Chapter 60: To Meet with Calziel

"My Master Caziel would like to request a meeting with you today." The lowly demon says.

This would bring me to my last goal I have which is the favor I owe Lazarus. It's probably the best idea if I'm going to find this guy.

"Alright lead the way." I reply. 

"Then follow me." The lowly demon says.

"I'll be back guys, just head back to base and I'll be there shortly." I say while following behind the demon. 

They didn't seem happy about me going after that huge battle but I'll make it up to them when I return to base. This is something that must be done or else I'd have failed Lazarus's request from the beginning of our journey. 

"I appreciate you following through Mika. I promise this is worth the time." Lazarus says with a grateful tone.