Chapter 28: Tales From the Past

Me and Azura began our travel once more for Tivenfiel while the others went back to base. I wasn't fully recovered yet either but the skill Lazarus told me about should help.

It was time once more to figure everything out so we could take care of the corrupted king Mari and his heroes. But as my thought of all this fades I'm greeted by Lazarus's voice once more.

"Say Kid why don't I actually give you some information about me while you travel with Azura. You deserve to know if you're going to be my vessel for a long time anyway." Says Lazarus.

"You know what, I'd love to know since you havent really been up to sharing anything about yourself." I respond with a curious tone.

"Well just know this should help you grow a better bond with me which will help with control of my power." Says Lazarus.

(Lazarus's View.) 200 years ago

The world was different back then, demons actually use to have a place to call home on the surface. The demon lord of the time was to thank for that amazing Era until one day she was killed by a greedy hero.

A hero brought in by a king who believed he knew better than anybody across the lands. This was how all the true corruption began, with the first king of Mito Kingdom being a man by the name of Leo.

He was King Mari's great great grandfather and everything was eventually passed down over time of course. But he was the one who first instilled the idea of using heroes for the gain of the kingdom.

Though there was always the extra hero who was seen as the outcast for that hero was always the one who saw through the king. It wasn't uncommon for one of the heroes to be that way but they always killed them right then and there.

Granted my last vessel was someone similar to you except we parted ways peacefully and without conflict. That was back when I first lost my body.

She got the furthest out of all the heroes I've known over the years. The closest one to knocking out all the corruption in the world until she met Calziel.

The same man who took away my own body with his magic. It absolutely destroyed my body when we fought and I had no choice but to look for a vessel.

Finding a vessel to handle my power was also nearly impossible till I met that girl and now you the current vessel. But now I'll share one of my memories that'll share the most with you about my power.

{Currently a few hours away from Winzel}

We're definitely getting closer to finding Calziel and this will be his demise. I've been waiting for a moment like this forever.

"You sure we can take down Calziel?" Asks a woman.

"Yes I'm positive." I answer with an angry tone.

I wasn't going to let Calziel slip away again, he took my body and he was going to pay for it this time. I'm also getting payback for all of the demons he hurt in the process of supporting the corrupted King.

King Leo was the main man who was backed by Calziel since he planned to bring back the original demon lord who didn't want peace. The Demon Lord Levithi who was the father of the last demon lord. She was the exact opposite of her father and wanted peace and prosperity for the demon race.

But she was killed because of him and our race was sent into despair as we struggled to fight off the heroes who came. He made it even harder by wiping out our main forces so that the heroes could push us near extinction.

"This is definitely the shack you told me to look for." Says the woman.

"It is, there's a secret door inside there Melanie." I respond while pondering my thoughts.

Inside this old shack was a mess of broken furniture and an ancient book shelf that looked like it had not been touched in ages. This was definitely his hideout and it was our time to strike.

Upon entering the building Melanie goes towards the book shelf and begins to look around it. Eventually finding one back that stands out, she grabs it and a small hatch opens to the right of it.

"He's down there Melanie!" I shout with an anxious tone.

"Then let's go get this asshole." Responds Melanie with an eager tone.

She climbs down the ladder of the hatch until a few moments go by and we're at the bottom. His presence was heavy as usual which meant he definitely was here.

Melanie begins to head down the only path in the area until she is met by a man wearing dark robes and a Wolf mask.

"Ah the vessel of Lazarus arrives." Says Calziel while standing up.

"Shut up scumbag, this is where you die." Responds Melanie while pulling out her sword.

The words Engulf came out her mouth and her sword got swallowed by my dark flame, this was only the first piece of my power she used.

She began dashing at Calziel and began to slash away while he avoided her attacks. He was toying with us like last time all over again.

"Use vessel strength and if you can maintain it, you'll be able to withstand my special move." I say while she's attacking.

Of course she listened and activated both vessel strength and Lazarus Flame. But after he was hit with it nothing had happened.

I failed to realize he had used a lot of defensive magic to fortify this place to the point where our attacks would do significantly less damage.

"Pitty that you will fall here while under the influence of an evil demon." Says Calziel while pulling out a scythe.

"Wait, what di you mean?" Asks Melanie as she stops attacking.

"No don't listen Melanie!" I shout as she ignores my efforts.

"Lazarus is an evil demon who wiped out his whole race with the help of heroes, he's mad I tried to save them." Answers Calziel as he stood in place.

I couldn't speak, this bastard stole my story and used it against me to make me seem like the enemy. She won't believe him though, I've told her about everything already.

"He told me about this, why should I believe this?" Asks Melanie with a serious tone.

Before anything else could be heard the memory comes to a close.

(Current time) Mika's View.

"That was a lot Lazarus but why'd the memory stop?" I ask with a curious tone.

"That's all I can remember at this time but I hope that provided some insight on me and my power a bit more." Answers Lazarus.

"It did, thank you for that. If you remember more and want to share, just say so." I say before going back to focusing on the road.

Kabooom!!! Explosions and screams could be heard in the distance.

"None of that sounds good Mika." Says Azura while pulling out her daggers.

"It's not, let's get going!" I shout while drawing my sword and dashing ahead.

If Tivenfiel is under attack I have a good guess on who's attacking.