Chapter 34: Gods

(Sorakami's View) In thought.

Looking back I never understood what made all of us so special. We were summoned to this world with an objective to eliminate the witch but then a rogue hero appeared.

Mika the man who's been terrorizing everywhere with his evil powers he was given from the witch. It's quite crazy how all of this came to fruition but honestly I'll make sure I kill him no matter what it takes.

He is the definition of evil and deserves to be purged, especially after what I saw back near fort Livot.

Those powers of his are pure evil and I don't care what excuses he comes up with.

This world has shown me a lot when it comes to doing the right thing. It doesn't surprise me that this world is completely different from mine, gods don't seem to be as common though.

That is one thing I've noticed this place seems to lack, any signs of true gods are nonexistent here.

It makes me think this world is reliant on heroes alone to save them from any and all problems that arise. But maybe it's not the worse thing since it gives me a chance to shine.

(Mika's View.) Back in Morrow Vale.

"So you came here to talk with us heroes right?" Asks Cristala with a curious tone.

"Yes. I came to see if we could all work together against King Mari, or rather that we could at least be on the same page." I answer with a serious tone.

I'll admit I've never been the best at talking about serious things but I think I've done alright since I came here. Its a serious thing to think about but it's still good to know I'm handling it well.

"Of course we can be on the same side but I don't think anyone's willing to leave the continent." Says Cristala.

"It's okay I understand. But so you know, he sent one of his heroes here already." I respond with a cautious tone.

Even if they can't help me kill king Mari and his heroes it'll help just knowing that they are at least on our side.

"I figured as much. I'll inform the others of our alliance but don't worry you'll meet them soon too." Says Cristala while standing up.

After that we made our way out of the guild building and now we're on the track to find Shin again. I'm not quite sure who else we could run into yet but I do know we need to figure out where Shin is.

Shin is the man who needs to be stopped before he can engage in King Mari's plans. I'll make sure to get information out of him before killing him.

(Narrator's View)

Mika's party left the city of Morrow Vale and began their travel to find Shin, the hero King Mari sent to do whatever he asked. It's still unknown to the party about what he plans to do but it can never be good.

This road they would travel would never be an easy road for it's always going to have bumps and stops.

The party traveled for a couple of days before reaching the outskirts of Dethentel. This was the first kingdom they'd be seeing on the continent of Reali.

Out in the snowy tundra was the lands of Dethentel which had been ruled by the great Queen Mizuno. It was like this for a long time after the king had passed years ago.

Queen Mizuno never found another king and took completely over and will hold power over everything until her son was old enough to rule. She did have a daughter but didn't know if she'd be worthy to rule just basing off her current interactions.

Her daughter wasn't the best example of royalty and did the exact opposite of everything she was asked to do.

(Mika's View) The Outskirts of Dethentel.

This place was nice but it was extremely cold out here and I don't know how people could live out here. Then again it's like the desert back in Nilot when I couldn't really feel the effects of the heat there.

I knew it was hot but it didn't bother me, but the cold lands here aren't having an effect either which is good.

Boom!!! A huge impact is suddenly seen in front of us out of nowhere, followed by a blinding white light.

"Mika I believe you met the God who had the idea to bring you here. I'm not to keen on keeping you around, I agree with the chaos taking over this world." Says a mysterious man.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask while getting ready to fight.

"I'm Shuji and I'm a god who came to deal with you. This constant letting you get away things is getting old." Answers Shuji as light begins to glow around him.

Are you really telling me I have to fight a literal God now? This is kind of insane and I don't think I'm strong enough to beat such a powerful being.

"Mika it is possible but I don't know I want to suggest what I'm thinking." Says Lazarus with a concerned tone.

Thinking about it now, I'm pretty sure I still have that power from last time. It could help in this situation if combined with Lazarus's power.

Yes that's what I need to do, combine the two powers and maybe it really will be possible to deal with him.

Show Death G□□ Skills!

• Wrath (Allows User to summon The undead to fight temporarily.)

•Grim's Strength (Harness a small amount of power from □□□)

•The Deadly Dragon Armor (Allows the user to form armor from the ancient dragons which allows for stronger defense with no penalty to speed.)

○Other Skills Hidden.

"Everyone get back it's going to be a bit chaotic." I say while looking back towards the god.

Activate Vessel Strength. Activate Grim's Strength.

The skies above me darken and I can feel something surrounding me. It felt different from before and everything looked way darker than when I had only used Lazarus's power.

Activate The Deadyly Dragon Armor.

Gahhhh! I felt pain throughout my whole body as this ancient armor formed all over me, it felt as though my flesh was being ripped apart and stitched back together.

After a few moments I felt it all suddenly stop but blood was all around my feet and I noticed the armor on me.

It was like my normal black armor except scales were mended into it and I even noticed a helmet formed on me too. My sight was different because I finally had a helmet on me for the first time since coming here.

I looked around and also noticed a bunch of bones forming in the ground, I should use this too.

Activate Wrath. Skeletons begin to rise from the ground while wielding both shields and swords.

"Mika are you okay?!?!" Shouts Azura with a worried tone.

Everything felt blocked out and my only focus was the god before my eyes. Shuji a god here to stop me and who could potentially kill me, my party, and whoever else.

I dashed in to throw my first hit in at this god but as I expected he dodged it. This will be an interesting fight indeed.