Chapter 26: Abandoned Town

Walking through the town reminded me of something out of a ghost show, all abandoned with no one around at all. This place didn't creep me out though, after everything I've gone through so far this is nothing.

"I wonder what happened here." Says Azura while walking next to me.

"Yeah it is strange for it to be abandoned like this. So I wonder too." I reply while looking around.

I wonder how good this skill will be in combat since I haven't gotten to use it just yet. This could be a chance to but I'm not quite sure yet since this place doesn't even show mob activity.

No sort of enemies in sight, no people in sight, what the hell is this place?

The two wander the town trying to get through to continue on the path towards Tivenfiel but it's like the town is big. Bigger than it appears.

"We should be getting close to the exit of the town." I say while gazing ahead.

{Meanwhile in Mito Kingdom} ?? POV

It seems one of our companions were killed yesterday, it doesn't surprise me very much. Nyoshi was nothing more than a scout but he did have some okay combat experience compared to some of the knights.

His death was bound to occur sooner or later but it's the fact that he was killed by the witches summon. This has started to make me think that King Mari has underestimated this guy known as Mika.

"King Mari what are we going to do about Mika?" I ask while standing before him.

"Sorakami should be dealing with him shortly so I'm not too concerned." Answers King Mari while looking down at me.

This piece of shit doesn't give a damn about actually stopping him or else he would've sent all of us at once. Our power as a whole would've been way better to take care of the problem.

"We do have a war coming Tsuji." Says King Mari as he looks off into the room.

"Yeah like I didn't know that. It's dumb to focus on too many problems." I respond with an annoyed tone.

My name is Tsuji Kichirou and yes I'm a hero who was summoned here by King Mari and his loyal priests. I'm known as one of the top heroes among the summons with Sorakami being as high up as I am.

This became really easily known to the other heroes summoned after seeing our skills in combat. Hiroko was good with magic but couldn't hold up the best in a battle with any sort of weapons.

If it came down to weapons it'd be a last resort which would result in her death. Shin has great capabilities but lacks to fully utilize them, Sorakami seems to utilize only a fraction of what he was given here but still pulls great attacks.

Tano doesn't seem to be showing us what she's capable of quite yet but I'm sure we'll see soon enough.

Tsuji Kichirou dresses in royal knight armor while keeping his face covered by a special mask which looks to be made of some sort of bone.

The King doesn't know it yet but I'll be the one to kill Mika no matter who gets in the way.

{Back to the abandoned town} Mika's View.

While getting to what seemed to be the end of the path to leave the town, a girl crying in the distance can be heard.

"Do you hear that?" I ask while looking around.


"I do." Answers Azura while looking behind.

The surroundings show nothing at first till a few meters to the left a girl is picked up in the corner crying. I don't know whether to approach or get the hell out of here.

Then again it's not very trusting to go towards the only person in this town.

"Azura we should get going. I don't trust it one bit." I say while walking away.

"I agree with you, let's go." Responds Azura while following me.

As much as I'd love to help someone, that's something out of a horror movie. I'm going to trust my instincts and leave while I've got the chance to.

We ended up leaving the town and continued on our path to Tivenfiel but I have a bad feeling that something awaits us.

Mika and Azura continue their travel towards Tivenfiel but along the way encounter a group of dead knights all piled up.

"What is this?" I ask while pulling my sword out.

"Our present to the witches summon." Answers a familiar voice.

Turning towards the voice I saw the familiar hero from before wearing the trench coat with the sword on his back. It was Sorakami.

"I gave too much praise to myself last time. Thinking you had died so easily, not again will I let that happen." Says Sorakami while drawing his sword from his back.

"Azura get back a bit, this isn't going to be good." I say while looking towards Azura.

"You're going to need my power Mika." Says Lazarus.

He isn't wrong. His power is my only shot right those moment of fighting Sorakami.

Activate Skill Vessel Strength.

