Chapter 82: Desolate City

As the night went on I began to hear echoes throughout the city as if something was trying to send a message. So I got out of bed and looked out the balcony to see there wasn't anything around. 

Just the quiet streets of the city but what I heard was odd. Almost like something was being torn apart but yet it was trying to speak to me for some reason. 


Everything around me seemed fine and there didn't appear to be any other people around the area. Most were inside their homes or weren't around the city in the first place. 

I'll have to keep an ear out for anything else that tries to say something to me. For now though it'd be best to go back to sleep. 

"Mika wake up." Azura says softly. 

"Huh what's going on?" I ask while barely awake. 

"Something odd is going on outside but I didn't want to scare everyone." Azura answers.