Chapter 104: Back Home

A few days have gone by since we came back and I finished my notes for everyone but there's no telling if they'll all read them. Not everyone is here right now so they could take awhile to read them. 

But I've been here relaxing which is something I never thought I'd say till now. This world hasn't been too crazy so there isn't anything for me to deal with. 

I'll enjoy this while it last though. 

"You okay Mika?" Hina asks as she enters the room. 

"Yeah, just in thought." I respond while sitting in my chair. 

I never thought it would be like this before, sitting around while everyone else is doing something. This must be what they felt like when I was away all the time. 

"Is it okay if I join you?" Hina asks politely. 

"Of course you can." I answer with a happy tone. 

Hina has been around a lot more recently and I don't mind it one bit since she wasn't as close to me as the others. It shows she wanted to be closer than we were.