Chapter 32: A Path

The night passed by and waking up in a nice and comfortable bed was a different experience for sure. It's time to get back on the path so we can find out what King Mari's plans are.

"God I'll miss this." Says Azura as she stretches.

"I will too but we got goals to achieve." Responds Hiroko while sitting up.

It was nice that everyone was on the same page but things can change at any moment.

I sat up and put my gear back on, it was time to find out what the heroes are up to. I'm curious to see if the other heroes will be on the same page as Mari's heroes.

After about ten minutes we were all finally ready to go and leaving the building it was extremely crowded. I could only wonder what's going on in this place today.

"What's going on?" I ask as I look at Azura.

"I'm honestly speechless." Answers Azura as she looks around.

Sight. As my ability scans across the streets I could see someone who stood out upon them. A man with red hair, red eyes, and seemed to be wearing a shirt with no sleeves and some weird pants.

He had slicked back hair as well, almost like that of a modern day ceo. I'm always surprised the more I see things here but what is so special about him?

"Praise the hero Enofumi Hareo!" Shouts the people with an excited tone.

So that's one of their heroes? He looks like a charismatic type of hero who likes the praise he gets from the people. I can't say what that'll mean for us but hopefully it won't be hard to talk to him about things.

He's our chance to try and avoid conflict with the other heroes. After that thought passed we tried making our way through the crowd into all of a sudden I heard the man speak.

"Mika the witches summon! What do you want from us!" Shouts Enofumi as he stands before us.

"A few minutes of your time." I respond back with a calm tone.

There's no point in getting loud with someone since it could cause a misunderstanding. Everything is planned out usually so it could be his way of assessing what I'm really like.

"Hmm a few minutes of my time. Sure I'll give you time." Says Enofumi as he walks up.

"Got a place we can talk?" I ask with a curious tone.

"Yes just follow me in here." Answers Enofumi as he opens up a strange door.

Upon entering through the door we are greeted by a strange space which formed a room like I've never seen before. The walls were wooden and had nice paintings hanging around, I think one was a self portrait.

It was like we just went to a whole different place.

"Have a seat guys. It'd be rude for me not to offer beautiful women seats." Says Enofumi as he sits behind a desk.

They all sit down and get ready for a long conversation.

"What is it exactly that you're here for Mika?" Asks Enofumi with a curious tone.

"I'm here to see if you guys know what's really going on." I answer with a serious tone.

"Hmm what's really going on? It makes sense since no one has helped the continent of Nilot in ages." Says Enofumi.

"What do you mean?" I question with a confused tone.

"Every time heroes have been summoned its always been to protect here. The continent of Nilot has always had problems with the Kingdom of Mito." Answers Enofumi while looking towards a map.

"So you already know he's corrupt?" Asks Azura as she looks towards Enofumi.

"Yes I only called Mika that in case someone was listening. Mari has some strong connections." Responds Enofumi with a serious tone.

As I thought, I'm not the only one who finds that bastard and his heroes to be corrupted. But if that's the case I'm curious how long these heroes have been here.

"How long have you been here then Enofumi?" I ask with a curious tone.

"I've been here 15 years and nothing has changed over the course of that time. There's always been a hero like you who's been killed for discovering the truth." Answers Enofumi.

15 years is a long time to be in another world yet that also gives me a lot of insight on my foreseeable future. If I'm stuck here forever then I definitely need to stop all the evil that resides in this world.

"That's a long time. I'm a hero myself but the heroes I came with have all only been here about a year and a half." Says Hiroko while looking towards the map too.

"It makes sense since I can feel the aura you possess. But the other girl doesn't seem to have that same energy." Responds Enofumi as he looks toward Azura.

That's right. Sometimes I forget both Azura and Ella are just normal people from this world that I dragged along. Azura was just an adventurer and Ella was a royal knight captain.

They have both proven to still be strong enough to aid me in my adventure. Time really has gone by since this all started though, it's crazy to think about it all.

"She's still strong and helped me plenty." I say while standing up.

"I heard you two were at Tivenfiel. Quite a massacre there but I can't say it doesn't surprise me." Replies Enofumi as he stands up as well.

"Yeah Mito sent knights in to fight and then some sort of mystery person to bring a dragon." I say with an annoyed tone.

"Typical. Well I'm on your side just know that. I'll make sure to keep you in the good light of the others." Responds Enofumi while giving a smile.

I'm glad our path led us to one of the heroes before it was too late but that doesn't mean we can give up on finding Shin. He's bound to have some sort of offer from King Mari even if they haven't helped anyone in Nilot.

That doesn't mean that things could be different this time around. Always have to be on guard in these situations.

"With thay said I'll be sending you guys on your way for the time being. Head to Morrow Vale, it's a remote city a couple of miles north of here. It's where most of the heroes reside here." Says Enofumi as the room converts back.

"Thank you, hope to see you again soon then." I respond before exiting with the others.

That makes me wonder how long the other heroes have been here since he's been here that long. We don't seem to have a time limit on us for how long we're supposed to be here but does that mean it's permanent?

That's my biggest question. I'll have to find the time to ask Yui or save it for that guy who approaches me once in awhile. One of them are bound to give me an answer I'm looking for.

"So he was an interesting hero." Says Azura while walking besides me.

"He was indeed. But now we must head for Morrow Vale, hope you guys are ready." I respond while gazing into the distance.

This was the new path set for us, the road to Morrow Vale. If we could speak to the other heroes there then I'm sure we could avoid any potential problems with Shin.

He won't fight multiple heroes just to get a message across for the king. At least I'd hope he's not that stupid to waste his life in that manner.

"Of course we're ready. Let's go make us some new friends." Says Hiroko while going ahead a little bit.

At least she's optimistic about this, I know I'm still wary. Cheers to hopefully new friends.