Tyrant near her

*It is starting from the point when the truck was disturbing Theo's car from behind, by loudly horning near it*

Another car 'Bugatti Centodieci'. Running behind the truck which was horning loudly.

A man in the front seat, having a carefree look and staring outside of the window while being drowned in his thoughts. His dark hair and obsidian eyes, symbolizing the night sky and the sparkle in his eyes which looked a little hazy, symbolizes the star admits the sky.

He had a pretty lips and a beautiful sharp eyes with a thick layer of eyelashes which decorated his eyes. Straight and pointy nose, and a charming appearance. His body shape and face was almost the top demand of all the women, but he have a straight face that showed his disinterest in this world.

Weirdly he looked more tired by his daily life rather then aloof.

Beside him, another man was driving the car. He had a blond hair with peachy eyes. He too looked like a celebrity.

The black hair guy was wearing a casual set of clothes, while the blonde hair was wearing an expensive brown suit.

"Prince, are you really sure that you want to hide for the time being," the blonde hair guy asked.

He glanced at him with his expressionless face, "Yeah, I am sure. And one more thing, don't call me prince since we are hiding our identity right now".

"Yes sir" he replied like a bot.

The loud horn of the truck in front of them, were annoying him and he stared at the person beside him.

"Gird! Do something to get that hell of a truck, to step away," he said.

Gird smiled awkwardly while thinking, "Do this stubborn person really believe, that the truck will move away and stop horning, just because he want it to".

He nodded while smiling and said, "Sir, it seems that there is a car in front of the truck and so, he is horning to move it aside".

"Do you really believe that?" he said while staring keenly at the truck.

Gird become nervous and stared at the truck and the wide road which could accommodate two of them together. "You are right! If it wanted to take over the car in front of it, then it can simply do that by speeding up and take a run.

But it seems a little complicated! Oh, god! Don't tell me that someone have tracked us down and want to assassinate you while taking the advantage of this situation," he said while making a nervous face.

He grinned and pulled down the glass of the window and slide his head out.

"No sir, it can be dangerous! Don't put your head outside or later the king will cut my head," he whined and stopped the car since the prince didn't stopped his mischievousness.

"Why did you stopped it?" he pulled his head back and said.

Before he could reply him, he saw the truck taking over the another car with a high speed and going far away.

"Phew! It's a relief that we are not in danger. I almost took it as the assassinator plan!" said Gird with a pleasant smile on his face.

The Prince was staring him while being annoyed, his arms were crossed and eyes were staring him through sideways, while the head was resting on the seat back.

"Since you already know it, then drive the car and move on," savagely, he said.

Gird pressed his lips, his face annoyed but a fake smile was still lingering over it. Now there car was behind a black car and there was a big gap between them.

As there car stepped in the four lane highway, Gird suddenly pulled the brake.

"Oh, gosh! Did the driver suddenly jumped out from the running car!" Gird shouted while being stunned.

He become more shocked as the car got crushed by the truck which was causing a ruckus a little earlier.

"What's going on? Rather then us, its them who got assassinated and we are the witness," while covering his mouth with his both palm, he said while staring the scene taking place in front of him.

There was a huge distance between there car, but they could still see the things going on. The driver who jumped out earlier, ran away in haste and seeing that, the prince smirked and said, "What an amusing sight, but we don't have the time to go and check the dead bodies. Let's go".

Gird gulped while hearing his cold words. Although he was used to it, still it felt inhuman and no matter how much time he spends with the prince, it was hard to smile at his words which had no empathy.

He nodded silently but his hands stopped after reaching the gear, "The truck is still there, we should better stay here to keep our identity safe".

**The scene as the car overturned.

Her eyes big and staring the outside of the window without budging off.

The driver soon jumped out, but Theo's eyes didn't moved to stare him. Mike panicked as the driver jumped down after slowing the car and while quickly trying to grasp the situation, he stood up and tried to crawl to the driver seat.

His eyes suddenly stopped at Theo, who grabbed his arms while sweating.

"Master, don't worry! I will take care of it, just stay calm," Mike said and tried to get his arms free, but Theo pulled him and hugged him tightly while closing her eyes, her left hand near Mike's back head and another hand wrapping around him.

Before Mike could understand the situation, the truck ran over them.

A shiny blue shimmering ray, started to sink out from Theo's hand and it covered their body and shined brightly.

The car was already overturned and was bashed very roughly near the boundary. She got a little bit of injury while lying in the car. Mike was also beside her, his heart beat was so fast that she could hear and count it while her eyes closed.

He was still holding on, even though he had no injury at all, still that much bouncing of heart can cause one to faint within a second. His eyes wide open, staring and understanding the situation. He was confused whether he was dreaming at that time or was everything real from the very beginning.

Theo too, become a normal person and he who survived even after his car overturned and bashed here and there, it definitely looked like a dream and he stared Theo while gasping.

"Master, are you awake, too, in the dream!" he muttered.

Theo too, was panting and kicked the door open. "Even if, it is a dream, still you need to survive and provide me with the information, I need the most right now. After that, you can die peacefully," she mumbled and slowly crawled out from the car and dragged him out, too.

The bandage on her head was ripped up and it was bleeding once again, while there were some scratches on her arms. "Young master, is it not a dream?" he asked and as soon as he realized, he started to sob.

"Stop with your nonsense and get up," she said coldly.

Gird and the Prince were staring them with their eyes opened widely.

Gird quickly moved his head back and forth, "Sir, they are alive! And that blue suit man, he have not received a single scratch!".

The Prince smirked, "How amusing, this is what we call amusing but don't just think that, it is over, and sit calmly to enjoy the entertainment that's going to take place any moment ahead".

Gird gasped and looked straight. There were ten men, some were fat while some were thin. They were in there informal clothes and looked like the thugs that moved around while stealing and bullying weak people.

Gird keen eyes stared them and he said, "They look like thugs but there movements and reaction, looks professional. I am definitely sure that the one who wanted to kill them, wants other to think that..".

"That, the killer are from the thugs and mafia group who killed them because they did something that offended them," The Prince completed the words of Gird, whose eyes were stuck at the other side.

"They must have wanted to kill two birds with one stone. So shall we help those weak people," The Prince said while smiling.

Gird turned his head toward him while brooding his eyes over him after being shocked with his sudden words.

"Are you really such a kind hearted person?" he said while getting a creepy feeling.

"Not at all, I was just having fun while joking with you," he replied while smiling.

His smile looked pretty dangerous to Gird and he gasped.

Since the prince was a cold hearted man, he never once thought to help others and while hearing the word 'help' from his mouth, Gird started to get some awful feeling.

"Huh! They are still alive, it was a good choice to step down and take a glance at their dead body before leaving or else, our boss would have killed us after founding them still alive" one of the men who were there to kill Theo, said.