Ghost in the house, broken window priest!

Leaf warbler face some red, even if I was her teacher, a boy in her boudoir, somewhat embarrassed, I said the color of the bedroom, best too powder is not good, easy to rotten peach blossom, live for a long time will be more and more impetuous, other things cannot be put messy, especially don't throw on the bed, curtain often should open in the sunshine, can increase the sun be the spirit of the bedroom.

Liu Ying coyly stood on the side, silently bowed his head, autumn aunt in the side said is, said to listen to your master's words, so messy she can not go on.

After seeing feng shui, uncle long and aunt qiu led me to the living room, said some words of thanks to me, and told liu ying to cut some fruit, liu ying did, but also looked very happy.

After sitting down, the dragon uncle also began to talk with me, I realized that just now I said simple, but to transform so a few geomantic, is also very troublesome, especially the garden and stove, it seems that I see his face to lose money, should be to here.

Originally I read feng shui, want to go back to Huizhou, but autumn aunt is particularly warm, insisted that I live in their home for a night, said I helped them see feng shui, in any case to entertain me, Liu Ying also in the side to persuade, said I did not teach her skill, this must grasp the opportunity.

So I am left behind after supper, while free, told Claudia some geomantic on learning, focus on YangZhai feng shui, house appointed feng shui is difficult, to search point, don't say she is, even I, also not sure, even YangZhai jiugong fly star in feng shui, she also don't know much about, but I had to tell her something simple, Like what kind of flushes to avoid.

At eleven o 'clock, it was getting very late, so she took me to a room and said with a little apology, "Master, you will have to sleep all night tonight. The only room in my house is this one, which used to be my grandfather's room, but we have replaced all the things in it with new ones, so you don't have to be afraid."

My eyes twinkled, her grandfather is not dead? OK, I admit I to this kind of room more repell, she don't say with me ok, say with me, my in the mind instead some disinterest, nevertheless I also not good say when her face, glance the hand chain of my right hand, want to think even if have what ox ghost serpent god, should also not be afraid?

Claudia left, I swept eye some empty room, read a sentence amitabha, took off his coat and trousers, only left a pants, then in bed rest, said tired is not, after all, I was also a man of kungfu, breath long, however, according to traditional Chinese medicine on people should go to bed before half past ten, is most helpful to insides, detoxification and you should get up at 5:30 in the morning, So I keep this habit.

Now a lot of young people, especially in the city, used to sleep late, the more to the night, the more spirit, this point let them sleep certainly can't sleep, but this does not trouble me, I sat on the bed with my knees, closed my eyes, the breathing slowed down, soon feel sleepy, with this feeling, huhu fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, I seemed to hear the sound of someone walking, the sound dragged slowly, like a hobbling old man, pacing back and forth in the room, at first, I thought it was Liu Ying they, after all, a lot of people get up in the middle of the night to drink water, is also very normal.

But at the end I realized something was wrong, because the footsteps lasted for a long time, and sometimes I felt it in my ear. I am a martial arts practitioner, so I am very sensitive to the smell. Soon I got a shock and opened my eyes.

Although I had turned off the bedroom light and had drawn the curtains, the light from the outside was still partly shining in, so I could see the room in general, but it was fine if I did not see it, and it almost didn't scare me to death.

I see what, there is a desk in the bedroom, there are some books on the desk, at the moment, there is a small thin notebook, floating without air, and a page to turn, as if someone is reading, but there is no wind.

At this point, my goose bumps dropped to the floor, I shook, grasped my right hand bracelet in my hand, and quavered, "Who are you?"

Say that sentence I regret, after all, people do their own thing, well water does not offend the river, I pretend not to see, sleep their own sleep is good, why bother?

Sure enough, as soon as I finished speaking, the notebook splashed down on the table. With a thud, I nearly peed my pants again and stared nervously at my desk for fear that something would come up that would ruin my life.

Fortunately, I looked for a long time, also did not see what things appear, I breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat on the forehead, this time can be really scared not light, tomorrow must be a good question to Liu Ying, this in the end what happened.

Thought of here, I can't sleep here, just want to take clothes, a turn almost not scared I'm dizzy, I saw a gaunt face to me, that face staring eyes, hair like taking a little bit cool spirit, also with a strange smile on her face, suddenly saw this face, I feel heart fiercely a shrinkage, a scream ah, jumped back out of instinct, As a result, I stumbled and fell to the ground, hurting my ankle.

Ankle pain let me awake, the cold sweat is behind such as heavy rain is too general, so I didn't see your face it makes, a gaunt old man, wearing a black shroud, faces stiff, pale, with a very heavy Yin qi, still sitting on the bed for a start, gone with the wind again, that's right, is gone with the wind, he went straight to float up to me, I was so scared that I forgot to take my bracelet.

When the old man drifted by, I was so desperate that I didn't even have the strength to fight him. My body was shaking and my teeth were chattering. I swore that for the first time in my life, I could see a ghost.

'Stop it!

At that moment, I heard a loud roar, roar that full of strength and integrity, as if drop one, exploding in my ear, I was a horribly jiling, shout a stood up, feeling body strength again, to react at the same time, and I picked up the ground bracelet, a face of warily at the thin old devil.

