Chapter 19: New Home

As I woke up I could feel some weight as if someone was laying on me. To my surprise I looked over and noticed Ella had been asleep on me.

It wasn't a big deal but I didn't want the others getting the wrong idea about us.

"Hey can you move over?" Asks Mika as he nicely nudges Ella.

Just groaning about having to wake up she barely moves off of him, but it's just enough for it to allow him to move her the rest of the way without disturbing her.

And easy does it. Time to go get my armor but I probably should leave a note here so the others know I'll be back.

I finish writing my note and leave it on the side table by Ella. Time to get going.

Grabbing everything I needed it was finally time to collect my armor again. This would be a nice change of pace since I haven't had that armor worked on before.

Upon opening the door I saw a dwarf who seemed pissed off just staring at me.

"You guys need breakfast?" Asks the angry dwarf.

"No not yet but in about an hour can you bring some up to my companions?" Responds Mika with another question.

"Yeah I can do that." Answers the angry dwarf.

I walked past the dwarf and continued on my way towards the blacksmith to get my armor back.

Mika exits the inn and heads down the street towards the blacksmiths shop, it only takes a few minutes since it wasn't that far from the inn. As he gets to the blacksmiths shop he can see an armor set that looks like his but is black and has bits of elven silver etched into it.

"Woah that's a nice armor set." Says Mika as he stands in front of the armor.

"I did a good job then?' Questions the blacksmith.

"Wait, this is my armor. Yes you did amazing on it." Answers Mika.

He gave my armor an even darker look then before which will instill terror in my enemies more then my old silver armor. Lazarus's armor that I wore from the original game was silver and honestly it looks ten times better black.

"Go ahead, it's good to go." Says the blacksmith.

"Thank you again. What is your name?" Asks Mika as he starts putting on the armor.

"My name is Fijuk and you're welcome it was a pleasure doing business. I'd love to be your preferred blacksmith." Answers Fijuk.

"Of course, I know where to bring my armor and weapons. I'll be back for sure." Says Mika after getting all his armor on completely.

Woah it even feels a lot better compared to before, I wonder if he changed the fitting to feel a lot more comfortable. It still holds its protective properties as well it seems.

After that thought I made my way back to the inn to get the others to travel once more. A few minutes had gone by once more and I reached the inn.

As I entered the inn I could see the whole group at a table eating some breakfast.

"Hey Mika's back!" Shouts Azura with a smile on her face.

"Yes he is and he has some amazing looking armor." Says Hiroko as she gazes at his armor.

"Thank you but when you guys are done we should get going." Responds Mika as he looks around the room.

This place is pretty quite even for it being early there should still be some customers here.

"Achoo." Someone sneezes and the room appears to be paused.

What the hell is going on?

"You're a lot smarter then I had expected you to be but that's good." Says the person.

"Who are you?" Asks Mika with a confused tone.

"The God behind you being brought to this world. You may call me Shiro." Answers Shiro as his face is shown to me.

A man wearing modern clothing with a crown, white hair and two different color eyes. One appeared to be blue while the other was red with a dragon like pupil.

"What do you mean you brought me here?" Asks Mika.

"You see I can't explain everything right here and now but I'll say that I'm not able to be everywhere. You were the best pick to help save this world from its evil." Answers Shiro as he takes a seat.

"What about the other guy Rin?" Questions Mika.

"He too was a good choice. The two of you will do a lot for this world I'm sure but I can't keep you from dying. As much as I wish I could, fate is a dangerous game sometimes." Responds Shiro.

"This is all strange but I can't say your lying either because before this I lived in a normal world." Says Mika.

"As did I. I lived in Japan and had been taken from my boring world to save everyone from destruction by the gods. But I can't get too much into that right now." Replies Shiro as he looks around the room.

"Is there a reason you came to see me then?" Asks Mika.

"Yes, this is the only warning I can give you. Don't trust a word the man Calziel says to you in the future. It won't result in anything good, just trust me." Answers Shiro while slowly disappearing.

"That's the warning but what's happening to you??" Questions Mika with a concerned tone.

"Ran out of time here, I used limited magic to come here since I need to conserve. Good luck Mika." Answers Shiro before disappearing.

The room goes back to normal and everyone takes notice of Mika just completely across the room from where he was.

"Everything okay Mika?" Asks Ella as she stands up with the others.

"Yes, are you guys ready?" Mika Answers with another question.

"Yeah let's get going." Responds the group.

I couldn't explain more of this stuff to them right now, but one day I hope to be able to tell them all about my previous life and my purpose here. Now I know it's more then just getting my revenge, at least that's what the God who brought me here wants.

Doesn't that mean he put the thought of summoning me into Yui's head?

"We only need to get a bit outside the city and we'll be able to take you to the surprise we have set up." Says Hiroko as she walks ahead a bit.

"Alright." Responds Mika as he follows Hiroko.

Me and Azura followed Ella and Hiroko. After a good hour or two we made it outside the city but I didn't get why we had to be out here yet. Everything was weird but I trust them with showing me whatever it is they wanna show me.

"Okay now this is on me but no one panic. Ella you've already been through this, time to go. God of vision allow me your help once more and bring me and my companions back home." Says Hiroko before letting out her chant.

I watched as the environment around me changed and realized we were somewhere else.

Looking around me there was now walls and candles lit. The place felt warm and seemed familiar in some odd way that I can't quite place my finger on.

"Welcome to our new home!" Shouts Hiroko with excitement.

"It took us awhile to get it together but it was thanks to what we did in fort livot that got us the money to afford this. Well the materials to make this ourselves." Says Ella as she let's out a smile.

I looked around and noticed a window that showed a magnificent view from a decent height.

"Thank you both for giving us our own place to go. Our new Home, our new Base of operations." Responds Mika.

The Base they had made was built into the side of a mountain apparently and was really discreet. Something like this would've been needed eventually but I'm glad we got it now so we can plan our next move.

"You guys are awesome and I'm glad to call you all my companions." Says Azura as tears of joy go down her cheeks.

"Of course, we feel the same." Responds both Ella and Hiroko while giving Azura a hug.

This is a good path to be on, next we need to plan our move. I appreciate this whole party and now this has shown me the true dedication they all possess. Hopefully they all stay on this path with me and I hope they won't judge the next move we make.