Chapter 35: Mika V Shuji (1)

Missing the first attack Mika pulls back and prepares for his next attack while Shuji gazes upon him. He didn't think Mika would be much of a problem to begin with so this wouldn't mean much to him.

This is how a god thinks as its never been a problem for them to worry about anyone like this before. So why start now?

Mika began his dash to attack once more and his speed was even faster with this new found power of his. The ground cracking at every step as he runs towards this God.

"Truly pathetic." Says Shuji as he blocks Mika's attack.

Pow!! Mika's punch hits Shuji's arms but nothing but the large amounts of wind bounce off from the impact.

"I'll kill you." Responds Mika with a low voice.

"Good luck." Says Shuji before delivering a punch back himself.

Bam!!! He punches Mika right across the face and sends him flying across the area. Mika is seen flying through the air until he is stopped after a few moments by multiple trees.

"Stop!" Shouts Hiroko as she then begins to chant.

Hiroko began to cast her own magic to try and help combat the god who challenged them.

"Rain of The Ancient." Says Hiroko as a sudden ice storms falls above the god.

The ice falls from above Shuji and most of it just goes past him leaving small cuts and scratches.

"This is what your magic is capable of? Sad." Says Shuji before appearing in front of Hiroko.

(Mika's View) On the ground.

I slowly got up off the ground and looked towards the distance. Is he in front of Hiroko?

"Kid this isn't going to be good if we keep fighting him." Says Lazarus with a concerned tone.

"I know but he's determined to kill me and my party.." I respond back with a sad tone.

"I'm glad you have control over yourself but we need to be smart." Says Lazarus while pondering.

"Yes be smart, fight the god and buy time for your friends." Says a different voice.

"Mika!!!!" Screams Azura in the distance.

Forgetting my thoughts I focus back towards them once more and realize Shuji is about to attack Hiroko.

Pause!!! Activate the Chaos Warp!

"45 Seconds remain." Says a voice.

As I feel myself appearing in front of them I notice Shuji is still moving.

"Not fast enough Mika. You forget I'm a god, you underestimate how strong I am." Says Shuji before punching right through Hiroko's gut.

Bam!!! Before my eyes I witnessed Hiroko get punched by a god and he was so powerful it went right through her...

"No!!!!!!" I Screamed before punching towards the god.

(Narrator's View)

Punching at Shuji left and right it was like his attacks meant nothing to him. Time was about to resume as well and all Mika could do was fight this man.

Time resumes and all Azura sees is Hiroko fall to her knees.

Drip. Drip. Blood is heard hitting the floor and slowly growing into a puddle.

"Hiroko!!!" Screams Azura while running over to her.

In an instant Mika's attention shifted away from the god.

"H-Hiroko.." Says Mika while looking towards her.

Pow!!!! The moment he looked away he felt a series of punches hitting him left and right.

"Never turn away from the enemy!" Shouts Shuji as he continues to deal blows.

The sound of punches landing over and over again are heard from all over the area.

"Gahhhh!" Screamed Mika in pain as his body began to break.

(Mika's View)

¤Critical Condition Detected¤

¤Critical Condition Detected¤

This damn message was before my eyes once more and nothing seemed to help. The skeletons I brought up to help are already dealt with like they weren't a problem to begin with.

He wiped them out that quick just from knocking me away and now I'm here dying without being able to do a damn thing.

Crunch. I could feel my bones beginning to break the more I took these attacks but it's impossible to beat him.

"Gahh! Cough." I Screamed in pain as blood came out my mouth.

Suddenly everything felt like it came to a stop and I took one last hit. It went across my face and broke the helmet completely and sent me flying across the field past Azura.

Crash!!!! I felt myself go through an old stone building that luckily was abandoned.

I laid on the ground unable to move while my blood slowly surrounded my body, this really might be the end for me.

"All skills deactivated." Says a voice before fading.


Activate Vessel Demonic Aura. I felt it surge throughout my body but yet it didn't feel like anything was changing.

It was all getting dark before my eyes once more.

(Narrator's View) Near Shuji and the others.

"Shuji you aren't supposed to be here doing such a thing." Says a mysterious voice.

"Oh screw off already. You think he deserves to help with things here! Back off and go back to watching the other worlds!" Shouts Shuji with an angry tone.

"Time for you to return." Responds the voice before light surrounds Shuji.

"It's fine. He's beyond saving anyway." Says Shuji as he looks towards Azura.

In the distance Mika lays in his own puddle of blood while Azura sits with Hiroko.

(Mika's View)

No I can't die yet...

There's so much to do and I need to save Hiroko.

With the strength I didn't even have anymore I got up and slowly made my way towards Azura and Hiroko.

Activate The Chaos Warp. Opening my eyes I was before them once more and instantly fell to my knees.

"H..Hiroko.." I struggle to say before falling over.

¤Critical Condition Detected¤

"Requirements have been met Mika Izuko. You really are a troublesome hero." Says a mysterious voice.

I have things to do and people to save, I want to live no matter what.

"Who are you?" I ask while floating in the abyss.

Before my eyes a woman appears with white hair and silver eyes, she also is wearing some sort of robes.

"I'm the one who's watching over you more then anyone else. My name is Luna." Answers Luna as she floats before me.

Do you want to live?

Yes <---



Prompt answered.

"What is going to happen if I live or how am I going to survive this?" I question with a curious tone.

"You will wake back up in a few days but you'll be lucky enough to be given a miracle of sorts." Answers Luna as she gets closer to me.

"It hurts though, I- I couldn't save Hiroko.." I say while tears begin to go down my cheeks.

"Mika not everyone can be saved and it's not your fault." Responds Luna before wrapping her arms around me.

This abyss slowly began to disappear around me as I felt her embrace. I woke up to the sight of Azura crying over top of me.

"You're alive...thank god..." Says Azura before hugging me while tears dripped down her face.

I wasn't in the cold fields anymore but it appeared to be some sort of medical bay once again.

"How long was I out..?" I question while slowly looking around.

"It's been about a week and there's bad news..." Answers Azura with a sad tone.

"No...No...She didn't make it did she..?" I ask while tears began to fall down my cheeks once more.

"No.." Responds Azura while hugging me a little tighter.

She really did die..

I know my doubts about Hiroko use to trouble me but she proved to me that she really did want to save this world. I couldn't protect her from the enemies who are out to kill me and now she's dead because of it..

Shuji wherever you are...

You're next. I swear I'll make you pay for this no matter how long it takes me to find you.

Hiroko I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to save you, I tried so hard to fight him and failed to do anything about it.

"She left this for you though Mika. Read it when you're able." Says Azura as she looks to the table next to me.

Huh, of course there'd be something for me to read after all this too.

This world really wants me to struggle just to save it from chaos. Fuck it all.