Chapter 67: City of Heroes (1)

The more time goes by, the more I wonder if the traveling ever stops. At least by foot, anybody would get tired after while. 

But I think I'll utilize other forms of transportation after this journey since it just gets boring walking everywhere. Yes I occasionally can use a waypoint but even after while that gets a bit old. 

"It looks like it's getting dark." Azura says while looking out the window. 

"It is, so you both should rest." I reply while standing up from the bed. 

Without any arguing the two of them went to sleep while I stayed up for a good while. I'd prefer to be on guard now just because it's odd to have this many people treating us nicely. 

Luckily nothing happened all night as I watched over everything but now it was morning and time to get going. We've got to find this city of heroes before doing anything else. 

"Time to go already?" Azura asks while stretching. 

"Yes." I answer while looking away for a moment.