Chapter 9: Alive

"We have a common goal, you and me. So why don't you agree to kill someone for me and there will be one more thing I ask for down the road but this is the main thing I need done." Says the sinister voice.

"Who do I need to kill?" I ask while laying on the ground.

"A man by the name of Caziel, it won't be long till you cross paths I'm sure but he needs to die, I'll give you some of my power until he dies then you'll get more." Responds the sinister voice.

"Fine I'll do it." I say.

Suddenly a dark surge of light is seen going through Mika's body and his eyes are shown an interesting message.

{You have been chosen as a Vessel for the great Demon Lazarus, Therefore you are stronger and have had your wounds healed. Only scars remain. Good Luck!}

Shit that's really new, that was never in the game. I don't remember it being in the game at least but whatever it is I don't feel like I'm barely going make it anymore.

Quickly realizing his wounds really were healed, Mika stood up and picked his sword up off the floor.

I'm really alive and I'm sure I'll know my strength from this being soon enough, but for now it's time to go find Azura and Ella.

I began to run through the forest scanning for where they could have gone and not far off I finally caught a glimpse of something. It was Azura's white hair I noticed before coming to a stop, I see them.

Mika quickly dashed towards his remaining companions and they noticed him coming from the sound of his armor.

"Mika y-you're okay." Says Azura while tears roll down her cheeks.

"I'm okay, are you guys okay?" I Asked as I pat Azura's head.

Before anyone can answer they both hug Mika with tears down their cheeks.

I didn't think they cared about me since well I'm me and I haven't done anything good to be seen as a good person. This is nice though I'll admit.

While Mika lingers in his thoughts he wraps his arms around the both of them.

So this is what it's like to be alive huh?

I've got a lot to do down the road and no matter what I'm going to kill whoever needs to be killed. Whether it's a lord, a king, a hero, or even some other demon!

All will die before my hands to make this place better and pure of evil.

After a bit the two had let go and I caught them up on what happened besides the agreement. Of course this day had changed quite a bit when it came to my journey.

It gave me insight on what these heroes are capable of and what I need to watch out for but now I'm going to do what I must. Starting with getting to Mybourn before I'm tracked down again.

It should take some time before they catch onto the fact that I'm actually alive and not dead. Even if they do I should be in foreign territory to them so they shouldn't interfere when I reach Mybourn.

My gear also was in need of repairs now but it didn't matter, it'd at least last me till I got to my destination. We began our travels once more, along this dreadful road.

Do I regret killing Ishada? No, I think it was needed and he deserved nothing less.

These scum will do anything it takes to help those heroes and to make sure nothing is in the way. It's ridiculous but there's nothing I can do about the innocent people who are fooled by these guys.

Not everyone can be persuaded to see the right side and the right cause.

"What happened with the heroes?" Asked Ella as we walked.

"They thought I was dead and left." I Answered as I looked ahead.

It had been a few days since I had encountered the hero Sorakami but since then it's been quite. I'm sure they'll pop up soon enough after realizing I'm not dead.

I honestly don't know what happened to me there and I still have no clue how to handle him yet. He used one of the strongest forms of magic on me, it's odd how I survived that.

Even with this agreement I would've died moments after laying on the ground. Again I find myself with more questions and no answers.

It's all so strange but I hope to find answers in time.

A few more days of on and off rest passed by and my party soon found ourselves on the outskirts of Mybourn. This kingdom looked twice as big compared to Mito so I wonder how this hatred came to be.

To me it makes sense but there could've been different reasons or different events that caused this fight. Since that's basically what it is, I heard they were almost at war.

If it started tomorrow I wouldn't be surprised, nonetheless we finally reached this damn place. It took a lot longer than I had expected, including us being slowed down from that surprise attack from the heroes.

"Well this is definitely the right place." Said Azura glancing at the massive walls in the distance.

"Yeah I definitely don't remember them having such defenses." Says Ella looking at the walls as well.

So it was different in the past it seems, that's usually what happens with expansion and time. It's surprising that they don't have roadblocks set up to keep access restricted.

Spies would be my biggest concern.

