Chapter 29: Chaos Outside

The screams echoed in the distance as Azura and I charged towards the area in the distance. As we went over the distant hill you could see tons of enemy knights storming the kingdom known as Tivenfiel.

I charged with Azura towards the enemy and quickly needed to assess things.

Sight. My ability is able to catch that the enemy is indeed from Mito Kingdom but that would mean they know we got information. The insignia was on their armor and they had hundreds of soldiers just a little more troops than before.

"Azura it's Mito Kingdom knights, kill any of the ones you see with that insignia." I say while rushing in towards the first group.

Mika and Azura both rush in towards different groups of knights and begin fighting the enemy knights. Mika slaughtering them left and right, taking off limbs and moving faster with each attack against different knights.

Azura utilized a bit of her newfound magic capabilities and used speed magic to try and strike a bit faster then her usual speed.

This went on for awhile but realizing it might not end any time soon Mika quickly ran for Azura and picked her right up off the ground.

"What the hell Mika?!?!" Shouts Azura with a confused tone.

"We need to get some distance and figure out another strategy. There's too many and eventually we'll tire ourselves out." I respond while running with Azura in my arms.

After a few minutes I had gotten us quite a bit away but everything was still within our sight so it was time to figure this out.

"Lazarus any ideas for the amount of knights here?" I ask while putting down Azura.

"Utilize our power Mika, we can destroy armies if you can truly master it." Answers Lazarus.

"Ugh." I say while looking off in the distance.

"This is chaotic." Responds Azura while wiping her blades off.

She's right though, it is chaotic. We have limited time to try and prevent this from getting any worse but I'm not sure if I have a good idea.

Lazarus is the only one who proposed something logical that could work here.

"Azura I'm going to use my power so do your best and I'll use it to wipe out as much of the knights as I can." I say while standing ready.

"Um okay just please don't die on us." Responds Azura as she activates her speed magic.

"Then let's go." I say while dashing once more towards the battlefield.

Demon Born. Vessel Strength.

Shit here goes nothing.

"I'm trusting what I saw from your memory Lazarus!" I shout as I enter the middle of the battlefield.

Surrounded by hundreds of knights I quickly remember my skill that I must use.

Activate Lazarus Flame!!!

A huge black flame engulfs the area and begins to set ablaze all the knights around me. Screams of pain and agony were all I heard as bodies slowly begin to fall left and right.

¤Critical Condition Detected¤

Screw off for once, I'm just fine!

Activate Vessel Demonic Aura. My body begins healing as the flames around me slowly disperse.

"I told you that it'd help for you to see some of my memory. Haha." Says Lazarus as he let's out a brief laugh.

The surrounding area cleared after a little while and here I was, the last knight standing amongst a battlefield full of corpses. A 17 year old kid who came into another world, now officially a mass murderer.

I know I killed people and that hero but not every knight here was Mito Kingdom. Some were just caught in the crossfire of my attack and I didn't mean for them to die.

"Mika, not everyone in this world is good. You did the right thing." Says Lazarus.

♤System Prompt Open♤

"Please do keep on this path. Bring Chaos to the world." Says a sinister voice.

"Don't listen to it Mika, you did what you had to. You're not evil Kid." Responds Lazarus with a worried tone.

"Please Select your path."

♤Allow the new power access to your system. <--

♤Deny Access and □□□□ Error.

Are you sure you want to allow access?

Yes <---



"Access has been granted!" Shouts a voice as a new skill tree opens.

New Skills Available! New Skills Available!

New Skill Check!

Death G□□ Skills Showing

• Wrath (Allows User to summon The undead to fight temporarily.)

•Grim's Strength (Harness a small amount of power from □□□)

•The Deadly Dragon Armor (Allows the user to form armor from the ancient dragons which allows for stronger defense with no penalty to speed.)

○Other Skills Hidden.

"I have a bad feeling about this Mika." Says Lazarus with a worried tone.

"It's fine Lazarus. I'm not sure this is even that big of a deal." I respond while looking at the skills.

The emotions I thought about before were now fading once more. I'm not sure if I'm really human anymore, I kill people with no hesitation and it doesn't even bother me.

I finally thought I was becoming normal when my companions gave me the ability to care about them but it doesn't seem to change how I'm thinking. No remorse anymore for these men I killed with my power.

Yeah I felt bad at first but after the system evolved, something changed I guess. Not that it matters since I'm still on a journey to kill corrupt bastards.

Nothing changed with that and I'm still trying to protect the innocent but it doesn't matter anymore if they get in the crossfire. Accidents happen.

As my thoughts begin to fade I can hear people in the distance coming out of the kingdom of Tivenfiel. Knights to be specific but all I could hear was their screams of terror as they looked at their fallen comrades.

Not realizing it but Azura had made her way over to me already.

"Mika is everything okay?" Asks Azura while tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." I answer while looking at Azura.

Time to officially check out this kingdom before the enemy attacks once more. I'm wondering what the king of this kingdom will say to me this time.

I'm quite a wanted man, at least by King Mari's standards. It's time to see if they'll be supporting me as well since I did just save their kingdom from a siege.

"Let's go meet their king Azura." I say while beginning to walk towards the gates.

Bodies followed behind me and showed me how strong I am against normal soldiers in this world yet again. Maybe it would've been different if a hero was here.

It's always a change of pace when someone like that is around to interfere in the battles of lower level creatures.

"Mika you really are the strongest vessel I've ever had but be careful." Says Lazarus.

"Everything is alright Lazarus, stop worrying." I respond while walking with Azura to the gates.

"A-a thank you for saving us adventurer. Please head inside, our King must see the savior of our lands." Says the guards at the gates.

They opened the gates and we went inside. It was a lot nicer then I thought it would be considering the outside of it looks hideous.

One day I'll understand the idea why everything was designed the way it was in these kingdoms.

"Um Sir King Makoto is up ahead in the second district. So just up those stairs." Says the guards as he points towards the stairs.

"Thank you for the directions." I respond while heading towards the stairs.

Time to meet this King Makoto.