Chapter 30: Tivenfiel Catastrophe

We went up the stairs and were immediately met with the giant doors leading into the kings chambers. Not all of these Kingdoms were huge but this one was probably one of the smaller ones.

The guards opened the door and as we entered the room all I could see was a strange figure wearing some sort of royal knight armor. I don't have a good feeling about this at all.

Sight. Before my eyes I could see no name above the mysterious person but King Makoto had his shown and his level.

King Makoto Level 145. A bit lower than the king of Mybourn but not by much.

"Welcome, you must be our savior. Wait you're the.. Witches summon." Says King Makoto as his face takes on a shocked expression.

"Yeah sure. I saved your kingdom from an attack by Mito Kingdom." I respond with my focus now on the King.

"I'm grateful but this man here told me about everything that occurred. You killed my troops too." Says King Makoto with a slightly angry tone.

"I didn't intentionally kill them." I respond with a calm tone.

This is slowly heating up and I'm not sure I want to kill a king. This could lead to that if I'm not careful but my main concern is who the hell that guy is.

Even with my enhanced hearing I can't tell what that bastard is mumbling. Almost like their mumbling it faster than I can pick up on it.

Suddenly a roar is heard in the distance.

"Roarrrrrrrr!!!!!" Shouts a distant creature.

"Ahhh dragon!!!" Shouts multiple knights.

"And now he summons a dragon to make the attack look like he had nothing to do with it. Cowardice at its finest." Says the mysterious person.

"You bastard, I'll make sure to kill you!" I say before shouting at the person.

Without another second the person disappears into thin air and now like that a dragon was heading towards the kingdom.

"Mika is there anything we can do?" Asks Azura while opening the big door.

"We can do what we do best." I answer while heading out the open door.

As we get outside the dragon is already bringing chaos onto the people and the knights of the kingdom. Fire was beginning to set the wooden structures ablaze while it's large tail broke the walls surrounding the houses and shops.

My best moment to try and attack would be when it lands, I can utilize my ability to Pause time then attack it before it moves.

"Azura try to get it to land." I say while drawing my sword once more.

I forgot for a moment there that it was even sheathed, man my instincts and habits are getting good.

"On it." Responds Azura while running.

I watched as Azura scaled some of the small buildings trying to get its attention but it didn't seem focused right away. This dragon definitely wasn't an ordinary dragon, something was completely off about it.

After Azura began taunting it, the damn thing finally gave in and tried to go after Azura. She dropped down off a roof and out of its sight so of course it decides to land on top of a roof to set the floor below ablaze.

Now is the time to strike. I quickly begin dashing towards the dragon, then scalling the building and right as I get close it's time to activate it.

Pause. Everything froze including the dragon, now I can strike.

"45 seconds remaining." Says a voice.

Activate Grim's Strength! Within a few moments the surrounding area becomes engulfed in darkness and I can feel a surge of strange energy enter me.

Gah what the hell is this!?!?!

The power was completely different than Lazarus's power but I could feel the difference in the strength. I utilized it as fast as possible and slashed down my sword on this thing.

Slash!!! Crash!!! Even though everything was paused briefly I knew the impact of the attack would break everything below this dragon too. It this skill really that powerful?

"Time Resuming." Says a voice.

Crack! Smash!!!! The dragon fell right through the building and it even sounded like I broke something inside of the dragon. Did I just break the spine of a dragon?

Before losing this opportunity to attack while it's down still I quickly jump down and use the force of this skill to try and drive my sword through its skull.

All I can hear as my sword pierces it's skull is the flesh coming off as my sword slides right through.

"Roarr!" The dragon Lets out one last roar as it collapses.

Skills inactive.

I tried to pull my sword out of the creature and all of a sudden. Snap just like that, my legendary sword broke while inside of a dragons skull, God why me?

You take away my legendary weapon like this after letting me do such a badass killing blow.. Asshole.

"Wow Mika that was awesome! But we should probably go because the knights are pissed." Says Azura as she climbs up to me.

(Narrators View)

Mika and Azura leave Tivenfiel in the ruins it now resides in. This day would go down in the history books as the Tivenfiel Catastrophe, a day where all hell let loose.

Stormed by the enemy, then a dragon shows up to finish off a recovering army. No one across the lands would ever wish for such a fate on the enemy but what they mention is that a hero saved them from it all.

Two times over a hero saved them from huge attacks by two different enemies, that is something truly to be remembered for ages to come.

Our brave hero Mika will go to recover for quite awhile till he is ready for the next steps that need to be taken on his journey.

(Mika's View) Back at his base. A Year Later.

It's been a year since I first was brought into this world and now I've a lot since coming here but nothing beats killing a dragon.

I'm also 18 years old now and have been keeping tabs on the heroes and what that corrupt King Mari has been up to. Nothing has drastically changed too much over this year except the rising tensions.

War has been on a thin line for the last few months now and it's only a matter of time before it's officially declared. King Maziel has sent out word across the lands to his allies about the upcoming war but I haven't checked back.

I only know Mito has some allies of their own from across the continent. I'm determined to get what I can done before this war really starts, such as eliminating a few more key players.

That mystery man from Tivenfiel, Sorakami, and definitely Shin. If I can even eliminate at least one of those bastards before then, I think that'll help the Kingdom of Mybourn and any others participating.

I've also been training over the course of this year to better understand my power I have from Lazarus. I didn't forget about my other power I got added to my system either but it hasn't been my main concern just yet.

I've prioritized what needs to come first and what I need to accomplish.

"Mika I think we got a lead on something." Says Azura as she enters the room.

"Are we finally sure he left the continent?" I ask while standing up from my chair.

"Yes, he's confirmed heading to the continent of Reali." Answers Azura with a confident tone.

It seems I'd finally be leaving the continent of Nilot to find out what Shin is trying to do for the King now. I've also discovered that these may not be the only heroes in the world, but I don't know the others intentions quite yet.

Just these heroes here were specifically summoned by King Mari and told specific instructions. I hope its not the case for the other heroes across the lands.

"Azura tell Hiroko to get ready. We're leaving the continent for awhile. Ella will hold this place down." I say while looking out the window.

"You got it Mika." Responds Azura while heading out the door.

Ella has always done good keeping this place in good condition so now it was time to see if she could handle it while we're gone longer than usual.