The broken mirror in front of the house!

Shangguan after the moon has left, I asked the call girl, who said the shangguan moon also, the girl called Huang Yanting, said shangguan moon is learning Chinese medicine in the home, don't look at the moon has young, medicine is not said, her mother chronic lung breath, cough, as soon as you arrive in the middle of the night to find a lot of doctors treat bad, later client, know the moon, Her mother Yueyer there treatment for a month, lung asthma was good, which shows Yueyer's wisdom.

Huang Yanting said, we are all relieved, today is the graduation ceremony, Liu Ying dormitory people have to change clothes, ready to attend the graduation ceremony, although Liu Ying was injured, the ceremony must go, so I said goodbye to them, alone went downstairs, after all, in the other girls' dormitory, it is not good to stay for a long time.

After waiting for half an hour downstairs, Liu Ying finally came down. I went to the school concert hall with them, where the graduation ceremony was held. On the way, Liu Ying quietly told me that it was really accurate for you, my parents were coming.

In the concert hall, densely packed full of people here, it looks like we're late, looking for a good position, after graduation, in fact also nothing important good, is nothing but leadership speech, student representatives to talk, then the various programs, all kinds of emotional words, in the absence of atmosphere, there are a lot of people are secretly wipe tears, continued for a morning, the ceremony is over.

But Xun Zeng and I had a lunch together after Liu Ying said goodbye to her roommates. I asked her why her parents were not together. She said her parents went to the campus, I listened to also some speechless, daughter's graduation ceremony, they are good, went to the campus.

After lunch, leaf warbler with us and find her parents in a shade, Zeng Yaxun and I said good morning to them, while leaf warbler and they speak, I watched their faces, a bit of his father's face founder, quite a nude, wrinkles texture clear, there shows that he often gives orders, is likely to be the manager of a company above leadership, However, his eyes narrowed into a straight line, lack of spirit, usually the reaction will be relatively dull, and his nose wealth and silk palace some dark, indicating that the recent may be a financial loss.

Look at leaf warbler's mother, the figure some short slightly fat, round face, flourishing, but front sag, partly destroyed the good fortune, and her face is green of red color, particularly around the eyes, blue said her liver, red said her heart, aoki and prosperous, her heart, liver or two recent poor zang-fu organs, This is staying up late, lack of sleep, overwork, upset and dryness caused by the viscera is not in tune, but also accompanied by lung heat, cough symptoms.

When I was looking at their photos, Liu Ying introduced me to her parents, saying that this is her master, who is very good, and there is also a very good uncle, who is a master of feng shui, fortune-telling and photo reading. The master made a special trip to attend her graduation photos.

Hear here, leaf warbler's mother was particularly warm to me, I began to fear she felt it was the feudal superstition, thought that she was particularly this letter, it seems that the leaf warbler at ordinary times no less talking to her ear, instead is Claudia's father, enthusiasm is not so high, but I can see that this is caused by his character, unsmiling is his style.

All of liu ying's family speak cantonese with huizhou hakka accent. Liu ying's mother can't speak mandarin, so I had no choice but to chat with her in my half-bucket of cantonese with chaoshan accent.

I crisscrossed, read widely, the most afraid of is chat, especially I am interested in chatting, completely is extensively, pulled at random to is a topic, so two people talk about the rise of leaf warbler's mother has invited me to her home and help her see feng shui, I got a fright, to tell the truth I to feng shui is not proficient, hurriedly motioning with his hand to say no. Finally she asked me to dine at her house, and I agreed.

But xun zeng, who could not speak cantonese, was unable to get in on the road and could not go home with liu ying, so he said goodbye.but I also got on their car.but I also agreed to go home with liu ying.

Claudia's house in boluo county of huizhou, conghua to bo luo, is more than an hour, in the car, I asked them where to go shopping just now, leaf warbler said her mother had a lovely walk in the campus, then went hiking in the mountains, I asked what mountain, she say it's just the shade above the mountain, I heard that, I expenditures, the mountain is not in the swimming pool on the tomb of the east?

I quickly asked her if she had seen the graves, she said that ah, it is really unlucky, a mountain to see the graves, early know not to climb.

Liuying see my expression has different, also thought of the swimming pool, appears very worried, I rushed her shake her head, indicating nothing, even if something, should also be a swimming pool, although the location of the grave is also some strange, but I did not see what things on their body, so should not have a big impediment.

The car soon drove to Boro, stopped in front of a villa, I looked around, is a residential area close to the business district, villa next to, located in different family types, villas, also have ordinary small houses, and commercial housing, uneven, Liu Yingjia villa, about more than three hundred square meters, is quite a large area.

As we drove in, we saw a patch of grass and a parking lot on the east side.

