Chapter 38: Lost

To me I was only in the city district of Tivenfiel before I left but now that I'm out it is time to find a place to stay for the night.

I was wandering the snowy lands outside the kingdom of Tivenfiel in search of the hero known as Shin. He's someone that needs to be stopped and questioned so we can prevent King Mari's plans.

I'll be honest I'm quite lost though, even having the map I possess it didn't seem to help very much. The information board I saw in the city before leaving also didn't help, it only had information about the districts of the kingdom.

Useless for travelers it seems but I'll figure things out on my own.

(Narrator View)

Mika continued his search for a place to sleep for the night but didn't seem to find anything worth stopping for. No place seemed safe enough in his mind to just stop and camp out.

He ended up traveling throughout the night until he finally reached a small village in the middle of nowhere. No cities close by, no kingdoms even close enough to step in if a problem occurs.

The village appeared worn down and the people there who did wander the streets seemed to be a different race or humans. Most looked human but I heard there weren't normal humans in this world everywhere.

Yes there was different races of humans but that's not even what I'm referring to in this scenario.

(Mika's View.) Wandering the streets of the strange village.

This place doesn't give any good vibes off at all but it makes me wonder how long this place has been here. It looks well worn for sure so I'd assume a long time.

Though to be out this far away from any safety surprises me. Knights aren't usually sent extremely far out unless a potential enemy army is on the way.

I still have no clue where I am though regardless of this whole thing.

"A traveler comes through once more." Says a random person.

"Yes a traveler has come through." Responds another person.

Sight. Scanning around me I could see a couple of people looking at me from behind a house. They appeared to be dressed as peasants themselves but they might even be potential thieves.

That's when suddenly a woman with green hair and yellow eyes came out from the shadows, she also appeared to be wearing the clothes of a healer.

"Why do you come here?" Asks the woman with a serious tone.

"I'm just passing through." I respond while keeping an ear out for those people.

"Nobody really passes here so it doesn't seem logical." Says the woman.

"What's so special about this place then?" I ask while focusing on the woman now.

"It's a village that was outcast by the kingdom of Tivenfiel. We were told not to communicate with any who passed and our children would never be allowed out of here." Answers the woman.

Hmm so a village that was casted out from the kingdoms territory, it makes me wonder why they got thrown out in the first place.

"Why were you guys casted out?" I question.

"They didn't like that we could use healing magic like the heroes could." Answered The woman.

Again dumb things that are forced upon people for no reason. This has happened in the old world too though, people getting casted out for different things.

But I never cared for it, friends always do that to one another over games, girls, and hell many other things. This though makes me debate if the king is a good person or not now.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I don't come from the kingdom of Tivenfiel anyway. I'm actually not even from this continent." I say while getting ready to continue through.

"I see then do you have need for a healer?" Asks the woman.

"My friends might but what's your name?" I respond back with my own question.

"My names Yasumi." Says Yasumi while giving a bow.

"Nice to meet you Yasumi, I'm Mika." I reply while also giving a small bow.

She's already considering joining me and I haven't told her a thing about me but I can't just send her to Azura and Ella. This will have to take time for me to trust her so I'll have to see what she'll do for us.

"You can come with me for now." I say while beginning to walk.

"Awesome alright." Responds Yasumi while following behind me.

I have no clue where I'm going just yet but for now the path will continue straight. A healer will come in handy so I can't complain about her joining me.

"Do you um.. Know where you're going?" Asks Yasumi as she follows me.

"Not yet but I'll know soon enough." I answer while looking ahead.

After about two hours we were a decent bit away from the village and those people still seemed to be close by. I have good reason to believe they are bandits.

Thieves waiting for the right time but why waste the time to follow someone so far from home anyway? To me that doesn't seem worth the time.

"You can show yourselves." I say while turning around in an instant.

"Mika who are you talking to?" Questions Yasumi while looking behind us.

That's when people came out from behind the trees, we were in a forest now and with my hearing abilities it wasn't hard to hear them. On top of the fact that it's a snowy region of this continent.

The crunching of the snow is louder to me than most people in this world and made it easier to detect them. They also tried whispering what they'd do next but it won't happen.

"How'd you know man?" Asks one of the guys who comes out.

All of them wore raggedy clothes and had a bandana covering their faces.

"I'm not an ordinary person like you guys think." I answer while checking my inventory.

Equip Lazarus Set. That's when before their eyes my armor formed on me and all they see is my black demon like armor.

This armor has been with me a long time and I've kept it in shape for the most part. Repairs have been made when needed but it's gotten me through a lot.

"I also left you a gift Mika." Says Mekella with a happy tone.

Checking my inventory was the helmet from before when I used the skills from that new tree.

[Deaths Helmet] Level 415. Equip helmet!

Suddenly the helmet forms on my head and before my eyes my vision changes.