Chapter 68: City of Heroes (2)

With many heroes around this room it was hard to determine which hero was the highest rank in the guild. None of them seemed to have an obvious symbol on them to indicate it but maybe my skill can help. 


As the scan goes off and shows everything in the room, it sadly doesn't pick up anything on the guild ranks. Must be too new of a thing for my skill to pick up on just yet. 

"You seem like you're new here." A man says as he stands next to me. 

I didn't even realize someone had walked up since I was focused on finding someone with that rank. 

"New to this place yes." I reply while turning around towards the guy.

Before me was a man with orange spiked hair, a bandana around his head, Red eyes, and who appeared to be wearing a trench coat with leather armor underneath.

"I see. Who are you?" The man asks with a curious tone. 

"I'm Mika. Who are you?" I answer before asking the same question.