Chapter 18: Friends

"Who the hell are you?" Asks Mika with a confused tone.

"Jeez it's us Mika. Ella and Hiroko." Answers Ella as she pulls down a hood.

"Sorry we weren't trying to scare you or anything. We just happened to run into you on our way back to finish the final touches on the base." Says Hiroko.

"Holy shit, it's okay just didn't recognize your voices through the masks." Responds Mika.

This saved us from having to find them and it was nice that they found me and Azura instead. I'd still like to look into Winzel though.

"We have a surprise for you Mika, but it'll be a bit until you see it." Says Hiroko with a smile.

"That's fine by me. Just relieved to see you guys." Replies Mika.

It's nice to have the whole party together again, but now it's time to rest and recoup.

(Somewhere in the North) Mysterious Pov.

Something gave me a weird feeling lately and I can't quite put my finger on it but I feel it strongly suggesting my old enemy.

Lazarus I know you're out there somewhere with a new vessel but my time is far from over and my plans will come to fruition. The Great Demon Lord Levithi will be brought back from the dead to rule supreme once more.

"My lord we have word from our spy in the village east. They saw the new vessel, he has friends as well." Says the person.

Hmm a problem down the road it will be but as I've done it before, Lazarus will perish once more.

To think he'd find a vessel so soon though shocks me since it took him years before this and that vessel proved to be weak. Power from great demons always comes with a cost and it never ends well.

Looking to the side my mirror was in sight and of course my reflection shines as usual. As the heir to my fathers legacy I'll do my best.

This man is named Calziel, A man wearing mysterious black clothing and whose face was covered by a mask with a design of a Wolf on it. His hair could barely be seen but it was dark red and a bit spiky.

"Good, keep an eye from afar. We have to make sure we have assessed the situation completely before destroying his vessel once more." Responds Calziel.

This is time I plan to not only destroy his vessel but his soul as well. I've got no plans of keeping him alive just to keep coming back with new vessels.

(Back to Mika's party) The Next morning.

A good night's rest had helped since it's been on off travel for a few days. Before this I mean that's all it was, but now we have everyone and it's time to head to Winzel.

"How'd everyone sleep?"Asks Ella.

Apparently I was the last to wake up because I noticed Azura was already over talking with Hiroko.

"Not too bad, I think we should still contiue towards Winzel." Responds Mika.

"I agree, just for some supplies we'll need down the road anyway." Says Hiroko as she looks over at Mika.

"Then shall we get going." Says Ella as she begins to walk.

Everyone already had everything so it was time to get going.

The travel for Winzel began once more and it wasn't terrible since Azura was now distracted talking to Hiroko and Ella was on guard like me. We have to keep everyone safe until we arrive in the city of Winzel.

Mika's party continued onwards toward the city of Winzel, an ancient city that's made it impossible to get there by most normal means. Most people who know the exact path are tradesmen who can bring in goods.

The city of Winzel is secretive due to the nature of its people, the first ever primary Dwarven city. Only over the recent years have they let more races enter into their city for the greater good of making more soldiers.

A great city needs defense, so more people is better for the whole city.

All day Mika's party traveled until finally discovering the Ansel Tree.

"Hey there's the tree! We just got to stay straight on this road and we'll be there in about a day or so." Shouts Azura before calming down a bit.

The tree really was unique but it was a sign we finally were on the right path to this city.

"After this city me and Hiroko will lead the way, it's quite a path to what we have in store." Says Ella with a happy tone.

Two days went by and the city was finally in sight.

"This city is quite a sight." Says Mika while gazing at the city.

"It is, but let's not split up or anything here." Responds Azura as she gets closer with everyone.

The party went on to enter this beautiful city. From the outside it looks to be ancient like the buildings haven't been touched in many many years. But inside you could see the most magnificent Dwarven architecture and designs in the buildings that only dwarves do.

Etchings of their ancient gods and etchings of the prophet that they believe will save the world itself.

"You there, you could definitely use some armor." Says a blacksmith.

"Actually could you make some repairs on this armor I have?" Asks Mika as he turns towards the blacksmith.

"Hmm shouldn't be too hard, that grade of armor will cost you about 20 silver coins." Answers the blacksmith.

"That's fine." Says Mika dropping 2 gold coins on the table in front of him.

Taking off his armor, underneath was some ragged clothes that you'd think a peasant would be wearing. Worn and Torn, the scars from were he had been hit by attacks in the past were there as well.

