Chapter 31: First Time?

It didn't take very long for us to figure out our own boat to get across the continent but I'll admit I've never been on a boat before. This will be a bit strange for a first time.

"Mika there's definitely a way for us to get a boat here in this town." Says Azura while looking towards a dock.

Sight. Everything around me seemed fine, normal people and no one stands out in any way so there shouldn't be any problems.

"I see that, we should see if it'll cost anything." I respond while walking towards the distant dock.

The town was known as a fishermen town and was good for all sorts of port related goods. First one I've seen since being here.

Finally reaching the docks I could really see the nice blue ocean as the waves hit against the docks. It's surprisingly rocky for a nice day but thay doesn't bother me too much.

Even if I've never been on a boat, I'll give it a chance on the boat either way.

Walking onto the docks I could see a man which looked like he could be the captain of a ship. A man with a long braided beard, shaved on both sides of his head except the top. It was followed by long braided hair.

"What can I do for you lad?" Asks the man as he stands before me.

"I'm looking for a way to head across the continent to Reali." I say while looking towards the ship.

"Quite a venture. Are you going to be compensating me and my crew?" Asks the man.

"Of course I am." I answer while pulling out a bag of coins.

"Alright that's more like it." Says the man.

"Here you go then, they'll be coming with me." I respond whole tossing the bag of coins.

"Also you may call me Vek, I'm the captain of the mighty Spear." Says Vek as he catches the bag.

"Nice to meet you Vek, I'm Mika." I respond before following him onto the ship.

It didn't take long for us to get accustomed to the ship and our rooms on the ship. It definitely felt weird to just be standing on the ship alone since you could feel as it rocks on the sea.

We haven't even left the docks yet and it feels that way. I really hope I'll be okay with the open waters.

We all waited on the ship as the captain got his crew ready to sail for the continent of Reali and it was a pretty big crew. Most had been out in the town enjoying themselves after the long journey at sea.

It was kind of nice to feel a different atmosphere since the people were different and the ship was like a whole world in itself.

"Time to set sail men! Off to Reali!" Shouts Captain Vek.

The men all shout back and begin to prepare to sail, not vary long after that we set sail for the continent of Reali.

An hour or two on the seas first made me feel sick and like I couldn't even stand but I got over it thanks to my system. It allowed for quick adaptation to new situations and different environments.

It was way easier than naturally adapting to everything but now this shouldn't be so bad.

"How you guys holding up?" I asked while looking at Azura and Hiroko.

"I'd say good so far." Answers Azura.

"Yeah I'm alright." Responds Hiroko.

It seemed the others were doing alright so far too but this definitely feels like it'll be a long travel until we reach Reali.

(Back in Mito Kingdom) Tsuji's View.

As according to the plan, Mika is bound to follow Shin off the continent just to figure out what's going on. Though Shin is doing something real for the king it won't matter until later on.

Everything is mostly planned to help us accelerate what we need to do here first. Mari was intent on getting Mika out of here so if war breaks out we'd be busy with other kingdoms only.

It's a power move for sure but here's hoping it lasts long enough for us to do it all.

"Tsuji-San I might have figured out where a relic is." Says a woman with a serious tone.

"Perfect. Let us go to it then shall we Myuki." I respond while getting up from my chair.

King Mari's goals aren't the only thing I intend to follow here, I've got quite a bit of my own plans to fulfill. Mika won't be too much of a concern in my plans but the other heroes across the continents could be.

Still can't believe that bastard didn't tell us this right away. Making us feel so damn important like we're the only heroes to exist in this world. What a joke.

(Back on The Mighty Spear) Mika's View.

We've been traveling for days and I feel like I'm going a little crazy just seeing constant oceans and waves that just brush along the ship. I'd personally go to say that this is my fault for never traveling in the world before.

I mean my original world not this world since I'd never gone on a boat or even a plane in my world before. There's a lot here I've done that's new to me and that I probably wouldn't even have considered in the previous world.

Murder, Powers, a demon voice in my head, and much much more. All of this would sound crazy to anybody else but to me it's all real and has been happening.

"You should get some rest Mika." Says Azura with a worried tone.

"Sorry to worry you. I do need some sleep." I respond before heading towards my room.