"Skill active." Says voice.

Something was different this time, the power from Lazarus felt even more painful then last time. Gahhhh.

The skies darken, the ground begins to Crack beneath Mika's feet, and he disappears before Sorakami's eyes.

"A coward after all." Says Sorakami.

Pow!!! A bunch goes across Sorakami's face and sends him flying across the land into an abandoned house.

This bastard really thinks he's just going to kill me after everything I've gone through. I've got a goal to achieve and people to protect.

"You will become greater than even I once was Mika. If this is how you continue to use my power I'll be grateful." Says Lazarus with a happy tone.

This demon hasn't seemed happy since I met it but now all of a sudden it's happy. I don't get it.

(Sorakami's View.)

Wow that was quite a punch but that must be the power Shin mentioned before. He is strong but I don't think he's strong enough to beat us just yet Zin.

"Yes that is true. Demon vessels have normally had a hard time against a vessel of an angel." Says Zin.

"So what do you say we show him some Heavenly power?" I ask while standing up.

"Was wondering when you'd ask." Answers Zin.

A huge beam of white light comes from the dark sky and engulfs the building Sorakami resides in.

(Mika's View.) In the distance.

Looking ahead at the dispersing light I could see Sorakami coming out of the building but something was different. He appeared to have a wing on his back and his eyes were bright white.

"Lazarus what the hell is going on?" I question while looking at Sorakami.

"Shit I didn't know he was a vessel of an angel. Fight like your life depends on it, literally." Answers Lazarus with a serious tone.

Sorakami dashes at light speed towards Mika and instantly punches Mika in the gut which sends him up into the air.

Gah. Shit I need to take this back real fast.

Pow!!! Mika while up in the air sends a punch right back before getting to far and misses the hit. The force of the hit breaks a bit of the ground around Sorakami but he doesn't seem to be phased by it.

Damn I was too far for the hit.

Activate Demon Born. Activate Pause.

"45 seconds remaining." Says a voice.

While catching my breath back I quickly land back on the ground and go to punch Sorakami multiple times.

Pow! Bam!!! Mika lands continuous punches on Sorakami before all of a sudden time just resumes after they connect.

"Time resuming." Says the voice.

Kaboooom! A huge Shockwave goes off after the time resumes and Sorakami is met with all of the blows which send him flying through the ground.

"Holy shit kid you are finally getting the hang of things but I got to warn you for our sake. You need to finish this within the next two minutes or you will die. My power is quite taxing on the body." Says Lazarus with a concerned tone.

As Lazarus says that a huge beam of white laughter fires towards me.

The beam goes right through my shoulder and all I can feel is instant pain.

Gahhhh shit I hate being a vessel of a demon sometimes, Heavenly power is quite painful to endure.

Drip. Drip. Splat. Mika's blood dripped onto the ground as did Sorakami, both of them taking a decent bit of Damage. Only a few minutes of fighting is slowly tearing both of them apart each second.

"We need to go kid, that hit connecting made our time even lower." Says Lazarus.

"You're right, let's go." I respond while looking towards Azura in the distance.

Chaos Time Warp. As I say that I'm suddenly next to Azura and I pick her up as fast as possible.

It was time to go. Looking ahead I began to utilize the remaining time I had to get as much distance as possible.

Mika begins to run at light speed himself while heading in a direction similar to before but Sorakami didn't seem to catch it in time. After a few moments the two were quite a bit away from the hero and now a bit closer to Tivenfiel.

I felt the power disperse and instantly all the pain came at once.

"Cough. I need to lay down." I say while collapsing on the floor.

Activate Vessel Demonic Aura.

The healing began but I know the damage was immense once more, I hope everything will be okay when I'm able to move. Sorakami is going to be a problem down the road, I need to master my power to fight him or else everything will mean nothing.

"Mika! Mika!" Shouts Azura while tears run down her cheeks.

Ah always worrying my companions, I truly am a monster.