Chapter 6: Shizu Village

The nicest village I've ever seen, even out of the games I've played. I'm always surprised by these things but this place doesn't seem to hold much value.

Not as many shops or even people for that matter, I wonder what happened here that could've ruined the reputation maybe. As far as I'm aware, reputation is what most tradesmen go off of.

"Good job Mika you've made it to the Village of Shizu! your Skills, items, and stats have fully been restored to you." Said a mysterious voice.

That's good to know, my armor from before I was brought into this world was made by me with the best materials and forged on the best anvil you could get.

I also had a sword given for defeating a demon lord and a sword for the amount of PvP I had done. The Sword of Lazarus, a sword given to those who believe in destruction and chaos. That's what PvP was considered after all.

My armor was called Lazarus's Servant. For I forged it from materials most players could only dream of getting, so strong that most players couldn't defeat me.

But I don't know if things will be different when it comes to these swords or not. They'll still be pretty strong since they were made from good materials but the effects might not be as strong.

"Mika you okay?" Asked Ella.

"Yeah why?" I answered as I turned towards Ella.

"You just seemed lost in thought." Said Ella.

"I'm okay, just a lot on the road ahead." I replied as I looked at the village.

Walking into the village of Shizu a lot was different compared to the other ones.

A strange thing seemed to be going on here though, everyone was gathered around in the square. I wonder why.

"What's going on?" I Asked to the group.

"You don't know about this event? One of the Heroes is here." Said Azura as she looked at the square.

"It's the hero Sorakami!" Shouted the people as they cheered.

"Hello everyone, I apologize I didn't come sooner but don't worry I will destroy all evil that haunts this village." Said Sorakami as he stood on the wall of the fountain.

This hero already made me sick, He wore paladin like armor and even wore a cloak over his head. You could hardly see his face because of the black cloak but it suited the black armor he wore.

As much as I hate the heroes, I will say at least they have good style. The heroes haven't made an appearance till now though so something must be up.

With all the chatter amongst the people and the hero Sorakami talking on and on, I left the area and went to the closest inn. I'm not in the mood to listen to this bullshit of his.


My sight went as far as the square and revealed everyone still standing around there, but then I saw another one appear in the shadows. It's hard to make out but it could be another hero observing or keeping watch for anything "evil".

But I won't make any rash moves for the time being since I don't know the strength of even one hero yet. It's best to be on my guard until I know more about them or about their abilities.

Luckily the party followed me to the inn instead of listening to the heroes bullshit but I know they don't understand it yet. That the heroes had me killed and even made me out to be some evil piece of garbage.

It isn't fair by any means but there had to be something behind it that made them think that. I still won't ever forget that they did what they did.

"So what are we doing now Mika?" Asked Ishada as he sat on a chair.

"I'm thinking give me a moment." I Answered as I went into thought.

So with the hero Sorakami here it wouldn't be wise for me to look too much into anything here. Maybe it's best to continue onward until I find another place or even a dungeon could work.

"I suggest we head out of here and towards a dungeon maybe." I Said before looking towards the door.

"Alright that works." Agreed everyone.

As we all headed towards the door my eyes were met by his. That treacherous piece of garbage.

"Sorry I didn't mean to block the door." Said Sorakami as he moved out of the way.

"It's fine, thank you for moving." I replied as me and my party walked by.

That man has a crazy strange aura to him and I can't quite put my finger on it, it makes me wonder what's going on.

Me and my party continued out towards the gate or the village, it seemed to be the best path out of here so this is where we go now.

"Do you guys know where we might find a dungeon?" I Asked Mika as I walked.

"Probably if we continue down this path for a bit and then divert east a bit we should find a dungeon." Said Ella as she walked next to Mika.

With that being said we continued to walk and take rests as needed, the group talked to each other and kept quite when it came to me. I prefer it to be that way, I don't really feel like talking much with them yet.

A day or two passed of traveling and stoping to rest, it wasn't long but the dungeon finally was in site. The huge cave looking place had to be it, most dungeons can start this way so it'd be best to explore it.

"Alright this must be it, let's go." I Said as I went towards the entrance of the dungeon.

"W-wait this dungeon isn't one for us." Said Ishada as he stopped walking.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I stopped for a moment.

"This dungeon is said to have a really powerful boss, and it caved in real far down a long time ago." Answered Ishada.