It was time to sleep or at least try to sleep again on this damn ship. I feel use to being on it but it's the sights that really bother me more than anything.

I take my gear off and lay down on my bed or what's supposed to be my bed. It wasn't entirely uncomfortable but it's what I'd have to deal with just to get to Reali.

It didn't take long to doze off until suddenly after what feels like forever I could hear the men up top.

"Land Ho!!!" Shout the sailors.

Didn't I only sleep a few hours?

"Mika you're finally up, it's been about a day or two." Says Hiroko while kneeling next to my bed.

"Two days Jeez. Are we finally here?" I respond with a question while sitting up.

"Yes we made it to Reali. It's an absolutely beautiful place." Answers Hiroko with an excited tone.

After getting my gear back on and heading above deck I was greeted with an amazing view. A giant city before my eyes, it looked way different then any of the other cities I've been to so far.

They had decently big buildings and the shops looked a lot more put together, the docks had multiple ships. The landscape was beautiful mountains in the distance followed by the distant watch towers.

It looked a lot more advanced then the continent of Nilot. It's got me even more curious to see what the kingdoms of this continent are like.

"It's marvelous isn't it?" Asks Captain Vek as he gazes upon the city.

"It really is. What is this city?" I respond with my own question.

"The city of Foxentel. It's one of the nicest cities of the continent but I hope you find what you're looking for here friend." Answers Captain Vek while giving a big smile.

"Thank you and I hope you and your crew continue to do well." I say before departing room the ship with Azura and Hiroko.

"Time to make haste and figure out what that bastard Shin is doing then right?" Asks Hiroko as she looks around.

"Of course, but let's make sure we have a place to stay tonight too." I answer while gazing towards a distant building.

This place is truly beautiful, it reminded me a lot of how cities were back in my world except it still has the old age feeling. Like we haven't gone into modern times just yet but this is amazing.

"I think the building you're looking at is a place to stay Mika." Says Azura while looking at it.

"Let's check it out then shall we?" I ask while beginning to walk.

"Yeah!" Shouts both Azura and Hiroko while following me.

While walking towards the building I noticed that the knights here weren't only wielding swords on their sides but also held old rifles. They must've figured out that you can use gun powder for more than just cannons.

Truly magnificent the difference this place already shows compared to Nilot.

After leaving my train of thought I was then greeted by the building from before which was called The Luxurious Gem.

This must be the equivalent of a hotel I guess. I'm going to assume I still have plenty of coin to stay in such a place. That was one gift the world seemed to give me as well, my coin from the game world. Which surprisingly is the same.

I had a lot. It's crazy to think I'm probably considered rich in this world but forget that. Time to get us a room.

We entered into the building to see it was a nicely designed lobby kind of room. Behind a desk was a nicely dressed woman who you could take to be the person in charge of rooms.

"Hello Ma'am can I get a room with two beds?" I ask while leaning on the desk.

"Sure that'd be two gold coins." Answers the woman.

"Of course here you go." I say while dropping the coins on the desk.

"Okay here's a key to room 44 on the second floor. There's a staircase over to the left or a Warp door on the right." Responds the woman while handing the key.

Wow I keep getting more and more surprised as I discover this city. We went into the Warp door and it was like it knew where we had to go instantly.

Like that it was like teleporting and we got to the second floor instantly. It only took a few moments for all of us to find the room and inside it was amazing.

Two huge beds and an amazing balcony view but of course it doesn't surprise me, no tvs or anything like that. Just a fancier room but hey I'll take it any day.

"woah this is awesome!" Shouts Azura while plopping down on the right bed.

"It is!" Shouts Hiroko back while looking outside.

I'm glad I'm not the only one impressed by all of this. Now we had a place to get some decent rest before pursuing Shin.

"Time to rest up and prepare for tomorrow." I say while taking off my gear.

"Yeah but at least we know where we'll be coming back to." Responds Azura with a happy tone.

This place is nice and I definitely don't think it's cheap by any means. But with that thought it's time to relax for once before having to worry about everything again.

"Hope you're ready for all this Kid. It's completely different here." Says Lazarus with a concerned tone.

"I'd expect nothing less." I respond while laying down on the left bed.