At the same time, I glanced at the window from where the sound had come. I heard another loud bang. The glass of the window shattered and a middle-aged man in a Mao suit jumped in.

He was a wide-eyed, square-faced man with an air of justice and an unassailable authority. As he sprang into the bedroom, he drew a yellow talisman from his pocket, with a yellow talisman between his right forefinger and thumb, and exclaimed: 'A beast! People and ghosts have different paths. You don't go to the underworld after you die. You stay here with the intention of harming people, but poverty will keep you!"


The thin ghost old man seemed to be very afraid of the middle-aged man. As if to say something, the man frowned and hummed coldly: "So, since your obsession is not this young man, why frighten him? Do you know this is bad for your moral? If this goes on, you can't even get down to Hades!"

At this time, hurried footsteps came from the living room. After the door was opened, Liu Ying's family rushed in. When they saw the thin old man, they were not afraid as I expected, but Auntie Qiu and Liu Ying began to cry. "Dad, tell me what you want. When you were alive, I didn't take good care of you. If you have any regrets, I will finish it for you..."

Liu Ying also cried and said: "Grandpa, Yingying miss you so much..."

My heart suddenly, originally this thin ghost old man is Liu Ying died grandfather, no wonder in this room.

Thin old devil blare, middle-aged man sighed and Huang Fu back his hand, and took out another Huang Fu, the leaf warbler they said: "the story is you don't understand, I temporarily put out the two put fire on your shoulders, let you can communicate with him, but time shoulds not be too long, otherwise you will loss your sun be the spirit, and ten minutes of time, what do you have all said."

Auntie Cho and her family had seen the broken Windows, but this was no time to lay blame, and they nodded their heads in thanks because the man was really a great person.

Middle-aged man double fingers with yellow Fu, read a spell: "Heaven is clear, the earth is Ling Ling, Yin and Yang knot fine, the water spirit is visible, fast now true form, I serve the three maozhenjun decrees! Be as quick as the law!"

After saying the incantation, he held the yellow fu between his fingers and swung it across the shoulders of the three of them. Then the yellow fu burned itself into a mass of ashes.

My heart secretly surprised, it seems that this middle-aged man is really a man of wisdom!

Sure enough, briefly opened the eyes of Yin and Yang, Liu Ying they really talk to the thin ghost old man, look at their expressions, as if to understand the words of the thin ghost old man, but I did not open, so can not hear, I saw the autumn aunt and dragon uncle a strong nod, finally, autumn aunt cried and said: "Dad you rest assured to go, every season I will give you more money to burn paper, what need can dream to her daughter..."

Skinny ghost old man pale face, finally out of a smile, absentminded, he seemed to become a kind old man, he wanted to touch Liu Ying's head, the results of his hand through the past, he sighed, then looked at me, face out of a smile, I was startled, involuntarily lean toward the middle-aged man.

The thin ghost old man floated over and said a few words. The middle-aged man looked at me and said, "Don't be afraid. He said that you are the noble person of his granddaughter, and her granddaughter will take care of you later.


I looked at the middle-aged man in bewilderment. He smiled and said: "Soul force not every ghost, first before must more gavel, many good works and after death also must have a kind of obsession, under all sorts of chances, and to form the soul force, ghosts have the soul, even if does not become a spectre, can also have a certain way, with the living soul, the soul will be greatly enhanced, whether physical reactions, induction force, or the gain to the body, Is a great gift."

Hearing him say this, my heart is happy, of course, can not show it on the surface, and nodded calmly.

The middle-aged man pointed at the bracelet in my hand and said: "This is the magic device for opening light, which is harmful to the ghost. Let me take it for you first."

I handed the bracelet to the middle-aged man, and the skinny ghost smiled at me. Then his body began to dissipate into a yellow light, and finally the light slowly floated into my body.

After light into my body, I suddenly feel spirit, as if something woke up in the body, faintly, I in front of the world, have started to change, the scene around, I see, even a small gap on the corner, I see, can see clearly than during the day, the feeling is very strange, was very dark, I could see clearly.

Then I saw everyone's face, there is a stream of air flow, some of the air flow is very small and very fine, some is very big and thick, and one of the largest and longest gas, the dragon uncle that is white, autumn aunt that is red, the Liuying that is black, as for the middle-aged man that is light gold.

I saw the LiuYing that time, is also scared, blurted out: "apprentice, you face that black gas..."

"What's the matter? What black gas?"

Liu Ying looked at me strangely and did not understand what I said. Auntie Qiu and Uncle Long also looked at me doubtlessly. The middle-aged man frowned and said, "What do you see?"

I told him what I had seen. He thought for a moment and laughed. "Don't worry, as far as I know, convinced that everyone has a five line, white is &gold company, red is the fire line, black line should be water, as for me, because I'm youdao, so can cover my five line, can't imagine, quirks you should enter the spirit world, and not a novice, buddhist, but in a rare life home!"

Hearing the words of a middle-aged man, I was also surprised. Have I become a photo artist? Is that the fabled qi art?


Middle-aged man frowned, walked to my front, way: "a little strange, just the soul force into your body, the moment was absorbed clean, and immediately acted on your body, opened your spirit root, a little unusual, if you don't mind, I want to use the way gas for you to check the body."