After the car, I frowned, Liu Ying knows me very well, I frowned, said there is something bad, she quickly asked me if it is not good feng shui here.

I nodded and said, pointing to this piece of grass, the original front door in the residence, set up a piece of grass is a good thing, the effect of housing more than a layer of hall, the grass also can bring life to the hall, but the grass is round, and from the hall door to come in, there is a cobbled paths to residential door, is like a mirror, in the middle of cracked a seam, it is made a broken mirror evil spirit, For a long time, there may be a husband and wife separation.

Also, the five elements of the Toyota car belongs to the soil, the soil in the Eight Diagrams orientation, should be southwest or northeast, and the parking lot is set in the east, the east is wood, wood, soil, long driving, there may be an accident.

I said this to my apprentice in secret. Hearing this, her face changed greatly. She said that it was no wonder that her father always met people when driving.

Liu Ying was outspoken and told her parents directly, which made me a little embarrassed because I didn't know if they believed it or not.

Liuying's father looked at me, did not say anything, her mother is anxiously asked me what to do, it seems that they are afraid of feng shui bad, I indicated to her not to worry, said that the south is fire, fire makes earth, as long as the parking lot is changed in the south.

As for the broken mirror evil spirit, best method is modified, the circle garden into a square garden, and a variety of different color of flowers, will drive the hall angry, at the same time in the hall of tsing lung, a partial soft tree planted, such as small willow, and around the hall walls, also had better cut shorter, about a meter three lines, or become "trapped" bureau.

After I finished speaking, Liu Ying's parents obviously looked up at me a few eyes, and her mother was more enthusiastic to invite me into the living room and asked me if I had any other questions.

Liuying's father is called Liumulong, I call him dragon uncle, Liuying's mother is called qiu yun, I call her autumn aunt, after entering the living room, I ask Liuying to have a compass, she said no, I say you somehow is my apprentice, how to even have no compass, no compass, how do I see feng shui?

Leaf warbler embarrassedly nao nao head, said she is using a mobile phone compass at ordinary times, really won't use the compass of her, I am speechless, mobile compass function, and positioning is not accurate, again not used as a compass, because of some small deviation, even bad wind water water level also will become a good wind, that is unfriendly.

When I told her about it, she realized how serious it was. She patted her chest, promised to buy a compass, and gave me time to teach her.

Since there is no compass, I can not use the swim year eight house method, also can not use the nine palace fly star method, can not judge the direction of sitting on the mountain, also can not really see the good or bad luck of each place, had to start from other aspects.

See the geomantic of Yang curfew, want to see a few positions key, gate, sitting room, dining-room, kitchen, toilet, corridor, stair, the most important is sitting room, kitchen and bedroom, toilet.

I looked at the direction of the door, the door is facing a big mirror, I said the big mirror can not be put so, people come in from the door, bring is rich, angry, a reflection of the mirror, it is easy to block the rich, angry.

Liu ying asked puzzled, the mirror, one into two, that is, rich, angry times, isn't it better?

I said, well, if they can get in, if they can't get in, what's the use of doubling it? And see this mirror as soon as you enter the door, it will make guests feel uncomfortable.

She no longer opened her mouth, autumn aunt asked me what way to solve, I said simple, the mirror hanging on the wall, the door from the mirror has a distance, hanging high is not obvious, even if the mirror reflection, there is a large part of reflection in the door above the wall, can retain most of the gas.

I saw next sitting room again, each respect doesn't matter a problem, see dining-room, kitchen is separate again, without hedge, I say to be able to hang a mirror on the wall of dining-room, according to table, can promote financial fortune.

When I entered the kitchen, I frowned and pointed to the stove and said, "The direction of the stove should not be opposite to the direction of the door. This is a big taboo. In addition, it is not good for the stove and the pool to be connected together.

Cooking range concerns the physical condition of homemaker, cooking range is decorated bad, to homemaker, namely autumn aunt can have very big harm.

Liu Ying nervously pulled autumn aunt's hand, said the mother's body has been not good, the original is here feng shui layout is not good, these days must be changed.

I nodded, and looked at the toilet, stairs, there is no big problem, a little to correct it, finally, only the bedroom, I said the bedroom I was not convenient to go in.

Auntie autumn smiled and said nothing, and then pulled me into the bedroom, although some embarrassed, I also had to brave the scalp, probably looked at the next, said the bedroom mirror not to the bed, or night easy to have nightmares, also easy to dream.

Auntie Qiu nodded and said she would correct it. I went to see Liu Ying's bedroom again. As soon as I came in, I saw that her bedroom was decorated in a very fashionable way, with many pink walls and many small toys on the bed.