Chapter 5: A New Member

The Night went by and nothing seemed to happen, whoever killed Ella's men didn't follow her. If it was that group she called Lithen I wouldn't be surprised since the intentions they have would make sense with this situation.

Though attacking knights directly may slowly impact things, it'd be better to attack Lords for control of lands. At least that's what I'd do if I was behind such a group.

Turning around I noticed Azura and Ella have woken up. Time to leave my thoughts aside for the time being.

"Morning guys, everything is good." I said while looking at both of them.

"No one came by?" Asked Ella as she sat up.

"No, it seems whoever attacked you is not interested in following you." I Answered as I leaned against the wall.


The hallway still was empty and the only people detected are downstairs. Only the owner and whoever her worker is.

"You mentioned needing someone to protect you, I thought on it." I said while looking over at Ella.

"What do you think?" Asked Ella as she looked over at Mika.

"I'll let you join my party for the time being but this better not cause anymore problems." I responded as I shifted my attention towards Azura.

"That explains a lot now, I was going to ask why she was here but now I understand." Said Azura while rubbing her eyes.

"Yes I apologize for the surprise Azura, but let's get going." I Replied as I opened the door.

We left the building and continued onwards, there isn't a lot of time to waste. The village of Shizu is still quite far and I'd rather not dwell longer then is needed.

It helps having two extra party members though, at least logically that's what I'd assume. I've never really had people by my side since my past was more PvP orientated rather than PvE.

But my knowledge is enough since I still had to grind to be the best there was.

We continued our travels throughout the town and finally reached what seemed to be the edge of the town.

"I take it this is our path?" Asked Ella as she looked at the path.

"Yes, we're leaving." I Answered as I continued to walk.

Now that I think about it, If this is allowing me to have stats and skills and such, then can I use this?

Party Check!

"Command accepted." Said a voice as a menu showed.

Party Leader: Grim (Level 304)

Azura (Level 45)

Ella Franzo (Level 125)


It seems my level has also increased a bit more but the levels of my companions surprises me a bit. Azura is quite low but Ella is high for a knight captain.

Most knight captains had a cap back when I played but it seems again the rules are a lot different than I expected.

But either way it's time to continue on, and another question was answered now.

A few days passed once more and yet I feel we haven't gotten much closer to this village but I do believe it's not too much farther. I just hope this voice I heard was right about being given access to everything I had once we got there.

"Mika if you can hear me you must know you're on the right path, but be cautious." Said Yui through some sort of magic.

It seems no one else can hear her but that's a bit of a relief.

"Do either of you know how far we are?" I asked as I continued walking.

"Probably a few more days but then we should be there." Answered Ella as she walked besides Mika.

As we continued to walk I could hear someone running towards us in the distance.


Scanning down the path ahead I could see some guy running towards us, but it seems he's being chased. The sight reached the furthest it could see which is about 300 meters in all directions.

"Help! please!" shouted the boy as he ran.

He's now within eye sight and now I can even see the men chasing him. Bandits chasing a random boy? How odd.

I quickly pulled out a dagger and threw it towards one of the men. All I could see was it piercing his chest and sending him to the ground.

"Enemies ahead!" shouted one of the men as they continued onward.

The boy finally reached me, he was just as tall as Ella and had brown hair, brown eyes, and wore light armor and seemed to have a bow.

"Why are they chasing you?" I Asked as I pulled my sword out.

"I can explain that after this I promise, just please help me." Replied the boy as he got behind us.

The remaining bandits approached us and seemed to think we're just adventurers. Probably don't think we're all that strong.

"Just hand over the boy shit stain." Said the man as he pointed his sword towards me.

"Wrong choice of words." I Replied as I cut the man's hand off.

"Ahhhhh! Get them!" Shouted the man as he fell to the ground.

The bandits charged in and went in to attack. That's when I noticed Ella charge in with her sword and she stabbed one in the chest while throwing a knife towards another.

Azura then jumped to the side and shot what seemed to be a small crossbow at the other guy.

And after a few short moments it seemed we had dealt with them all, other then the one on the ground.

"So with all your men dead, what will you do?" I Asked while looking down at the bandit.

"Please I'll leave!" Shouted the bandit as he struggled to stand.

"Go." I Said.

As the bandit stood up and began to run Mika gestured at Azura to hand him a bolt. She handed Mika the bolt and he quickly took a stance ready to throw and threw the bolt.

All that could be heard was the wind behind the bolt and the sound of it piercing the bandits flesh. He Then fell to the ground dead.

"Now you need to explain who you are and why they were chasing you." I said while turning towards the boy.

"My name is Ishada and I was with a group of adventurers exploring a dungeon until they jumped us and killed my friends." Said Ishada as he remembered the scenario.

"I see, well what are your skills exactly Ishada?" I Asked as I went into thought.

It wouldn't hurt to have an Archer but I'm curious if he can do more than shoot a bow.

"I'm really skilled with a bow and if I have to I can use a dagger." Answered Ishada as he pulled out his bow.

"Okay then you can accompany us for now till we get to Shizu Village." I said as I sheathed my sword and began to walk.

"Thank you." Replied Ishada as he put away his bow.

The journey continues once more but it seems everything is slowly coming along. I do wonder if anyone looks up to the heroes though since I haven't heard much of them.

I don't even know the names of these heroes or if they've done anything yet. It'll be quite interesting to find everything out about them as well I'm sure.

Finally reaching the end of the forest we could see a small village in the distance.

"Do you guys possibly think that's Shizu Village?" I asked as we continued to walk.

"Yes it is." Answered Ella as she looked at it in the distance.

Then it seems we made it to the place we needed to for now. Hopefully I'll have everything restored to me now that I've reached the Village.

[Author Message]

Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the story so far, this will be the last short chapter of the story. Expect longer chapters and I plan to have two chapters a week depending on how the support goes! Such as saving it or getting the word out! That could increase the weekly chapters!

But for now this is the end of chapter 5!

Chapter 6 and onwards will be longer! Thank you again for reading!