Chapter 3: Lord Zelfin

The following day came and nothing seemed to have happened overnight but I do need to explore this village. I need to see what can be explained around here so I have a better understanding about this lord. 

As I open my door I'm greeted by a tiny girl who seems to be dressed as an adventurer as well. What's she doing at my door though?

The girl was a short with white hair and green eyes, she wore some sort of rogue armor. Not bad but it'll do for now. Maybe this wasn't the worst scenario, she could be pretty helpful.

"Can I help you?" I Asked as I looked at the girl.

"I was wondering if I could join your party." Responded the girl as she looked up at Mika.

So they still refer to groups as such a thing, it makes sense but why have these heroes summoned if there are adventurers. More to think about.

"Why would you wanna join my party?" I Questioned.

"You look strong and intimidating to other adventurers, they don't like me very much." Answered the girl as she looked down at her feet.

Ah so it's because the other adventurers have bad intentions towards her, so I am slowly seeing the problems here. As much as I wish it mattered to me it doesn't.

"There you are you little bitch." Said a man as he approached.

"Yeah it seems she was avoiding us after all." Replied another man.

Hmm I'll listen to what this conversation entails.

"I'm not part of your party and I won't be, I've heard what you guys do to the females." Said the girl as she moved closer to Mika.

"Is that so Azura, you don't know shit." Responded the man as he got closer.

So they don't do pleasant things to females, the lowest of scum. I guess I'll have to get involved a little bit here or else this poor girl will face a bad fate. I didn't care but doing bad things to women won't fly in my book.

"Why don't you go back to the bar and continue getting drunk you sick bastards." I said as I looked towards the men.

"Keep yourself out of this traveler, it's none of your damn business." Responded the man as he glared at Mika.

"It is when Azura is part of my party so back off before things get worse for you." I said as I grabbed the handle of my sword.

I noticed Azura get closer behind me but I expected that since I'm protecting her at this moment. These guys shouldn't push much further, they normally won't persist on such conflict.

"Fine fine, keep the stupid bitch." Said the man as he signaled the other one to back off.

Moments after that the men walk away and I notice Azura come back out.

"I'm sorry about that, did you really mean that I was part of your party?" Asked Azura as she looked up at Mika.

"Ugh not for long but enough to get you away from the creeps around here." I Answered as I looked down at Azura.

I continued on my way, now accompanied by Azura but we left the building.

After a bit of digging I did discover he is heavily involved in slave trading and doesn't care for others lives. He lives off the money of others and doesn't need to give a damn about where they go.

So now we began exploring the market area directly outside the tavern and inn, there's a lot of shops and new traders. It seems this place is lively enough, now I wonder where the Lord of this village would be.

"Azura if you're going to be accompanying me for the time being, do you happen to know where lord Zelfin may be?" I asked as I walked with Azura.

"He's usually in his estate about fifteen minutes south of the village." Answered Azura as she looked at Mika with a confused expression.

I know it's probably odd to her why I'd be looking for this lord at first but now that I know what he really does behind everything, it makes sense. 

He is a sick bastard who deserves to be put down, especially when he does slave trading for a living. He also doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone in this village or he'd have better homes for the people here. 

A lot of the buildings were quite run down and I was starting to understand more and more about this world. Just from everything I was seeing so far. 

But we wandered the market area for a bit until it started getting dark. It's time to head for lord Zelfin's estate, I could care less if Azura's opinion changes in any way after I kill this scum bag. Not everyone is on board with killing a lord so it makes sense if it does change though. 

"You don't have to accompany me all the way Azura, trust me this is probably going to change quite a bit on your opinion of me." I said as I walked down the road with Azura.

"Do you plan to kill Lord Zelfin?" Asked Azura as she ignored most of Mika's statement.

"Yes I do, but that's not my only goal." I responded as I looked ahead.

"I don't think it's wrong of you to do this, he's a corrupted man and deserves death but no one has ever made it past his guards." Said Azura as she noticed the estate in the distance.

She seemed a bit nervous after that comment but maybe it'll be okay to do this, it's for the best since this village is suffering after all. 

Hmm. But it doesn't surprise me that attempts on his life have been done before just no one can pass the guards. I think it'll be different though, I don't care as much about killing some "innocent" guards anyway.

I wouldn't have a choice but to kill them anyway, hopefully I'll get through this. 

We finally approached the gates of the estates and it seemed in an instant the guards surrounded the two of us. one, two, three, four.

The numbers grew a good bit before finally reaching a stop. twenty five guards surrounded us and made sure we had no way of escaping.

"Here to kill the Lord, how stupid of you." Said a guard captain as he stepped in front.

