Chapter 33: Morrow Vale

Leaving the beautiful city of Foxentel to head towards Morrow Vale. I'm hoping it won't be too hard to find these other heroes that reside there.

The road that we had to follow was actually quite nice and even had houses that ventured off into the distance. This place was definitely a change of pace compared to the other continent.

"Damn I kind of wish I was born here." Says Azura while walking.

"I agree." Responds Hiroko as she followed behind.

I don't disagree but at the same time none of us know if this places holds its own dirty secrets or not. Most places around the world hide something so I'm sure soon enough we'll know what they hide.

Unless it's actually the first ever perfect city which I'd understand at that point.

"You're always thinking about something huh kid?" Asks Lazarus with a curious tone.

"Most of the time yes." I answer with an honest tone.

Most of the time I truly am in thought but to me it helps clear the mind a bit. Honestly this reminds me a bit of what I had done over the past year.

I had to clear my mind of some things with Yui a couple months ago so that helped a little bit.

(6 Months ago, Back at Yui's Shack.) Mika's View.

Entering the shack from whence I had been brought to for healing I could see her once more. That familiar face was before my eyes once again, red hair, silver eyes and a short girl.

She was exactly as I saw her last time in that one city except her features were a lot more concealed. This is my time to ask here a lot of things I couldn't think of at the time.

"Mika what brings you here?" Asks Yui as she stands up from her chair.

"I just wanted to get some insight on things." I answer as I sit my bag down.

I didn't wear my gear this time around and just left it in my inventory in case of an emergency. Nothing seemed like it would really be a problem out here anyway.

"Ask away." Says Yui as she sits back down.

"If you summoned me, why did I have to almost die?" I ask while taking a seat.

"To prove this isn't some figment of imagination." Answers Yui with a serious tone.

"Okay. Are you really a witch?" I question with a curious tone.

"They call me that because I'm the sister of the previous demon lord." Responds Yui.

The sister of the demon lord?

"Yes Kid the demon lord I mentioned in the past, the one I told you died." Says Lazarus.

"I see. What made you summon me if it was truly you?" I ask while looking at her eyes.

Truth can be told by the way someone is looking a lot of times but I don't see why she'd have a reason to lie anyway.

"I summoned you to help save this world from the evil that killed my sister. I'm not capable of stopping it myself." Answers Yui with a sad tone.

"Okay that answers a lot of my main questions." I say while pondering my thoughts.

It has me curious if she'd really know anything about my powers or how I was given them. I'm not too sure since that one guy comes and goes mentioned some stuff too.

I'll save my other questions for another time.

"Is that all you have to ask Mika?" Asks Yui with a curious tone.

"Yes for now." I answer before standing up.

The rest of that time I just talked normally with Yui about things I already knew and just sought to see what she thought. Just to see if anything I've done so far has been considered evil or off my path.

(Present time) Mika's View.

A lot has changed and her answering those questions had a lot to do with it. Yui telling me who she was and why she summoned me had a lot to do with it.

That told me why she's considered a witch, because the is the previous demon lords sister but how come she didn't take the throne?

That would've been a good question to ask her before I left but it'll be saved for another time I suppose.

It only took about half a day worth of travel to reach Morrow Vale and when we got there it was actually nice too. Not like Foxentel but still nice, but now it was time to find out where the heroes reside.

The streets were filled with adventurers and merchants looking to sell or buy things from people. It would be interesting if more cities or even small towns were like this.

The first building I noticed was the guild building, it popped out more than any other building here. It had a giant metal sign with a shield and two swords behind the shield on it. Of course that's usually what signaled it was the guild building in the first place.

"Let's head inside the guild building. Maybe we can figure something out in there." I say while heading towards the door.

"Yes it seems like the best idea." Responds Hiroko while following behind me.

Upon entering the building we were greeted by a huge number of new faces and a lot of them seemed to be in parties. This was definitely different compared to the last guild building I was in with just Azura.

Mumbling all across the room was heard.

"Look at those two gorgeous girls."

"Why are they with him?"

"He looks like trouble."

"Great more chaos is here."

Not surprised since it's been like this since the beginning too. People just talk about things that bother them and try to make themselves feel better.

One day people will see you can't do that for everything you see. My thoughts are then interrupted by a strange girl entering the room with bright red hair.

red hair, green eyes, and wore clothes of a mage. People never fail to impress around here with their appearances. She also appeared to be a half elf, unlike Ella who is a full elf.

The more I seem to learn.

"You there, I know who you are. What do you want?" Asks the woman with a cautious tone.

"A few moments of your time." I answer while gazing at the woman.

"Fine fine. I'll give you a few moments. Let's go." Says the woman while waving her hand to follow her.

We follow the woman and go back through a door into a secret room. It felt completely different compared to the room we were just in, almost like it's protected by special magic.

"Welcome Mika, this is the best place to talk in private. My name is Cristala Elaneiros, I'm a one of the heroes here." Says Cristala as she takes a seat.

"Nice to meet you Cristala. This is Azura and Hiroko." I respond while gesturing to the two of them.

"Nice to meet you all. take a seat and we can talk." Says Cristala.

So far this is looking good for us, hopefully the other heroes we haven't seen yet are like her and Enofumi. Being this cooperative will make things a lot easier.

Though there's no guarantee on that actually being the case.