The Devil’s Hand Seal

But zeng yaxun exclaimed, said the school how so, drowned people's swimming pool is also open? Isn't this harmful?

The boy wry smile way: "later the school blocked the news, who also don't know, and the school has always put an end to the thing of feudal superstition, so..."

"I had thought nothing, it seems that in the future or don't swim here, Jia Hao, let's go back, blame people here."

The girl hugged the boy's hand and looked around in fear. The boy comforted her and they left.

Before leaving, the boy also turned around and said 1: "Right, they are the evening when swimming was drowned..."

But Zeng Yaxun and Liu Ying held my hand, but I was very afraid. I frowned and muttered: "Boy and girl, died at the same time in the middle of the night, in this shady place, angry, ah, disciple, tonight you can escape, it is lucky, we leave here first, if the swimming pool is not blocked, sooner or later, will have an accident ah."

"What shall we do, Master? We can't just let something happen here, can we?"

Liu Ying followed me out of the swimming pool, after changing her clothes, she seemed very worried, here is her Alma mater, after all, if something really happened, she must feel bad.

I shook my head. "Can't, assuming that the world really a ghost, the demons in the swimming pool will be very bad, want to solve, must do both, on the one hand, want to have, accepted the two demons, on the other hand, to renovate the feng shui, no matter what, I am not the school's steward, can't do the Lord, even if you talk to leadership, they will also, It takes something really big to get their attention."

Listen to me say so, two girls also seems very helpless, the atmosphere tonight because the pool thing, all of a sudden become serious, I saw them too worried, service road: "in fact I still have a way, that is here to decorate a feng shui large array, if not fundamentally solve the problem, you can also suppress the ferocious look of demons and in a short period of time will not have an accident."

"Teacher, you still can decorate feng shui big array? Good fierce, then you hurry up to decorate, so that no one will have an accident!"

Liu Ying's eyes sparkled. She was particularly interested in this sort of thing and was eager for me to set it up immediately.

I smiled wryly and shook my head. "Which is so easy, I can think of suppress the large array of demons and only four spirit array and the big dipper array, the array, four spirit need blue dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, xuanwu four spirit beast's body, and must be open the light, use mana blessing, or the big dipper, must use the seven pieces of medallion multiplier, respectively is decorated in the big dipper, supplemented by spells blessing again, To be effective."

It is a pity that I am too poor at it now. Otherwise, I could use a few by myself, and the array I have arranged could not be destroyed. Otherwise, I would not only be unable to suppress the spirits of the people, but also arouse their evil spirits.

But but Zeng Yasun were disheartened, but Liu Ying sighed and said, "master, you should work hard to mend your skills so that you can kill the evil spirit and remove the evil spirit... Right, teacher, just now I was water ghost drag down, you is how to save me up?"

"When I noticed something was wrong, I quickly dived into the water and found that you were held by a group of hairy strange hands, how to pull also pull up, I used my feet to pedal, pedal for a long time also useless, but I had an idea, with my string of light bracelet, hit the strange hand, which saved you up."

"Ah? Oh, my gosh! It was really a water ghost! Whoops! Master, lucky to have you here! And you actually have the magic weapon of opening light, good formidable! But I'm lucky I didn't drown after being in the water all that time!"

But but zeng yaxun, looking at me with deep meaning, I coughed a dry cough and quickly began to talk about the topic. "but the subject was open to the public, but there was no word on the subject, but there was no word on the subject, but there was no word on the subject, but there was no word on the subject

It's too late, leaf warbler found me around the hotel, while Zeng Yaxun lived with her back to her dormitory after I take a shower, lie on the bed meditation, today's strange some reverse the through, I ever read a book of the metaphysics, occasionally also can see some in the record, but mostly as a fiction, if it really does exist, and that his still pay more attention to the, There's nothing we can do to prevent it from happening again.

Late at night, I made a nightmare, a dream I stood beside the swimming pool, looked at the swimming pool with water with a clueless look on his face, at this time, the surface out of the two head, a man and a woman, two children, they looked pale, hair messy, eyeball like dead fish eye turn over, big, convex, and facial features water kept the head seems to be turned into a fountain.

They face a strange smile, order tetraodontiformes eyes kept staring at me, his mouth mouth, seems to have nothing to say with me, but I didn't understand a word, only feel ears buzzing, later, the two children as angry, their eyes, ears, nose, mouth to take all the blood, the blood dyed red the whole of the swimming pool soon.

I was terrified, want to turned and fled here, but found himself can't move again, while the blood has been spread, flow to my feet, and then covered the knee, the last in my chest, I only feel choke, relief not to come on, no matter how I struggled all struggle does not open, ears are all buzzing sound, when I looked up, two pale face full of blood, Whisk appeared in front of me and shouted at me: die!!


I suddenly sat up, this only to find that it was a dream, but this dream is too real, my back was all wet with cold sweat, gasping for breath, looked around, the sky outside some light, I opened the phone to see, five o 'clock in the morning, is really an embarrassing time.

At this time I have no drowsiness, think of the nightmare just now, the in the mind feel very uncomfortable, then use the mobile phone on the net hit two words: water ghost.

The web page is opened, found that there are a lot of legends about the water ghost on the net, all kinds of all have, said that there are a lot of people encountered the water ghost, some dead, some lucky escape, and the water ghost is mostly drowned people, after the death of the soul trapped in the water, not into the underworld, so to find a scapegoat!