I looked at Azura and she seemed a little shaken up but that won't stop me from killing these guys. The silence I gave the captain also seemed to piss him off quite a bit.

"Kill them now!" Shouted the Captain of the guards.

Oddly enough something triggered within me and it was like I knew how to fight. Like I had used a sword all my life, this is how I'll win against these assholes.

So I quickly pulled out my sword and began to block and slash as these guards came at me.

"Just kill them already!" Shouted the Captain as he began to feel frustration.

All I could think about in this moment was my rage for the king and it helped me through this. The blood splattering on the floor as my blade crossed their backs, taking off their arms, slashing their chests.

I didn't even realize it at the time but Azura had been helping as well since she was now in the mix here. I dealt with them for the most part. 



After a few moments the blood from all the guards I slaughtered was dripping off my sword and only one guard remained, the captain.

Azura seemed shocked that I killed most of them while keeping her protected, to me this isn't that surprising but for them to have been this weak. I could only wonder how much worse this gets down the road.

"You... you monster!!" Shouted the Captain as he fell to the floor.

I turned my sword around and stabbed it into his leg.

"Ahhhhh! Just kill me already.." Screamed the captain in pain as he looked at Mika.

"The Lord is inside yes?" I asked as I twisted my sword around in the Captain's leg.

"Yes! yes! he's in his chambers!" Screamed the man in pain.

I pulled the sword out of his leg and quickly sliced his throat. Blood soaked both my sword and some of my armor.

This was a feeling I wasn't use to at all, but yet maybe that's what keeps me from turning into a monster.

 I felt sick to my stomach, killing was easy yet it makes me sick. I'll have to get use to this feeling eventually. It'll take time but I think it's possible to get over.

We walked over the bodies and continued into the estate, it seemed that was most of the guards. A big waste just to deal with those who approach the gates.

"Mika you're kind of scary. I hope you'll stay on my side." Said Azura as she walked behind me.

"Sorry, im not use to this. But dont worry, I'll keep you safe too." I replied as I kicked open the estate doors.


The door broke open with ease and of course it's not hard to imagine where these Chambers could be. The big staircase would be the indicator here.

I continued towards and then up the steps to the first corridor. Time to see if this will work or not since I haven't gotten everything back yet.


A moment goes by and then before my eyes I can see down both ends of the hall. The Lord Zelfin is down the right hall behind the door waiting.

He seems to know we're here, but that doesn't matter.

"Down this way." I said as I walked down the right hall.

After a few moments we reached the door and this wouldn't be hard to kick down.

If sight worked, then this should too right?

Force open!

The door completely shatters and the Lord Zelfin is seen standing in the doorway holding a dagger.

"Stay back!" Shouted Lord Zelfin while holding the dagger.

A scared lord who relies on the power of his guards, typical.


I immediately slashed off Lord Zelfin's hands.

"Ahhhhh holy shit!!" Shouted the Lord Zelfin as he fell to his knees in pain.

The blood began to spurt out from where his hands once were, the end of this scum bags journey is here. I just hope it gets a little more interesting down the road compared to this encounter.

"M-money is what you want right..?!?! just take it!" shouted Lord Zelfin as he tried to stumble away on the ground.

I approached the Lord Zelfin and quickly took his head off.

This isn't even the worse thing I could do, but it's enough for now. That sick feeling is back again though...

"I guess you can still accompany me if you'd like Azura but I'm heading to another village." I said as I wiped my blade off on the bed sheets before sheathing his sword.

"I'd like to, but what Village?" Asked Azura as she stood in the doorway.

"Shizu Village." I Answered as I walked back towards the doorway.

"Alright it's a good walk, we should get going then." Said Azura as she moved out of Mika's way.

I don't know why she decided to stick by me but I'll keep her safe as long as she stays in my party. But if she's right, we do have a long walk towards the next village. 

Leaving the estates we began our travels once more, now being accompanied by a new companion by the name of Azura, my journey continues.

"Hello Mika, would you like to enable me?" A Voice asks. 

"What are you?" I respond back with my own question. 

"I am the system granted to you and I know that it will keep us from achieving our goal if you can't handle killing." The system says. 

It would help if I didn't feel sick every damn time I killed someone, especially if they deserve to die. 

"Screw it. Activate whatever you need." I reply while looking down the hall. 

•System Override engaged• 

○Emotions Set to -5

○Thinking Skills Set to +70 

"These changes will help you with situational thinking and will help negate the feelings of killing for the time being. It's not a permanent fix and will eventually need to be activated again." The system says. 

So I'll be able to handle the killing? Good, I need to get my revenge on the king.