Chapter 7: Roots

The road to Mybourn wasn't going to be short and as far as I've been told by Ishada it's quite far away from us. It'll be a long travel but that was no problem since the party wanted to share stories from before they met me.

"So who's going first?" I asked as I walked.

"I'll go first." Said Azura as she began to speak.

[Past Azura's POV]

It was a nice sunny day and I had just joined my first party. I was new to the adventuring lifestyle but these guys became like my family for the first few months before meeting Mika.

"So is everyone ready?" Asked the party leader.

My party leaders name was Nikki and she was a good leader. We also had Marco the paladin, Shin the archer, and Mina the Healer.

"Of course let's get going!" Shouted everyone anxious to get the journey going.

My party had found dungeons rather quickly and for awhile it was great, we'd conquer a dungeon or two every day and then sell materials we didn't need.

That continued on and on for a few months but then a newer party came to town. We had a place in the town of Hiko and this town wasn't quite known yet for helping adventures too much.

This party was full of guys with a sick mind, guys who wanted to do things to women..

Upon returning back to Hiko we were greeted by this party.

"Hey look at these fine ladies." Said a man.

"Yeah we could use some gals like yourselves." Said another man.

"Why don't you guys go find some other girls for your party." Said Marco as he gestured them to back off.

"Aren't you quite the hero boy, I'll remember you." Said the man.

the first man was tall, bore a big beard and little to no hair. Almost as if he was a barbarian. The second man was just as big as him but had both a beard and hair on his head, it wouldn't be like these guys usually.

At least I wouldn't think so.

That party backed off for a few months since they didn't know the power of our party, which was normal for parties who had ill intent towards another. We didn't know they were scouting and grasping our power at the time but we continued on our journeys.

"Azura you're definitely getting better with that crossbow." Said Nikki.

"Thank you Nikki, it's something I definitely wanna be the best with." Replied Azura.

Nikki was a supportive person and she really knew how to motivate us all.

Marco was protective of us more than anyone in the party honestly, but it made sense for paladins like him. Shin was more of a quite guy and he usually preferred to be in the back of fights.

"So why don't we all head back to the base for today." Said Nikki as she looked down the road.

"Of course let's go I'm tired." replied Mina as she started walking.

Mina wasn't always the adventure type but eventually started to enjoy it because of the coin you could make. But she was very nice to everyone in the group. But that's really most of my group.

With the day ending we all had gotten our rest and it was time to continue the routine. We traveled a bit farther than usual though since we wanted to expand the loot we could get.

So we started going through dungeons near the village of Nizu which at the time we didn't realize the previous party had a base at. They saw us of course since they had been scouting and realized they weren't far from home this time.

We were far from our home though and I don't know how it happened but they managed to follow us into the dungeon and cornered us.

"Hey guys something is off, the monsters here are already dead and I feel like someone's watching us." Said Shin as he looked around.

"I see you noticed just like I did." Replied Nikki as she pulled out her sword.

"They know what a pity." Said the man.

"It seems so." Replied another man.

The two men came out from the shadows and to my surprise they had a lot better gear from when we first saw them.

"It seems you guys haven't gotten much better." Said the man.


A rare skill I possessed was called inspect which allowed me to see the gear and name of the people.

Fran and Jezu were their names and they were well known for what they did to parties.

"Guys that's Fran and Jezu, the infamous party killers." Said Azura to the group.

"This isn't a good thing." Responded Shin as he pulled out his bow.

The party then began to attack. Shin firing his arrows at them and Marco drawing the defensive side to keep them occupied.

"I say this will be fun." Said Fran as he charged in.

"Indeed it will." Replied Jezu as he followed behind.

Both charging in towards Marco I tried to shoot at them as well with my crossbow but it didn't seem to have any effect.

"Guys get out of here I'll hol-" Marco began before getting stopped.

Before my vary eyes Marco had his shield smashed out of his hands and a sword in his chest.

"Best to keep quite if you know you're not strong enough lad." Said Fran as he put the sword in deeper.

Marco looked towards us once more and you could see the sadness in his eyes, he tried his best.

"Help me please!" Shouted Shin as he dropped his bow in front of Jezu.

"Coward huh. It's alright die then." Responded Jezu as he stabbed Shin in the throat.

My party was dying before my eyes one by one and I couldn't do anything about it. Mina was killed next in an instant, then before me was Fran.

"P-please I don't wanna die." Said Azura as she fell to her knees.

Before I could react any further Nikki had ran towards him and pushed him away.

"Run Azura! please run!' Shouted Nikki as she pulled Azura up.

