Chapter 105: Only Tears Await Me

But as I sat there with Hina for awhile, the sunny finally started to set. So I stood up and noticed that Hina was asleep. 

So peaceful but I can't just leave her here. I picked Hina up and brought her to her room before heading to mine. She looked so peaceful sleeping but I got to figure out what's going on. 

After tucking her in it was time for me to head to my room. There's a lot I don't know so I'm curious to see what will happen next. 

But after walking for a minute I reached my room and went right in. Before my eyes was this woman from so long ago, the woman that I never thought I'd see in person.

It was a little different from the last time that I saw her but her appearance would always be beautiful. She had short white hair, little wings behind her, a tail, and barely anything covering her. 

That skirt was short already and her top was just barely covering her big boobs. Holy shit. 

"Mika it's time." Mekella says.