"Well at least we finally got here, I'd say a good break is in order." I said as I gazed up at the sky.

Even though I'd prefer not to stop, I Know everyone needs a break. I still have to figure out what my next plan of attack is anyway.

After a few more minutes we had reached the gates of this huge kingdom.

"Halt, what's your business here?" Asked a guard.

"We're a group of adventurers traveling, and we needed to get as far away from Mito as possible." I respond.

"Okay, well just be cautious, a lot of dangerous people have been about lately." Says the guard as he looks at Ella's insignia on her shoulder plate.

I'm surprised the guards are still letting us through considering Ella's insignia from Mito.

After passing through we reached the first district of the kingdom and it was considered the Ishmark district. Meaning it was good for travelers, traders, and common folk.

There seemed to be a total of four districts with the final one being the castle surrounded by it's barracks and towers. This definitely doesn't have all the same aspects as the game did.

"Let's find a place to stay for the night." I said as I looked down the street.

"Hey I see a place over there." Replies Azura as she points to the right.

Mizu's Inn and Tavern, seems like the logical place to stay for the time being.

We walked towards the building and after a few moments we all entered.

It was a lot nicer than most of the inns I had been to so far so it makes me wonder about the costs. Usually I'd guess about five to six gold coins or ten silver coins per room.

"How much would it be for two rooms?" I asked as I leaned on the counter.

"Ah I'd say about two gold pieces, just because we've been quite busy lately." Said the man with a strong accent.

This man seemed different, he didn't seem human but yet he did at the same time. I think I need to learn a bit more about the races here.

"Alright here you go." I Replied while dropping the gold pieces on the counter.

"Alright first two rooms down the hall on the right." Says the man as he picks up the gold pieces.

We get to the rooms and I look over at both Azura and Ella.

"You two can share the first room, I'll take the second. If you need me just knock." I say before heading into the second room.

I didn't wanna give them a chance to say something different about the options. I also needed to rest, I feel exhausted.

After about an hour, I take off my gear and lay down on the bed. I haven't felt like this in a long time, I'm wondering if this is my way of adjusting to this world.

A few moments went by as I looked at the ceiling, everything was getting darker. Time to rest.

"1, 2, 3." Counts a man as a defibrillator is heard.

"We got a heartbeat, he's alive." Responds another man.

Upon opening my eyes I realize I'm laying on a medical bed of some sort, a sharp pain in my stomach and my head was pounding.

I looked over and realized I was in a hospital and these doctors must've saved my life, but what happened...?

I'm not crazy, that world was real.

"I know this is going to sound rough kid, but the building you were living in was Targeted by some terrorists. Luckily you survived but you got quite the injuries." Says the doctor as he checks his board.

Now this feels like a dream, I couldn't have been dead or whatever the hell happened to me.

"I'll let you take some time, you'll have a visitor in a little bit after we make sure you're stable." Says the doctor before exiting the room.

I know I'm not imagining things, I was in the world from the game. All that pain was real..

A couple hours go by and a girl enters the room.

She seemed about 5'7, 5'8, she was skinny, had red hair, and a silver tint seemed to be the color of her eyes.

"Do I know you..?" I Questioned with the little strength I had.

"I'm so glad you're okay Mika! How are you going to worry me like that." Says the girl while ignoring Mika's question.

What the hell is going on.

"What's going on?" I asked while letting out a cough.

"Mika I'm your girlfriend Yui, how don't you remember me?" Responds Yui with another question.

Shit shit shit!

That explains why the name seemed familiar, I could've sworn I heard it but now it makes complete sense. Even though I wasn't the most social person I did find a girl who shared a lot in common with me.

"I'm sorry, I must've hit my head as well." I said as I slowly sat up.

This doesn't change the fact that I don't get what's happening.

Yui explained over the course of two hours what had happened and that I had been badly injured from the attack. I was also on the brink of death and they didn't know if I'd make it, this is a lot.

I was starting to see my purpose in that world, I'm aware I was hunting the heroes and the king Mari but that wasn't what I meant.

Do I have to be here...?