Chapter 25: His Knowledge

Upon entering the outside of the dungeon I got a sudden shock of pain sent throughout my body and fell to my knees.

"Error. Error." Says a voice.

"Glitch fixed." Says the voice.

"What glitch?" I questioned while on my knees.

"I believe you were hearing everything in a different way. Like someone narrating your speech? We apologize for the error. Everything is okay now. Now you won't be able to understand me for full conversations. Resuming." Says the voice.

What the hell just happened to me? That was not normal compared to everything else that happened to me so far.

"Mika are you okay?" Asks Hiroko as she sits up on the ground.

"Yeah, just must be damage I didn't notice earlier." I answer while looking over at Hiroko.

I give Hiroko a hand up and we continue on our way back to base.

"Ready?" I ask while holding Hiroko.

"Yeah, sorry you have to carry me for a bit." Answers Hiroko with a nervous tone.

"It's okay." I answer while pulling out the crystal.

A flash is briefly seen and in a few moments the two appear back in the base with Ella and Azura.

"Woah didn't expect you guys to be back already, then again I guess it has been awhile." Says Ella as she looks at Mika and Hiroko.

"What are you talking about? " I questioned with a confused tone.

"You've both been gone about a month or two now so I didn't know when you'd be back." Answers Ella as she looks surprised.

Holy shit I don't know how so much time passed by during the dungeon but it doesn't seem right or am I missing something? Time never usually goes like that but maybe some sort of magic was used to accelerate things while we're inside.

After a moment I got past my thought and can go back to it later. I'll tell the others about everything I've heard from the hero Nyoshi.

Mika gets everyone into one room and helps Hiroko get a sest before explaining to Azura and Ella about what he was told. About twenty minutes go by and now everyone is caught up to speed.

"Yeah that's everything. Now it's a matter of how to approach." I Say while pondering my thoughts.

"Our best idea would be going to Tivenfiel if that's where the scout needed to next. It could tell us some valuable information about what King Mari is searching for." Responds Azura with a confident tone.

Hm striking at the heart of what he told us by going to Tivenfiel. I don't know what to think since Tivenfiel is brand new to me.

"I agree that it would be the best course of action." Says Ella while standing up.

"Okay so off we'll go in the morning. Azura it'll be us this time so someone can stay with Hiroko." I reply while looking over at Hiroko.

She must've extended quite a bit of her power and she did take a decent hit before so I wonder if she's really not the strongest in terms of taking hits.

The rest of the day went by and the night was finally setting in. Time to rest up before getting ready for yet another journey into the unknown world. Or maybe I can ponder in my thoughts for a little while.

I wasn't sure what to expect now that even my concept of time magic has changed a bit after the dungeon. Meaning time magic might be more powerful if I can use more aspects of it other than pausing.

"Congratulations you have unlocked an S Class Skill Selection"

S class? That's something new that I don't recall being in the original game system when it came to skills.

"Please choose from the selection below." Says a voice.

•The Dragons Protection(Gives the player enhanced defensive protection against physical and most magical attack.)

•The Demons Claw (Forms a gauntlet upon the players forearms allowing for enhanced physical attacks and protects the arms on the defensive side.)

•The Chaos Warp (Allows player to utilize the ability teleportation within a certain radius. But has the possibility to inflict damage.) <---

Are you sure you want to select "The Chaos Warp"?

Yes <--- No

"Skill The Chaos Warp has been granted to Grim!"

I wonder if this is what Rin meant when he said about trusting the system or whatever it was awhile ago. If that's the case I really do need to utilize the options given to me on a daily basis regardless of what it is.

Those other S class skills seemed good but I'd prefer to get more mobility, especially if I can use it as I attack. Something like that would be really useful, I'm already pretty tanky or at least that's what I prefer to think.

My armor is one of a kind and had the highest stats in the game before this whole thing happened.

"You're getting stronger Mika, you just have to keep moving along with your goal." Says a familiar voice before disappearing.

God this day has been weird but to think I got such a skill before going on my next journey.

Mika ends up dozing off and the morning arrives without him realizing he even fell asleep in the first place. That's when suddenly someone jumps on top of him.

"Woah woah. What's going on?" Asks Mika as he opens his eyes with a confused tone.

"Come on its time to travel once more." Answers an energetic Azura.

Guess she's been anxious to go back out there with me instead of waiting around but that makes sense since she was one of my first companions. Wow it really has been a good while now since we all met and began this journey.

System Time Check since reaching Shizu Village.

"Approximately 95 days has passed since previously vising Shizu Village." Says a voice.

Damn I need to start paying more attention to the days so I know when my birthday comes up again as well. Will I even remember it when it comes up once more?

I'll be 18 yet I feel like a 20 something year old man who's been here forever.

"Alright alright let's get going." I Say while pushing Azura off me gently.

These thoughts always wander and I'm sure one day it'll be something to almost cost me my life in battle.

After getting up and ready to go I went with Azura to the meeting room where the others seemed to be waiting.

"Where is the closest place to Tivenfiel?" I ask with a curious tone.

"Honestly I'd say the town known as Xian which is about a week away from the Kingdom of Tivenfiel. But it varies on your travel methods too." Says Ella as she looks at a map.

It seems they did keep busy in researching everywhere while we were away. I can only hope that they'll do the same while we're gone once more. This will all save the time on travel when I return with Azura.

"Thank you Ella, we'll be back soon enough I'm sure." I reply while pulling out my crystal and grabbing a hold of Azura's arm.

Within a flash we appeared a few meters outside the town and something was off. The town didn't seem to have any livelihood to it, it was as if everyone left.

Really hoping it's not a ghost town. Either way it was time to put Nyoshi's knowledge to the test regardless of a ghost town or not.

"I'm a little worried about going through here Mika." Says Azura while standing close to Mika.

"It'll be okay Azura, I promise." I respond while keeping guard.

Anything could happen at any given moment here in the middle of a town with no activity. Time go go through a ghost town then.