Chapter 10: Tokyo

The following days passed and I was cleared to leave the hospital, still confused on everything that was going on and what happened.

My life wasn't perfect and I didn't wanna die or anything but that world wasn't terrible. I had a lot to learn and I had made new friends right?

But ignoring that for the time being I had gone with Yui back to her apartment. She was only a year or so older than me, my memory of her slowly came back. Not a lot made sense since I didn't remember having a girlfriend before I had woken up in that world.

After a long bus ride to her place, we went up the stairs and into her apartment.

Nothing was easy, she had to help me and I'm going to be on medicine for awhile according to the doctors. This seemed worse at the moment but I'm going to figure this all out.

Pain jolted throughout my body and I fell against the wall, everything felt heavy. I don't know what the hell is going on but there's pain I didn't expect at all.

"Mika are you okay?!?" Asked Yui with a worried expression.

Looking around the room everything flashed in and out. One moment I'm seeing the room, the next I'm seeing the inn room.

What the hell is going on with me..

After going through these flashes I looked up at Yui and it flashed once more now showing me Azura. What if I can't go back..?

I don't know what was going on but I could feel the tears go down my cheeks, if that wasn't real why does it feel so real. Why do these emotions feel so real.

"Y-yeah I'm okay." Responded Mika while wiping the tears off his face.

"Are you sure, you were crying." Says Yui as she sits next to Mika on the floor.

"Yeah." Replies Mika.

I really was in Tokyo again and I just didn't wanna believe it. I'm full of disbelief but it's back to my plain old life it seems, a life of gaming and well laziness.

After I recover I'll get my stuff figured out so I can get back on the game and enjoy the time with my girlfriend I guess.

She helped me back up and brought me to the couch. The following days passed with nothing crazy going on except normal life.

It made me wonder what happened when I was out of it or almost dead here.

"Mika, Mika!" Shouts a distant voice.

Am I really hearing someone or am I going crazy?

"Mika!!!!" Shouted the voice as it got closer.

No I'm definitely hearing something but who the hell is it?

"Mika everything is okay, I apologize we had lost you for a moment there." Says a figure who appears.

"Wait what?" Questions Mika while sitting up on the couch.

"Mika you're dreaming of a world that didn't happen, you were erased from your world and brought into mine." Answers the voice.

"Who are you?!?!" Asks Mika.

"It's me Yui, the real Yui. I'm sorry that this happened, you were put into a deep trance and it took quite a while to get you out." Responded Yui as she sat next to Mika.

"But you look the same." Says Mika while looking at Yui.

"Because it's my real appearance, but I promise everything is okay. You don't exist in your world anymore." Replies Yui while looking at Mika.

I was in some sort of trance? But this even feels real...

"It seems whoever you fought last had placed something on you to have this effect, luckily I found out, wake up." Says Yui before Mika quickly jolts awake.

Upon opening my eyes I realized I was back in the tavern and everything was the same as before. Why would I have thought of Tokyo now of all places?

I don't miss the place that much, though I wouldn't be killed there so easily since it's uncommon for such a thing unless it's a terrorist attack. Randomly on a building or something I guess like the dream.

Before being able to go into deeper thought I had noticed Azura was holding onto my arm.

"Everything is okay Mika, I was worried something happened to you." Said Azura while hanging onto my arm, tears down her cheeks.

"I'm okay, I'm sorry to have worried you." Replies Mika while patting her head with his other hand.

I can't believe I care about being here with these people when I don't even belong here.

This world brought me here and basically told me to fuck off at the same time so it makes me wonder if this is really what I'm supposed to do. Kill all these corrupt pieces of garbage, am I really to do all this?

"Yes child, you are." Says a sinister voice.

"It's you again." Responds Mika.

These conversations in my head are confusing but I'm getting use to it.

"The person you need to kill will be coming here soon, don't forget to kill him." Says the voice.

"It'll be done Lazarus, I won't forget what you gave me." Replied Mika.

The world gave me a real Lazarus even though it didn't exist in the game other than as armor and weapons. It never existed as an actual entity so I won't deny power from this being.

