Chapter 40: Two V One


Blood continued to Drip onto the floor as the surroundings around me got darker.

That damn hero Sorakami with his powerful light magic, its highly effective since I've got the powers of a demon in me. Not only that but the blood also runs through my veins so it hurts even more.

Though I'm use to this pain by now, but what to do about these pricks?

Sight. Everything around me was scanned once more and it really was just us around here so that meant I didn't need to worry about casualties. I could use my powerful skills for this battle which I had planned on from the start.

Activate Wrath!

"Skill active." A voice says.

Activate Grim's Strength and Activate Demon Born!

"Both Skills are now active." A voice says.

It's time to show them what I'm really made of, and how much I've grown over this period of time.

Hopefully I won't need half and can make do with this small fraction of Mekella's power, but here goes nothing.

"Awfully Quiet Mika." Sorakami Says While wielding his Spear.

"Maybe he doesn't have it in him." Shin Replies while looking towards Me.

These two don't even understand anything that's going on or what I'm capable of so fuck it all.

Activate Lazarus Flame!

KABOOM!!!!! An explosion emits from Mika's location and a black flame sets everything around them ablaze.

As the flames reach Sorakami and Shin a light is seen brightly emitting from his spear.

"Holy shit you almost had me for a moment there." Sorakami Says While wiping his shoulders off.

It seems my attack slightly hit him, I can see the darkness around his shoulders from the flames. He barely pulled off whatever it is he used to defend against my attack but they failed to realize an undead army was rising as well.

"Sorakami we seem to have more company." Shin Says while glancing all around them.

"Things just got interesting." Sorakami Says with a smirk behind his mask.

I stood there a moment to figure out a plan of action while my undead army rushed after the two corrupted heroes. Sorakami is more of a problem then Shin so i need to kill him first.

Pause. Everything froze around them and this time it seemed different.

Shin didn't seem to be moving this time so maybe the skill improved.

"45. 45. 45. Seconds Remaining." A voice repeatedly says.

Huh that was strange but I need to utilize this time before it runs out.

(Narrator's View)

Mika immediately used his chaos Warp to appear in front of Sorakami and begin laying into him. Punch after Punch, each landing stronger than the last.

Pow!! Pow!!! Each Punch with more strength behind it.

"25 seconds 25 seconds remaining." The voice repeatedly says.

But as he keeps punching Sorakami finally begins to slowly look towards him. Almost moving again somehow.

"Error. Time Resuming." A Voice says.

Everything instantly resumed and the undead army rushed right in as they were before for the attack.

"Cough. Cough." Sorakami began to cough up blood as his enemy stood before him.

Mika didn't seem to care that his army was rushing in but then he backed up quickly just so he wouldn't seem careless.

"You alright Sorakami?" Shin asks while bracing for the attack.

"No whatever happened caused a lot of damage to me." Sorakami Says While holding his gut.

Sorakami held his gut and realized his ribs all seemed to be broken and he couldn't stop coughing up blood.

"I'll begin healing." Zin Says with a serious tone.

"What's got you so serious Zin?" Sorakami asks while wincing.

Sorakami began to deflect and fight back against the undead army as he continued his conversation with Zin.

(Mika's View) A bit away from the battle.

I think this is just far enough to see what's happening with them but what the hell is going on? It was like the skill was glitching out or something.

"I noticed that as well." Lazarus says with a concerned tone.

"I still have power from you and Mekella but that's odd." I respond while looking towards the battle.

Sorakami seems to be holding off but it looks like quite a struggle from here, I wonder why he hasn't activated his power from that damn angel. I would've used my power if it was that bad of a situation.

Slash!!! Slash!! Splat. Blades clashed against Shin after finally breaking through his defense and as he tried to defend the blades from the undead army cut across his arms and body.

"Gahhh!!!! Ahhhh!!!" Shin begins to scream in pain as he tries to defend against the army.

Yes. Tear them apart my undead army. destroy those corrupt bastards...

Gah.. My head felt like it was going through hell.. What is going on..?

"You really are dumb sometimes Mika." Lazarus says.

"What do you mean?" I respond while holding my hand up to my head.

"You aren't fully recovered like you think. The new power Mekella provides to you does a lot of damage. I mean permanent damage." Lazarus Answers.

Shit that's right but I just need to last long enough to destroy the evil in this world, once that's done... Once that's done I'll be able to rest easy.

Everything I've worked hard to accomplish will be complete.

"Nhghh. Ahhhhh!!!!" Sorakami screams in the distance as a huge beam of white light engulfs him and Shin.

I'm going to assume that has to be his power activating. Holy shit it looks intense.

"It's best to retreat Mika. We're already in bad shape, this will make it worse." Lazarus Says with a concerned tone.

"We can take him Mika." Mekella Chimes in from out of nowhere.

Too much being said at once, this is a chance to end one of their strongest heroes and I don't know if it's worth leaving him here. Shit what am I supposed to do..

Hiroko I need to avenge you so I won't die here, but it could kill me if I use that power too long.

God why does this have to be so difficult for me?