Chapter 59: Truth

"I knew this day might come." King Mari says while looking down upon us.

The room appeared to be empty with no one else here but us so he didn't have anyone else left after all. This comes as a shock to me since I expected him to have summoned more heroes like we heard about.

"No help huh?" I question while looking up at him.

"You've dealt with all my troops so no." He answers while coming off his throne.

"Can you at least explain why you did it all before I take off your damn head?" I ask while taking a sword from Yui.

I knew she'd have one for me so this works out but I hope this bastard is at least willing to explain everything.

"I guess a pathetic hero like you deserves to know." He says with an annoyed tone.

He began to speak.

(King Mari's Explanation)

Long ago my family took over and made this place what it is today but it didn't matter what happened if the people didn't respect us. So we had to figure out a way to make the people respect us more.