"It's not a big deal, let's continue." I said as I entered the dungeon.

It was dark and probably cold but I couldn't tell thanks to most of my resistances I built up in the game. The others I hope can handle going through this place but I'm curious to meet this boss they mention.

Ishada seems to be the most scared one of the group but that's fine. Not everyone is brave or capable of dealing with dungeons

Though I recall him saying his group was heading towards one before.

After about an hour or so of traversing through this dungeon, all we saw so far was goblins and some wolves. Maybe he mistook this dungeon for another.


The area is seen through my ability and all I can see is some low level ads and what seems to be a gate at the end of the cavern.

"The boss gate seems to be ahead." I said as I walked towards the gate in the distance.

The group continued onward towards the gate and finally approaching it I realized something was off about it. The gate was slightly open and it appeared as if someone was just waking up in there.

"Stay here I'll head in." I said as I entered the boss room.

The room was even colder then the cavern and all I could see was a man in the center waking up on some sort of huge pedestal.

"Um where's the boss?" I Asked as I looked over at the man.

"Boss? What are you talking about, where am I?" Responded the man with questions of his own.

"The world of Miral, and currently in the lands of Mito." I said as I looked around the room.

"Wait this is all strange, are you referring to the game world of The heroes of Mito Kingdom." Replied the man as he sat up.

He wore torn up clothes and I could sense he did have some good power to him but he might be in a situation like me.

"Yes, you might be like me then." I said as I finally was in front of the man.

"Strange." Responded the man.

So does this mean it's possible that there's more people like me or close to the situation I'm in? I don't know what to make of this at all.

"What's your name?" I asked as I looked at the man.

"My name is Rin." Answered Rin as he got off the huge pedestal.

"Nice to meet you Rin, my name is Mika." I said.

"I have a strange U.I in front of me." Said Rin as he looked at the interface.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as I opened my U.I too.

Mine doesn't look too strange, it just shows my stats, level, items, and skills.

"It shows boss stats, skills, and items." Answered Rin as he put on the items.

Before my eyes he put on clothes of a demon lord and the weapon upon his back appeared to be a giant axe.

"Holy shit, what if you were brought here as a boss." I said as I gazed upon Rin's gear.

"That would explain all the stuff I'm seeing but if that's the case it's best you go for now." Replied Rin.

"Are you sure? I would feel bad if I couldn't do something to help." I asked as I looked back towards the group.

"Yes, as much as I appreciate that, I don't yet know the intentions of the being who brought me here." Responded Rin as he looked around.

"Okay, I hope to see you again then Rin. Good luck." I said before walking back towards the door.

"Thank you, you too." Replied Rin as he walked towards a wall.

I wish he would've came with, that's the first person I met who played the game and didn't understand how they got here.

I'm hoping to meet him again down the road but for now I need to continue on my way to a place where I can learn more about this world. Whether it's the heroes, the traditions, or general history. I need to know it all.

"Let's get going." I said to my party.

They all just began to follow Mika as they traversed the dungeon once more.

"Are we not going to mention the boss?" Asked Ella as she looked over at Mika.

"Obviously he wasn't a threat." Said Azura as she walked.

"I guess but it's still strange." Responded Ishada.

"Don't worry about it guys, let's just continue onwards." I said as I looked ahead.

So he was brought here with a boss system possibly? That's interesting since it didn't seem possible before I was brought here.

This world sparks but more curiosity than I already had.

"We should head to the Kingdom of Mybourn." Said Ishada as he looked towards the group.

"Why Mybourn?" I Asked.

"It's the safest place to go, especially when it comes to well avoiding the heroes." Answered Ishada.

"What makes you talk of avoiding them?" Questioned Ella.

"Obviously our party leader doesn't seem like a fan of the heroes just based on the interaction at Shizu, it's the logical guess." Responded Ishada.

"You're correct Ishada, let's get going. Lead the way." I Said as I gestured Ishada to lead.

This kingdom I haven't heard much about since coming here but in the game it was said they were heavily against Mito. The beliefs and customs were said to be far from Mito's beliefs and customs.

They also didn't agree with the kings rise to power so I can only wonder how far a war is.

Maybe that's why Lithen came to be, a group dedicated to killing these Lords who are said to be corrupted by greed and power. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually were made by one of the kingdoms who oppose Mito.

But for now it's time to travel to Mybourn.