Reading the stories on the Internet, I couldn't help but be fascinated, until a phone call brought me back to reality.

"The master... Whoo, my feet turned blue, I do not know whether it was left by the water ghost, you quickly come over..."

Telephone calls are leaf warbler, a through to hear her crying voice, my in the mind a surprised, hurriedly comfort her a few words, quickly wash a face to brush one's teeth, and then came to her dormitory, a lot of people into the dormitory was found, in addition to her and Zeng Yaxun, and her five roommates, a group of people are around her, pointing, face is full of anxiety.

"Teacher, come over quickly to help me see, how to do?"

Liu Ying saw me come over, overjoyed, pointing to his right ankle, I set my eyes on a look, a chill rises from the heart, I saw her ankle, there is an obvious blue handprint, the handprint is very deep, I can not help but think of yesterday that hairy strange hand.

"Shao Ye, just now we gave her a yellow flower oil, 100 grass oil, but no effect, how to do? Shall we take him to the hospital?"

But zeng yaxun worried tunnel, liu ying's roommate also chatted non-stop, suggested immediately send her to the hospital.

I thought about the next, just the morning search water ghost, there is a way to see, then say to liu ying's roommate: "your school should have school doctor? Could you please go there and buy some mugwort, pomelo leaves and glutinous rice?"

A pretty girl said, "How did the school doctor get these things? They all prescribe Western medicine, but you can buy glutinous rice."

I scratched my head, a little embarrassed, indeed, mugwort grass and grapefruit leaves are folk things, the school doctor should not buy these.

"I know a female Chinese medicine practitioner who should have these in her house."

We looked at the girl. She looked a little shy and smoothed her dark hair. "She's less than 20 kilometers from here," she continued.

We nodded hurriedly, she immediately took out the phone, went to the balcony to call.

"Master, will these things be of any use? Am I going to die?"

Leaf warbler pathetically looked at me with eyes full of hope for the color, I watched her faces, find problems, urban house, her face with faint of black gas, expenditures, says not to her, but may have a disease, in addition, the wormwood, glutinous rice and pomelo leaves are heavy sun be the spirit of things, cook porridge ChengYi grass, It should exorcise the evil spirits from her feet.

Passed more than ten minutes, the door is pushed open, the girl of a dress pink-white plaid shirt, milky white shorts appears in our eyes, I am slightly surprised, originally thought will be 7 old 80 old traditional Chinese medicine, originally is a youth beautiful beautiful girl.

The girl, carrying a medicine chest over her shoulder, went straight to Liu Ying and squatted down, stroking her ankle with one hand. "It's really a case of evil," she said in surprise. "It seems that the water ghost is very skilled."

As she said this, she took out mugwort, glutinous rice and grapefruit leaves from the medicine box and said to a girl next to her, "Boil it with water."

The girl nodded to do, and the girl took out a porcelain bottle from the medicine box, which is a kind of potion, she poured a few drops to Liu Ying's ankle, stretched out his white hands, and rubbed the ankle, Liu Ying burst out crying pain, bared his teeth, until the ankle smoke, the girl did not stop.

"This is the lion and tiger keel made of medicinal wine, which is also added several Yang Qi strong herbs, very precious, to dispel Yin unexpectedly good, but if you want to cure, we have to wait for the mugwort porridge is done."

The girl sat aside, explained to us, I can not help her a few minutes of high opinion, so young Chinese medicine is the first time to see, and seemingly skill is not small appearance.

"Artemisia gruel is designed to cure water and ghosts. Who put it up just now?"

Everyone looked at me, and I was a little embarrassed. I said I saw it when I was searching in the morning, and I didn't know if it would work, so I wanted to have a try.

The girl wondered ground looked at me one eye, say: "I call upper official moon son."

"My name is Shao Ye."


"Run Run Shaw's Shao, homework of the industry."

"Who was Run Run Shaw?


A group of people talked nonsense, and soon the porridge was ready. ShangGuan Yue 'er put the porridge on Liu Ying's ankle and said to her, "Apply it once in the morning, once in the middle of the night, and tomorrow will be fine."

Liu Ying said thanks, ShangGuan moon said: "thank you don't need, for you I specially ran over, and used so much bone wine, moxa gruel, since it is a friend, I accept a cost price is good, one thousand.


Leaf warbler ah, seems to be frightened by this price, is also, drop a few drops of wine, with a little bit of wormwood porridge, one thousand pieces of hard to avoid some exaggeration, the call shangguan moon girl, also rushed to shangguan moon aside and say the words, only shangguan moon insist on not be moved, to other girls look unpleasant.

I thought about it, Shangguan Yueyer's eyes are bright and pure, and her facial features are regular and beautiful. In terms of facial appearance, this kind of person is a very good and pure person, and will not be harmful to friends. Therefore, it can only show that the bone wine is really expensive, not her big mouth.

Thinking of this, I spoke for her rescue: "You don't blame her, this bone wine is really very expensive, first of all, the keel of lions and tigers is very rare, to make this kind of medicine wine is more trouble, I think even a few drops are worth thousands of dollars."

But xun zeng and liu ying hurriedly also took out some money. but but the poor scholar zeng yaxun also had one or two thousand in her purse, but liu ying was the poorest one.

After taking the money, shangguan moon son smiled happily ground to say to me: "still you compare sense goods, you this friend I made, later call my moon son line, goodbye."