." Lylia spoke up. Plifer frowned.

"There's something wrong with this. Why aren't we allowed to see Fullus?" Plifer held his chin.

"You're trying to use your power. Look at prince Fullus." Lylia gives a suggestion, without arguing Plifer agrees with Lylia's suggestion.

Plifer closed his eyes and mentioned Fullus' name in his heart. Fullus appeared who was sitting at a table in the room. Fullus is like a bit of a fiber when in a room.

"Fullus. Do you have a problem?" Plifer asked. Lylia just listened.

"Plifer!" Fullus screamed a little.

"What's wrong with you? I see you're getting fibrous? What do you think?" Plifer is still asking.

"I thought about you people. Why is there still no news about Kei until now !?" Fullus shouted angrily.

"It's not that we don't want to tell, but we don't fee to see you." Plifer replied, Lylia nodded at Plifer's words.

"Eh? Why not allowed to enter? Who isn't allowed in? I already told the guards to let you two in and see me." Fullus asked in surprise.

"Lylia told me she wasn't allowed in by Fludd's chief and Slieve's chief." Plifer is still speaking.

'Why would? There must be something wrong with Fludd's chief and commander -in -chief. ' Fullus whispered in his heart.

"I'll talk to chief Fludd to let you guys m-"

"Don't Fullus. I think they might be investigating about us. I don't think they'll let us go just like that. This might be empress Grilly's order." Plifer makes assumptions. Fullus did not deny Plifer's words, there was indeed Plifer telling him.

'The Empress may have other plans.' Plifer whispered to himself.

"I think. It's better for us to communicate like this than to avoid the empress for things that are beyond our ability." Fullus just nodded understandingly.

"Okay, but don't overuse your power." Fullus advised. Plifer smiled.

"Well I'll communicate with you again. Wait for me in fifteen minutes." Fullus nodded understandingly and finally Plifer's voice was no longer heard.

"What's the empress plan?" Fullus whispered to himself.

"For me it's fifteen minutes, before I use my powers again." Lylia nodded understandingly. She began to look at Plifer who again cleared his mind.

'Plifer and lord Fullus have worked hard.' Lylia whispered to herself with a sweet smile etched on her lips. Plifer who saw Lylia smile, looked at Lylia confused.