Chapter 81: Reali Has Changed

It didn't take long for us to all get settled in on the ship but it definitely would take some time to get back to Reali. I probably won't be able to sleep as much as I did the first time but that's okay with me for now. 

Theon is an interesting person and so is Hina. Which means there is no reason for me to just sleep the whole time. 

"Haven't been on a ship in a good while." Theon says while looking out at the sea. 

"I like it. It's a nice change of pace every now and again." I reply while looking out at the water. 

Maybe that truly is the reason I enjoy it so much.

The days continued on with brief conversations of little importance and we finally we're getting closer to Reali. I didn't realize it at first bit the captain had taken a different way to Reali. 

"Why do you want to go back to Reali anyway?" Esla asks. 

"On a journey to kill the demon lord." I respond while focusing on the distant sea.