"You bare many burdens traveler. But you are strong and I appreciate the token of gratitude you have given me with your coin. I'll make sure to put my heart into this repair. Come back tomorrow morning." Responds the blacksmith as he picks up the coins and armor.

It's going to feel strange not having my armor till tomorrow but I do need it fixed up and ready to go for my next battle. Whenever that does occur at least.

"Wow it's like you're a whole different person without your armor Mika." Says Ella as she looks up and down at Mika.

"I guess that's true, I haven't had my armor off since I first came here. After I got it, it never came off." Responds Mika as he walks.

It wasn't like I was defenseless though, I still had my weapons and my old gear but it wasn't worth wearing since the material on the old gear is weaker and would be the same as wearing this anyway.

"We should probably find a place to stay." Says Azura as she walks up close to Mika.

As Mika's walking and listening to Azura he bumps into someone.

"Woah watch it. Wait a second you're the guy I saw in the dungeon." Says Rin as he looks at Mika.

"I haven't seen you in awhile, you look like you're doing better." Responds Mika.

Rin had actually gotten some good armor and was barely recognizable now. Wearing armor that a demon would wear and the swords on his sides resembled that of a demon lord.

His sword had a jagged style to it's blade so I'm sure it would be a painful hit.

"Yes much better. I've adjusted to the world and the system I seem to have." Says Rin as he looks at his U.I.

"That's good, I honestly don't look into mine too much other then when I check my skills." Replies Mika.

Rin wasn't alone though, he had a woman with him as well but she didn't seem to be very talkative.

"You should, could learn a lot more then you know. But it's been nice seeing you, I've gotta find someone so I'll see you around old friend." Says Rin as he pats Mika's shoulder before walking off.

I'm glad he's doing well but all his gear is the thing that surprises me most. Armor like that was usually gained by killing certain amounts of people or a demon Smith. But they aren't relatively easy to find, at least I haven't found one yet.

I will trust what he says about using the system more though, I've mostly used it for skills but maybe there's something I'm missing.

"Hey I see an inn we could stay at!" Shouts Hiroko.

Ahead of us was Timothy's Inn and Tavern. A nice looking inn it was but it was just another place to stay.

Without another word we all went into the inn and upon entering I was greeted almost immediately.

"You think you could afford to stay here peasant, just go back to the streets." Says the barkeep.

"How much are the rooms for a night?" Asks Mika while ignoring the comment.

"1 gold coin per room and night. So 4 gold coins if you need 2 rooms for tonight." Answers the barkeep in a disrespectful tone.

"I'll take two rooms then Asshole." Says Mika as he drops 4 gold coins on the counter.

"Must've emptied your whole pouch for this haha. The rooms are to the right down at the end of the hall." Responds the man as he laughs.

We all went to the end of the hall with the keys he had left on the counter for us. That Dwarven barkeeper was an asshole.

"So who's staying in what room?" Asks Ella with a curious tone.

"I Say me and Azura share a room tonight." Answers Hiroko.

"That's fine, let's go then Ella. Make sure you guys get some good rest." Says Mika before entering the room.

My journey is so far from ever being over, I wonder if something will ever end it. I'm sure I'll get exhausted eventually but what then? Do I still have to keep going? Will someone or something stop me? This is another thought I've had problems with for awhile now.

"Don't worry I'll sleep on the floor." Says Mika as he puts his stuff down.

"No it's okay, we can share the bed." Replies Ella as she puts her stuff down as well.

After a few moments we had both gotten in bed and were getting ready to sleep.

"Thank you again for opening my eyes Mika, rest well tonight okay." Says Ella as she blows out the candle.

"You're welcome Ella, you rest well tonight too." Responds Mika as he closes his eyes.

Time to get my gear back in the morning, I hope my armor really is done well when I pick it up tomorrow morning. I've got to have it ready to fight one of those heroes.

I'm not going to let them beat me, I'll kill them this time.

Sorakami, Shin, and whatever other heroes remain besides them. Hiroko is spared as she joined my side for now but if anything is to occur I'll have no choice. The others though, no mercy will be upon them this time.

King Mari will also pay for his shit and what he did to me as well. Ignorant, disrespectful, piece of shit king.

Lastly before I drift off to sleep, Yui I'll need fo find you once more to talk. I've got some questions I'm sure you knew I had in the first place.