Chapter 2: The Knight

With that new thought in mind, I was saved by the next heir to the throne but that wasn't what she brought me here for. She told me a story about a corrupted world and for once it didn't revolve entirely around the demon lord.

The Kingdom was corrupted by a mad man according to the woman who saved my life. It all apparently happened a long time ago when he first took over.

I wouldn't blame anyone who slaughtered that prick, he basically had me killed. I'll make sure he has a cruel death, no matter what.

Or at least I'll give it my best shot since I'm not really sure what to make of all this just yet. Everything is still hard to come to terms with but I think in time I'll get use to whatever this thing is.

But being brought into this world I honestly thought people would be different, but I was wrong about that. At least if I was brought here, there must be more to it that I haven't seen just yet. 

This king is terrible from what she said but I don't even know if she's worth trusting just yet, I'll have to be cautious.

The king is like a dictator and only acts on what works for him and those closest to him, it's sick. It makes me wonder what the point is of being summoned here just to be accused of something I know nothing about.

"My name is Yui, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner." Said Yui as she looked at me.

"It's okay honestly, I'm still processing this all." I said while looking around.

My level that it showed me didn't even seem to keep me from taking the damage back there so what is the purpose of the level here? Does it even provide any benefit like it did in the game originally?

Once I establish how it works, I'll be able to go from there on how to proceed further with things. Mostly how to become stronger and where to go. 

"Hey I also left a bit of gear for you by the door." Said Yui as she pointed towards the door.

"Thank you, I'll be sure to put it to good use." I replied while going towards the door.

"If you ever have questions, you know where to find me Mika." Says Yui before I'm out the door.

This gear has good stats and seems to match what I usually go for. Heavy armor, decent size sword for now, I won't be needing a helmet but this does work. 

She seems to be trying to gain my trust by providing gear but regardless she's a demon so I'll keep guard. Though I remember my character having demon blood, so it's possible I'm a demon too. 

I put on my equipment and began to head out the door.

It's time to do some research, I need to figure out how this all works as fast as possible so I can kill that piece of garbage or at least try to.

I left the building and began my journey, of course there's a lot I don't know but that's the point of this journey. I'm going to get stronger and kill those bastards no matter the cost.

With the gear Yui gave me came a map as well, it should come in handy with getting around for now. My first stop among this map will be the Village of Nizu which is said to have a corrupted Lord amongst them or at least that's what Yui has noted on the map. 

There's a lot Yui told me about the lands not all about the king or how I was brought here but about a lot of the people who helped him in his endeavors. It's a lot to take in but being here already caused me quite a bit of shock.

These roads also remind me of the roads around my old home, dirt roads with forest surrounding everything. No homes in sight for miles, but that's always been a good thing.

I'm not much of a social person and I'll always be this way but this has been a pretty boring travel so far.

A few days have gone by since I left Yui's place way back in the ancient forest, now I was reaching the village of Nizu.

For this place to have supposedly been a game, I don't feel like I'm in a game nor do I see any mechanics indicating it either. Yui mentioned I'm the one who's going to save everything here but yet I haven't seen anything to tell me that. I don't feel powerful and even if my level was here it wouldn't explain how I almost died so easily.

There's a lot that I have to take into consideration before doing certain things but maybe I'll get past it. 

Either way I'll go along and see what happens as I continue along this path, but this seems to be the Village of Nizu. The first place that I noticed on the map Yui gave me, time to see what I can figure out here.

As I enter into the village I see multiple shops and a tiny blacksmith building. It seems Nizu is more of a trade village which shouldn't be terrible for information.

"Hello traveler welcome to Nizu." Said a merchant as he looked at Mika's armor.

I don't have much interest in trade yet, first a place to rest is needed. But do I have enough coin for a place.

Pulling out my pouch I realized it was a bit heavy, so it seems I kept a lot of my original coin so I'll have no problems for now.

"I'll be sure to check your shop later, thanks anyway." I replied before walking away from the merchant.

It seemed people of many different races reside here, beast people, elves, humans, and maybe even some dwarves. I'm not sure if I've seen them just yet but at least I know that different races still exist in this world. 

There's no visible U.I anymore though. Yet I do feel like I have most of my stats, I do wonder what happened to my original gear though. A lot doesn't seem correct here but again I'll have these questions answered in time.

And there's the first inn I've seen, Saint Marissa's Tavern & Inn. It'll be better then sleeping on the ground like I did these last few days. Nothing I'm not use to but still better to do this.

As I enter the tavern I notice adventures and some common folk as well as the barkeeper. That'll be the person to speak to.

But as I went up to the barkeeper I noticed I wasn't the only one with some decent gear here, everyone seemed decently equipped. Lots of adventurers are sure to be in a place like this, it's not surprising.

Everyone also went pretty quite when I entered the tavern, must be the armor that throws them off due to its design mostly. Or maybe I have a bizarre look to me instead. 

"How much to rent a room, one bed?" I asked as while leaning against the counter.

"Five silver for two nights." Answered the barkeeper.

"Alright here." I said as I dropped a gold coin on the counter.

"It'll be the first room to the left upstairs." Responded the barkeeper as she picked up the coin.

I don't know why everyone around me seems surprised by the gold coin, must not be a common thing around here.

Loud steps followed behind me as I went towards the step, then came her voice.

"What brings a fellow knight like yourself here?" Asked the mysterious woman.

"Just traveling, and I'm no knight for I don't serve anyone." I answered as I turned around.

Looking towards the woman I noticed her beautiful purple hair and blue eyes, she also seemed to be an elf. Romance wouldn't be to terrible later on if she was included but her hair went back behind her. 

She seemed to have rather long hair but it didn't keep my attention for too long as I had other things to do here. 

"I see. I thought you might've been part of the group of knights sent here to guard lord Zelfin." Said the Woman as she gazed upon my gear once more.

"No, but why does he need guards?" I respond as I looked at the woman.

"A group known as Lithen plans to attack soon." Said the woman.

A group who plans to kill this Bastard? Sounds like it could be good or maybe they're bad and just prefer to steal his power of this village. This lord sounds bad but maybe I need to witness something myself or ask around later on. 

"If you're not a knight who are you then?" Asked the woman as she looked around the room.

"Alright I'll be kind enough to share my name this once, my name is Mika and I'm just a traveler." I Answered as I curiously gazed upon the symbol on her shoulder plate.

She seems to be a knight herself which explains her caution and curiosity. The worse part is she's from the Mito Kingdom.

Wait I remembered something, Hud Open!

"Hello Mika and thank you for accessing your HUD once more, you will soon have access to your original items, please make it to Shizu Village to unlock your items and the remainder of your skills." Said a strange voice.

So that's why I didn't have my original armor or well anything, so I need to make it to Shizu Village first. That'll be after I kill this scum bag of a lord.

The female knight walked away after my answer but I have a feeling I'll see her again at some point. Then I continued up the steps towards my room and opened it up and went in.

A good rest is in order, at least for tonight.