Chapter 24: Scout Speed


The moment Nyoshi began to run everything had frozen all around him.

"45 seconds remaining." Says a voice.

This was my time to strike while he couldn't utilize his speed.

Quickly Mika slashed at his back a few times and then he came to a realization that after the first two hits nothing was happening.

"20 seconds remaining." Says the voice.


Everything resumes and Nyoshi falls to the ground briefly after the attacks go into play on his back.

"Wow that actually hurts quite a bit but did you think that'd be fair to beat a hero that way." Says Nyoshi before disappearing.

Demon Born activate.

"That won't give you enough speed to beat him." Says Lazarus.

"Shut up I'll be fine." I respond while gazing around for Nyoshi.

A sudden dash of light glistens off of Nyoshi's blade as he charges towards him but that's all he saw in that instant.


His small blades cut right across Mika's right shoulder and barely pierced the armor. It was just enough to give him a small scratch but Nyoshi is prioritizing speed over power.

"Shit. Be careful Mika. I forgot how good his magic was." Says Hiroko while looking towards Mika.

His magic is mostly being used for speed right now, I don't know the potential of the rest of his magic capabilities but right now this is the best idea. Standing guard and deflecting attacks as they come.

Coming from another direction Nyoshi goes for an attack on the back but Mika quickly turns around and blocks the attack.

Clang! Clang!

"Hm luck is on your side once more. A dangerous game you play, just give in and die." Says Nyoshi before trying to run off.

"Ice beam manifest." Chants Hiroko as Ice fires towards Nyoshi.

Before he could move in time the Ice hits him in the side while ripping through his rogue armor and damaging him completely. The ice attaches to him with the remaining pieces and blood is seen dripping down his side.

drip. splat. splat.

"Cheap attack! You're next you treacherous bitch!" Shouts Nyoshi as he disappears.

"That'll slow him down quite a bit hopefully but we got to beat him fast." Says Hiroko while getting ready once more.

As she says that a blade goes past her and then Nyoshi dashes towards Mika once more.

"Left." Says Lazarus while pushing a bit of power into Mika's arm.

Clang!!! Shatter!!!

As Mika blocks his attack one of Nyoshi's blades breaks off of the sword.

"You bastard!" Shouts Nyoshi as he goes to run.


"20 Seconds remaining." Says the voice.

He wraps his arm around Nyoshi's neck and puts his sword through his stomach.

"Resuming." Says the voice before disappearing.

"Gah. Stupid time magic." Says Nyoshi as he coughs up blood.

"Now that I have you, why don't you tell me stuff I can use." I Reply while holding Nyoshi still.

Holding Nyoshi captive Mika now has the opportunity to try to get information on the other heroes or King Mari. It was the best chance he'd get.

"Hahaha. You really think I'd say anything to you." Laughs Nyoshi as blood drips down his stomach.

This guy doesn't realize I'm the one who's in charge of his fate in this moment. I'll never understand the point of holding back information when it can save my own life.

Loyalty I guess would be the logical answer but that's my problem with working with people. Yet here I am with a whole party behind my back.

"You have an opportunity to do something good or you can die with the evil deeds the King has given you." I respond while holding Nyoshi still.

"Evil? You're the evil one here you dumbass." Says Nyoshi.

God I wish there was some easier way of getting the information out of this damn guy. Magic knowledge isn't entirely something I possess but I'm sure something out there works.

"Hiroko do you have any way to get information out of him?" I Ask while listening for her response.

"Yeah it's bound to make him truthful but I'll be depleted for awhile after this." Answers Hiroko whole approaching.

"It's okay I'll keep us safe, just use it." I say while keeping him still.

Hiroko begins to chant a spell that Mika and Nyoshi couldn't understand but then suddenly light enters into Nyoshi.

"Should be working." Says Hiroko while falling to her knees.

"Alright, I hope you're alright Hiroko." I respond while looking at Hiroko.

"Shit!" Shouts Nyoshi in pain.

"What is King Mari's plan?" I questioned.

"King Mari sent the heroes across the lands to instill chaos within each kingdom that's against us." Answers Nyoshi while in pain.

"Okay, what is he planning to do with the heroes who aren't instilling chaos?" I Question with a serious tone.

"The main heroes such as Sorakami and Vizin are in charge of finding you and killing you if you're alive." Answers Nyoshi.

"What was your purpose?" I ask.

"To get information on the Kingdom of Tivenfiel who planned to form an alliance with Mybourn for the upcoming war." Answers Nyoshi.

"Lastly, why does the king really want me dead?" I ask with a curious tone.

"He was told by the priests that you'd be the hero to save the lands from chaos and didn't want you stopping their plans." Answers Nyoshi while losing consciousness.

Just in time for him to pass out but I'm not letting him live either way so this just helped us out.

He drops Nyoshi on the ground and his blade came out of his stomach. After Nyoshi hit the floor he turns his blade down and stabs it through his chest.

Twisting it around in his chest till he can see absolutely no movement from him or any sign of life. This was the end of Nyoshi's journey.

"Are you okay Hiroko?" I ask while reaching a hand out to help her up.

Mika put his sword away after that and helped Hiroko up.

"Yeah just out of energy for now." Answers Hiroko while barely being able to stand.

"Here I'll carry you till we get out of this place." I say while picking her up.

"I-I can walk.." Replies Hiroko before passing out.

It was finally time to get out of here with our new found knowledge. I feel bad that Hiroko used as much energy as she did but I'll get us both back to base.

(Meanwhile in a town west of Mybourn) Rin's View.

"Amelia are we getting closer to the place you told me about?" I ask while looking at Amelia.

She gives a nod and points ahead.

It seems we're close to the place she told me about, it holds an ancient artifact apparently. The artifact is apparently capable of helping ancient dungeon bosses with achieving greater power.

If this is true that would mean something has to be around for that other guy Mika. Though I don't know much about him and his system yet.

Over the last few weeks I've been traveling I have learned a lot about what he's supposed to be doing at least. The man whose supposed to end the reign of evil and set this world into the age of prosperity.

I'll be keeping an eye out for him till the day comes that we either need to fight or fight together.

A few moments go by and a huge tower could be seen ahead of the town with a small military outpost around it. That tells me that they must know the importance of the tower there.

"Time to check The tower out Amelia." I say while walking.

(Back to Mika and Hiroko.) Mika's View.

It's been a few hours of walking in this damn place, we have to be close to finding an exit by now.

Suddenly a door opens up within the distance and light shines through.

There we go, our way out.