Meanwhile the Kingdom of Mito is preparing for war against Mybourn, their biggest enemy at the moment. The King Mari believes that since he has powerful heroes it will rule completely in his favor.

As sad as it may be, the Kingdom of Mybourn is powerful as well without heroes. They also have many great allies from other kingdoms.

Currently Mybourn resides as one of the biggest and most prosperous kingdoms of the lands, being their biggest problem is their enemies.

They made enemies with King Mari due to his beliefs and rise to power. He didn't become King legitimately, it was through manipulation and having friends in high places.

Now Mika and his companions are in the middle of this soon to be war, mostly due to Mika being summoned by the "Witch" Yui who believed the king to be corrupted and the heroes evil.

It's not wrong since King Mari is a corrupted man and doesn't want anything that won't benefit him.

Flashing back to Mika and his party, the group is making their way through the kingdom.

I don't know what I'm really looking for here but I know I'm in for quite a lot just based on the history of this kingdom. Mito must've really screwed up to be an enemy of this kingdom or it really was just because we thought the same of King Mari.

Either way it's going to be a rough ride, but I'm content with my party. We've come a long way and I have a lot to accomplish.

After yesterday I also got an idea for how some heroes work a bit more too, after having been in that dream. They definitely are powerful but I know I'll kill them no matter what.

This world is changing me and I can't say if it's for better or for worse but I know what to do and how to do it. Slowly everything is coming to me and slowly I'm getting stronger.

I'll make sure I kill Sorakami first for what he did to me before killing any other heroes.

"We should get going right Mika?" Asked Ella while holding the door open.

"Yeah we should." Answered Mika as he got up and put all his gear back on.

Lately I've felt more like I was born in this world than my actual world. I wish I had been born here but I don't think this power would be with me if that was the case.

Moving out of my thoughts we had left the inn earlier than expected, but there was a lot to explore and we needed to get further into the Kingdom.

I needed to know the real reason Mybourn is against the kingdom of Mito.

After leaving the inn and traveling a bit further into the city, Mika and his companions meet someone new.

"You must be Mika, I've been wondering if you were alive." Says the girl who approached them.

"Who are you and how do you know me?" Asks Mika as he puts his hand on his hilt.

"I'm a hero but don't worry I'm not hunting you, or well I guess not yet." Answers the girl.

"What do you want?" Questions Mika while looking at the girl.

It was a girl with blue hair, grey eyes, she seemed to have some sort of light armor on followed by a hood that had been pulled down.

"To join you! okay I didn't actually mean to say I'd hunt you, I saw a lot of the stuff you did and heard of your strength." Responds the girl.

"Join me? I don't know if that's smart to have a hero join me." Says Mika while thinking.

"Please, I'll make sure I carry my own weight, I'll do anything to be by your side." Replies the girl.

She seems a little obsessed with me but she could be quite strong, so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have her join us on this journey.

"Okay well what's your name?" Asks Mika.

"My name is Asai Hiroko" Answers the girl.

An interesting name, at least I'll have someone else who's a bit powerful.

"Okay well welcome to the party Hiroko." Says Ella and Azura.

I know I might have to kill her down the road since I vowed to kill all the heroes but we'll see if she can redeem herself. Hopefully it won't come to it but it all depends on her at the end of the day.

(Meanwhile in the heavenly city of Maziel) [Shiro POV]

"Are you sure it was smart to summon these guys?" Asks a god.

"Trust me I know what I'm doing Nikki." Answers Shiro while sitting in his throne chair.

"The two beings I had summoned into this world will save it from it's corruption like I saved this city and my old world." Says Shiro while gazing around the room.

"I trust you but I'm just worried, he's already locked into a deal with a demon lord." Responds Nikki.

"Everyone has one big problem they deal with in life, this is his." Says Shiro.

I know this was the right call, I'm not able to go into worlds all the time. If I could save every single one I would but it's impossible to be everywhere.

In time everyone will understand why we do this Mina, I promise I'll make up for your death.

Mika and Rin, I have faith in you both. Do well.

"They'll do great." Says Niko from inside Shiro's head.

"Yeah I have a feeling they will." Responds Shiro.