"B-but what about you." Said Azura barely being able to stand.

"Just go, I'll find you I promise." Replied Nikki as she held her sword.

"Okay I'll go." Said Azura as she began to run.

Nikki kept them from chasing after me, well at least from chasing me right away. That was until I met with you, I know I wasn't looking frightened then but trust me it was all I could think about.

[Current Time Mika POV]

"That was quite a story, I'm sorry to hear that Azura." Said Ishada as he walked.

Sad but yet it makes me wonder what goes through the minds of the people here. Rather what inspires them to act the way they do or maybe they are just destined to be that way.

"I can go next." Said Ella as she looked up at the sky.

"Go ahead." Replied Mika as he looked forward.

The road ahead still feels like it's quite long but at least I'm learning more about my party members.

[Past Ella's POV]

A few months before coming to Nizu village then to Ibal and so forth.

I was making my way towards the Kingdom of Ethelin far in the east but we got completely side tracked by the stories of a summon. One by the witch so we were told to shift our attention towards the outskirts of Mito until this was dealt with.

King Kumagai Mari or King Mari for short wanted us to find the summoned person and kill them at once. But of course that didn't exactly work out as we expected it to.

We ran into a few different parties but not one of them even heard of a summon being in the area. No villages or even towns said that a person claiming that has appeared yet.

So we continued onwards for a couple months just searching and finding nothing, still this remains a mystery. It was our goal until the infamous group known as Lithen appeared before us.

"Captain what are we to do?" Asked the knights.

"We'll deal with them here and now." Answered Ella as she pulled out her sword.

I didn't realize at the time that this group was as strong as they were.

They charged in and so did my knights as if to clash against them.

I followed behind my knights and managed to take at least one of them down before losing my knights.

"Captain we're losing too many, we need t-" Began a knight before losing his head.

"Pity that this is where you'll die Ella Franzo." Said a mysterious voice.

This person knew exactly who I was and was about to take my life until suddenly everything felt as if it slowed down. I had a few moments and I quickly took it upon myself to run as far as possible.

It took about a day or two to reach where you were. This all had happened after the last time we had met and you had used the same magic to pause around us.

I still don't know how you possess such power but whoever it was did the same thing and gave me time to escape.

I would dive deeper into my past but I'd rather not for today.

[Current time Mika's POV] A couple of days have passed from traveling, resting, and hearing the tales of the past.

"I'm sorry to hear the struggles of which you have all gone through." Said Mika as he leaned against a tree.

"If it's alright I'd rather not share much about my past for the time being." Responded Ishada as he looked around.

"That's okay, Ella I'm going to be honest. I'm the summon." Said Mika as he looked up at the nights sky.

"Y-you are the one summoned by the witch?!?!" Replied Ella in shock.

"Yeah if that's what you call her, but it's not quite the way everyone was told." Said Mika while shifting his eyes towards Ella.

"I've seen how you are and what you've done but it doesn't resemble the evil summon at all." Responded Ella while calming down.

"Because that's what the King Mari as you called him wants you to think." Said Mika while sitting against the tree now.

"I appreciate the honesty, I just don't know what to think." Replied Ella.

"I think Mika has our best interests in mind." Said Azura as she sat next to Mika.

"I agree." Says Ishada before sitting on a log by the fire.

We had setup a camp for the night to catch some rest and it seems everyone for the most part was on my side.

"I trust him too, he kept me safe even though he knows nothing of this group." Says Ella before finally sitting down.

"I'm glad you all trust me, it's quite a long journey I'm on here and I need your trust." Responded Mika as he looked around at the group.

I felt like I was finally leaving the shell I'm so used to. My social side finally starting to form, I was never a talkative person and usually kept to myself.

"Well until proven otherwise, I'd say you have our trust." Said Azura as she leaned closer.

It seems I grew on her a bit, but I hope to keep these people close. I'll do everything in my power to protect them and pursue my goal.

[Sorakami's POV] In the Village of Shizu.

It seems that was the evil summon after all, I could sense the power in him and he even resembled the guy we had shot at the palace.

Letting him go this time was the only mercy he'd ever get since he wasn't my concern at this time. Lithen will fall by my hands no matter the cost.

[Back to Mika and his Party] The following morning.

It seems like it was finally time to get back on the road, well probably after we all eat.

I do wonder what it will be like when I fight this first hero.

"Hey everyone I managed to make something, we should eat before traveling again." Said Ella as she opened a pot.

A nice smell indeed, first time I'm excited to eat in a long while.