Chapter 36: Remorse

Everything hurts and I honestly didn't know how to proceed from this point on.

Hiroko is dead and left me a letter to read but I'm not sure I even have the strength to read it just yet. This world is sure to take someone else from me and I'm not sure I'll be ready for that to happen again.

I don't know if I'm capable of protecting them like I thought before. This wouldn't have happened if that was the case.

"Mika it's fine these things happen." Says Lazarus.

He could always tell what I'm thinking and sometimes it's annoying but none of this is really fine.

"You must be Mika. Nice to meet you, I apologize for what's happened to you. My name is Adam." Says Adam as he stands across the room.

"It's fine. Who are you?" I ask while sitting up.

"I'm a hero who resides here in this amazing kingdom." Answers Adam as he gives a bow.

"Great." I say while slowly standing up.

It took a couple of moments but I put what was left of my gear on and looked around the room. Azura didn't seem to be in here at the moment but that's okay.

"The girl left if that's who you're looking for. She said something about telling one of your companions." Responds Adam as he leans against a wall.

So it'll be awhile till I see Azura again but for now I need to figure out where that bastard Shin is, this can't slow me down. Everyone grieves in their own way so she can take however long she needs.

"I'll be off then mister hero." I say while heading towards the door.

He didn't seem keen on stopping me and I didn't really have it in me to talk about anything right now. It only took about ten minutes but I left the room and went into the main part of the kingdom streets.

Markets everywhere and even though this place resides in such a cold environment it was like it didn't effect the people at all.

Must be something they use to keep it that way but now I can imagine the focus is on me since a fight happened in the outskirts of their kingdom. I'd be pretty damn focused if some people had such a chaotic battle outside.

As I walked the streets I noticed people out and walking around the shops, it reminded me of how things should be. Peaceful and running nicely for everyone.

Chaotic evil shouldn't be what the world deals with all the time so this problem of mine needs to be dealt with as fast as possible.

King Mari, Heroes of Nilot, Calziel, and Shuji. Those evil bastards will all die at my hand no matter what it takes to do it.

"Keep giving in then." Says a low sinister voice.

"Who are you?" I ask with a curious tone as I walk the streets.

"The one who gave you your new found power Mika." Answers the sinister voice.

"No name or anything?" I question while walking.

"Mekella but it won't matter." Answers Mekella as her voice becomes clear.

"Yeah I'll accept your power as I get it." I say while beginning to ponder my thoughts.

Nothing is clear to me besides my goal to rid this world of its evil. I know that I'm going to kill Shuji and avenge Hiroko, I'm also going to kill the corrupted king and his heroes.

I'll kill them all.

Show Death G□□ Skills!

• Wrath (Allows User to summon The undead to fight temporarily.)

•Grim's Strength (Harness a small amount of power from □□□)

•The Deadly Dragon Armor (Allows the user to form armor from the ancient dragons which allows for stronger defense with no penalty to speed.)

•Grim's Vengeance (Allows User to Harness half of the power from □□□ but could harm the user immensely.)

○Other Skills Hidden.

A new skill to use but again can cause major damage to me, what's the point of these skills if they are so deadly. Powerful skills that can basically almost kill me with the use of them.

My body still isn't even healed but I refuse to sit around and do nothing. The damage that was done to me could even be permanent for all I know.

I feel everything from that battle and my skill doesn't even feel like it's working at all. I'm just barely able to walk and I know that's not enough to go but screw it.

"Mika you got to stop pushing yourself so much." Says a familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around to see a girl that I've known since first coming to this world. Yui.

"Why do I run into you so easily?" I ask while looking at Yui.

"Because I just happen to be around when you need me most." Answers Yui as she stands in front of me.

"Yeah." I say while feeling my emotions hit me once more.

These feelings of sadness just won't go away and I don't want to deal with any of it. I..

"It's okay Mika." Responds Yui as she hugs me.

"I.. just couldn't save her... what if Azura would've died too..? What am I able to do if I can't even protect my friends..." I say while tears roll down my cheeks.

I don't care if others see this going on, this isn't something I can control so easily.

"Mika you're stronger then you know. Everything will work out and you'll keep your friends safe." Replies Yui while hugging me.

All of this isn't something I should've gone through in the first place. This world, these people, these deaths.

None of it!!!!

I was content with my life before this and didn't care if I was stuck at home playing games or reading manga. All of this is something I shouldn't of been thrown into.

Why do I have to be the one to suffer, why do I have to be the one to save them all?

Answer me these question please!?

I can't be the damn hero from the get go so why do I have to prove I'm something to anyone instead of playing the real role. Heroes don't kill innocent people, Heroes don't let people die before their very eyes.

This is all such bullshit.

"Mika thank you. I know the roads been tough but you believing me and helping has helped so much. You're incredible for everything you've done. This world will thank you I promise that." Says Yui with a happy and sincere tone while holding me close.

Even hearing this doesn't help me feel any better about anything, I didn't even read Hiroko's letter she left me. God what is wrong with me?

Maybe I just need to die to leave this world instead of trying so hard to save it. If that doesn't work then do I really have to save it!

This world is making it impossible to decide what's right to do here.

"Mika death is tough on everyone but you'll make it through it. I had to go through this myself." Says Lazarus.

"I did as well but you can use this to make yourself stronger Mika." Chimes in Mekella with an honest tone.

Fine. I'll listen to everyone for now but if this keeps proving to be impossible I don't know what I'll do. For now I'll let myself go.

It's time to burn away my emotions again and to accomplish my goal. No more getting attached, I'll protect Azura and Ella but I can't let myself go through this again.

Emotions will make me weak again and I'm not going to deal with that again.

"Thank you Yui. I'm okay." I say as I back up a little.

"As long as you're okay Mika. I'll always be here for you." Responds Yui while giving a smile.

"I appreciate that, I'll be on my way now." I say before turning around.

"Good luck Mika." Replies Yui as she watches me walk off.

My armor is shattered in many ways so I'm sure it'll be useless but that'll be my first objective before pursuing Shin once more. Repairing my armor and then finding that damn hero.

Just know I'm coming for you Shin, you'll spill everything that King Mari has asked you to do no matter how long it takes me to get it out of you.

You'll then die to my hands. That is the fate that awaits you Shin, you corrupted hero.