Chapter 39: Thieves

The thieves who stood before me seemed a bit shaken now that my armor was equipped but yet they didn't retreat. Brave assholes will die a brutal death.

"Charge boys!" Shouts the man who seemed to be the leader.

As they charged in I didn't hold back one bit against them. I blocked each attack and met it with a punch to send them back and kept repeating the same cycle.

This felt like wasted time honestly but it wasn't a big deal since this was bound to happen throughout the journey at some point.


"45 seconds remaining." Says a voice.

Slash!!! Slash!!! Cutting across each thief in a matter of seconds with their own blades, this would be fun to see when time resumes.


"Time resuming." Says a voice.

Splash!!! Drip. Drip. All the thieves before me were brutally sliced with their own weapons and bleeding all over.

"Cough. How...?" Asked a thief before falling to the ground.

I feel like I'm slowly changing again but should I care? Screw it.

Watching as each thief falls to the ground in their own puddle of blood felt different, almost like it was something I needed to see. I don't have a clue of why yet but for now I'm going to gave to focus on finding Shin.

"That was incredible Mika." Says Yasumi while giving me praise.

For a moment I had forgotten she was with me but these things tend to happen quite frequently I guess. Meeting new companions who either will travel with me or without.

Not all of them remain with me but I'm starting to think it is best to leave them behind. I don't want something happening to them like Hiroko anymore.

I've learned from my mistakes for the most part but yet something still bothers me from that day, why did such a powerful person come to fight me?

"Mika there's more." Says Yasumi with a concerned tone as she watches them come out.

Shifting my gaze up from the dead bodies I noticed exactly what she was talking about.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay." I say while looking towards the other thieves.

"Beautiful woman you got with you, why don't you hand her over to us." Says of the Thieves as he twirls a dagger around.

Hmm lustful thieves I see, doesn't surprise me to see men like this here. Then again they reside in all worlds I'm sure.

I didn't give them an ounce of respect and I don't think they are even worthy of a fast death but I'm not trying to waste more time.

"He looks kind of menacing boss." Says one of the thieves with a scared tone.

"It's fine we got him outnumbered." Responds the boss while walking forward.

Activate Skill Wrath.

All around us the undead began to rise from the ground, why waste such a skill on them? Because it saves me the effort of fighting such rats who have nothing better to do with their lives.

"Let's go Yasumi." I say while turning away from the thieves.

"Okay Mika." Responds Yasumi as she begins to walk.

"Hey get back here!" Shouts the boss of the thieves before getting stopped by skeletons.

As I walked away I slowly began to hear the screams of the thieves as my skeletons tore through them. It wasn't surprising since they were probably lower leveled in reality compared to the skeletons.

How sad must that be to die to them in the first place.

Our travel spanded over the course of a few days, constant on and off rest to prepare for the next day. This was the repeat cycle of which we both followed until finally reaching some strange outpost.

"Do you know where we are?" Asks Yasumi while scanning the surrounding area.

"No." I respond as I give a few glances around myself.


All around me showed no visible signs of anything except Yasumi so what the hell was this place for? It didn't make much sense to me to have an outpost out here for no reason.

"So you were following me after all." Says a voice before coming out from the shadows.

Instantly shifting my gaze towards the figure that revealed themselves I noticed it was the exact person I had been looking for. Shin.

"Odd that it took you so long to catch on." I reply while preparing myself for a fight.

I should be stronger than Shin but then again it has been a decent amount of time since me and him last fought. It'd be quite interesting to see what has changed since then.

"Just had to be sure of course." Says Shin as small bits of dust begin to fly around him.

This was the same as last time, he used the sand in the desert to surround me. Though it'd be a lot different this time since I've mastered a few new skills since then.

But why would he start off with such an open attack?

"Let the heavens guide my weapons and destroy the evil before me." Chants a voice from the right side of me.

What the hell.

"Yasumi take this and go!" I shout while tossing her a crystal.

As she catches it a sudden light is seen and she disappears.

Quickly bracing myself for the attack I raised my arms up to block what was coming from my side first.


"Gahhh!!" I let out a shout as I hold back what seemed to be a Spear against my arms.

"Of course you probably thought you wouldn't see me again." Says Sorakami as he holds the Spear tightly against my arms.

"You are one annoying bastard." I respond while trying to move the spear away.

Before I could shake off his attack a beam of light began to shine from the spear.

"Hm this was fun." Says Sorakami as a beam engulfed my arms.


Everything seemed so sudden yet so slow as I watched my arms get absolutely shattered by this light. Pain is something that for some reason I've stopped paying attention to.

Drip. Drip.

My arms went limp and I watched as blood trickled down my fingers and onto the floor. That was quite a bit of damage that he just did but I don't think this will stop me here.

"Can't fight now Mika. I knew you were pathetic." Says Sorakami while he waits for the dust to clear.

You'll see how pathetic I really am then huh.