Chapter 17: Lost

Leaving that shop it was time to check The Blite Fly for some information about my companions.

This shop was exactly as the name described in terms of their shop sign on the outside of the door. An Iron sign hanging with a Fly on it while the shop looks all worn down.

Makes me wonder how long this place has been around to be worn down this bad in the first place. Time to head inside.

"Welcome to The Blite Fly how can I help you today?" Asked the person behind the counter.

"Yes I'm looking for information about my companions." Answers Mika.

"You're wasting valuable time that we could use to find Calziel." Says Lazarus.

"Lazarus we'll find Calziel just give me a little bit of time." Responds Mika to Lazarus.

"Yes the two who traveled here were the first to arrive in a long time." Says the person.

"What'd they stop for?" Asks Mika.

"Just directions to the city of Winzel. But it's never been a straight path to that city so I did what I could." Answers the person.

After a moment the person took off a mask and it was a strange woman with black hair and Grey eyes.

"Thank you, but how do you get to Winzel?" Asks Mika with a curious tone.

"For once don't just follow east, head south of this town until you spot an Ansel Tree. After you see that tree you know you're on the right path, follow that road for about a day or two and hopefully you should reach Winzel." Answers the woman.

I've never heard of this city in the original game before but again this world seems to have a lot of things that stand out from the game.

There's also some reason for me having the skills and power I have since the heroes were also brought here but don't possess the kind of power I do. At some point I've got to ask Yui about this to see if she can tell me anything.

"Thank you for the help." Says Mika before walking out the shop.

As I got out of the shop I bumped into Azura, it seems I won't have to look for her now.

"Hey I didn't figure anything out, did you?" Asks Azura with a curious tone.

"Yes we need to go to the city known as Winzel, this woman told me that they talked about going there." Answers Mika as he looks out towards the end of the village.

"I've been to Winzel once, a long time ago. I sort of know how to get there but best get going now." Says Azura as she begins to walk.

I wonder if something happened there a long while ago since she was talking a bit different then usual. Either way it'll be okay since I'm here to keep her safe regardless.

"Okay probably a decent travel, so let's make sure to rest here and there." Replies Mika as he follows behind her.

You know that's the only thing that's been awful here so far, constant travel but down the road I hope to make this a bit easier. It doesn't bother me that much but I don't have a horse or horses to help.

Magic for travel would be good to look into down the road for sure even. I do have a lot of coin since I haven't seen much reason to use it yet other then for small things.

So began the travel for Winzel, a city that my friends are supposed to be at. I've got to get more accustomed to how different things are.

Mika and Azura continued for Winzel and after a few hours they reached a strange fork in the road ahead. Left and right.

"What way are we going Azura?" Questioned Mika as he looked at both paths.

"I believe the left path is the correct way." Answers Azura as she begins to walk down the left path.

Left it is then. I followed behind Azura for a bit and after about an hour or two nothing was in sight still.

No signs telling us where to go or how to get to Winzel. The only bright side was we were out of the desert and finally back to the nice forests of the land.

"You sure this was the right way?" Asks Mika while looking around the area.

"I'm positive but it does feel different compared to last time." Answers Azura while gazing upon the trees ahead.

We needed to find an Ansel Tree to know where we were going but no Ansel Tree was in sight at all. The Ansel Tree is known for its unique water like surface that it possesses.

So there's no way we wouldn't see this Tree, maybe it was the wrong path after all.

Stumbling in the bushes around them can be heard.

"Do you hear that?" Asks Mika.


Around the area are a few goblins but it doesn't seem to be any major threats otherwise. Maybe it's best just to give a scare to them since I'm not trying to attract more.


A strong blast of wind and pressure go towards two of the goblins and sends them flying through the trees.

"That might have been too strong Mika." Says Azura ignoring Mika's question.

"Yeah I didn't intend for it to be that strong. Well time to move on right." Responds Mika as he continues to walk.

Those goblins should know not to mess with us now since that was a lot more powerful then I had anticipated. "Sigh." I need to dial back the power of my attacks on lower beings so I don't attract someone or something greater.

Not that I have sympathy for any of the beings in this world other then my companions. I will kill the king of mito Kingdom and his supposed heroes.

They aren't as good as he makes them out to be and I'll prove it to the people no matter what.

"I think we are lost after all." Says Azura while stopping in her tracks.

"We'll find our way I'm sure." Responds Mika as he looks around once more.

We've got to be getting closer to figuring out where to go or else I'll have to agree with Azura's statement.

A couple hours go by and the night sky is finally upon Mika and Azura.

"We've been looking for hours now Azura, maybe we should rest for the night and start first thing tomorrow." Says Mika while sitting on a log.

"I agree. Ugh." Responds Azura before sitting down herself.

After a few moments Azura had fallen fast asleep but that meant I'd be first watch since it's just the two of us. Usually if we had our full party we'd be able to take shifts but it's a bit different with just the two of us.

"So that voice that talks occasionally besides me, what is it?" Asks Lazarus.

"Wait you can hear the voice when my skills are being activated?" Responds Mika with another question.

"Yes. That's why I'm asking you in the first place." Answers Lazarus.

"It's part of my power you could say. I don't really know how else to explain it." Says Mika as he keeps an eye on his surroundings.

Strange that he can hear the same voice that I hear upon using my skills and that critical status message. This is why every time I feel like I'm understanding this world, something like this happens.

"I see, I appreciate you trying to answer at least." Replies Lazarus.

He really doesn't seem that bad all the time but I wonder what will really happen when I kill this Calziel person. Will I really be given even more of this power that Lazarus shares with me when needed?

I only know so much about it which is the thing that bothers me.

Snap! The sound of a branch breaking can be heard.

What the hell was that? Mika quickly scans around his surroundings and notices nothing in close proximity.


All around the area seems to be clear but what broke the branch I heard break?

"What ever are you doing out here?" Says a mysterious voice.

"Yes it's not what I expected of you Mika. I thought you would've been resting still." Says Another mysterious voice.

What the hell is going on?!?!?