The game of Predator and Prey!

Some were carrying hockey sticks while some; knife. But everyone of them were carrying a gun near their belt. It showed that they were professional ones.

Theo and Mike, both got up while staring their car. It was totally ruined and they still had a long way before reaching the main house of Castillo's.

Getting his teary eyes stuck at the car, Mike said, "If I had known, that this was going to happen, I would have brought one more car along with us!".

Theo stared him with her disgusted look, "Are you really worried about this?".

That question took him by surprise and he looked ahead and panicked as he realized that many thugs were walking toward them with their eyes filled with the motive to kill and destroy everything in front of them.

"What with this situation? Are they here to kill us?" he muttered while sweating.

Theo sighed while resting his left hand in his trouser pocket. "Rather then worrying about being killed, why don't you think how to escape from this situation," she said.

He stood in front of Theo, so as to hid him from the thugs, "Don't worry young master, this secretary of yours will definitely save you even at the cost of his own life".

With her right hand, she pushed him aside, "Stay there, I still need you to help me, so I will protect you".

Mike only heard what he wanted to and become teary after hearing her words 'I will protect you!'.

"My young master.. sob.. sob.. he have grown to be a brave man…. But does he know how to fight? He only got his senses back a few hours earlier, so how can he think about protecting me," he mumbled.

The men who were approaching them stopped after reaching a certain point. Since a very few cars or other vehicles passes through that lane, they almost swarmed the road like bees.

"Were you behind the accident caused here?" Theo asked while staring at the bald man who looked like the captain of the gang.

That man laughed loudly, "In the front of death, you are asking questions! Even the king of hell can't save you from dying right now".

Theo eyebrows become furrowed and he glared him. "Does the people living in this world, have interactions with the Yama?" the question raised in Theo's mind and he smiled, "If that so, then I will be taking you to meet him".

They stared each other while being confused by her weird words and laughed.

"Let's stop laughing and get the work done," another man with beard, said.

They nodded.

"Just step aside, I can kill those two weaklings by my own!" a man with pink scarf on his neck, said. His weird taste was quite a knack and he confidently stepped toward them with a hockey stick in his hands.

There was a hidden blade under his sleeves and he swung the stick to bash Theo's head.

Theo didn't moved, she simply kicked him with her tornado kick, getting his face totally red and nose bleeding. The hockey stick fall on the ground after he got kicked down, and she grabbed it up.

Her left hand was still in her pocket and she pointed the hockey stick toward their faces, "All of you, come at once!".

She looked dashing cool in the meek eyes of Mike who was trembling in fear.

They stared at each other and glared at Theo. Giving her a glare, they rolled their fist, to create a fearful sight by their scary face.

"You are looking down on us! Let me show you, how to deal with a person who knows only a simple kick," the bald head said.

He rushed alone with a knife in his hand and directly aimed on her neck.

Sharply she dodged it while jumping back, and with one swing of the hockey stick, she bashed his head. The hockey stick turned bloody as he fell down.

"Tsk! How troublesome, I told you all to come at once, so what are you waiting for," she said.

They gasped while looking at the bald head, who was down on the ground.

Mike panicked and stuttered, "Ma.. Ma.. master, there is blood everywhere, you will become frightened!".

Theo ignored him and stared keenly at all the members of the gangs who didn't took her words lightly and jumped at once to kill her.

She used her delicate hands and moved quickly. Her speed unparalleled and when she started and stopped, no one realized what happened in the middle of that and the gang members fell down bit by bit.

She took a deep breath as she stopped and the hockey stick fall down from her hand. Now she was again having a hard time while breathing, it was as if her chest was tightly sealed with some powerful material which was suffocating her.

"Young master!" shouted Mike while running toward her, as he saw the man with a scarf, walking toward her while having a gun in his hand.

His teeth was showing up as he was gritting and eyes were full from the murderous intent.

Theo fell, of the guard as soon as that man's pointed his gun toward her.

Before she could turn back, it was already late, but she was still safe and sound, and the man was near her leg while bleeding from his stomach.

He was being shot down by the silencer.

Gird was pointing his gun toward them and put it down after shooting him. Beside him, stood the prince with a sweet smile which was creeping Gird, but he could do nothing but stood there while smiling together with him.

Theo rather then looking at them, searched the bald man who talked to her about the king of hell.

She kneeled down and checked his pulse, he was still alive and she smiled. "Now, now, king of hell, I am gonna kill you and send you to the hell as a candidate," she smiled while chuckling and turned her head toward Mike.

He was trembling and what more scared him was his own master who took care of all the ten men, alone. He took a deep breath while calming himself but still the guy who got shot down, was scaring him.

Even though he tried to control his wavering heart, still every time he become scared of something else.

"Mike, help me get him up," she said.

He gasped and without questioning her, he nodded but before he could reach there. All the men lying down got shot by the gun.

The prince killed them all by himself, with his gun.

Theo glared at him with her intimidating eyes.

He didn't do anything but kept smiling, "Oh my! I was scared that, they might got up and hurt my master," the prince said while pointing toward Gird.

Gird gasped and whispered, "I and your master?". The Prince shut his mouth with a simple nod.

Theo stood up and frowned, he glanced at Mike, whose soul was leaving the body after seeing the hellish things.

She slapped him to get him back to his senses. "Wake up! It's not the time to daze off and do something to get back to the main mansion," she said.

The prince who was staring her with his amused eyes, looked like a predator who just founded his prey.

Gird was feeling a little sorry for the young man, who was trying to wake his secretary from his inner fear.

"You can't go anywhere!" said the prince.

Theo has been trying to control her temper, ever since he killed all the men one by one, but that was the end.

"Who are you, to order me around?" she spoke aggressively.

He chuckled and acted like a frail man, "I didn't meant to order you, but I just wanted you to return the favor, I did just now".

She sighed, "But I never asked you to help me!".

Mike who was dazing off suddenly woke up after hearing their conversation, his heart was thumping up and down, and he felt like a mouse between a bunch of tigers.

"Even if you didn't asked us to, still it doesn't change the fact that I saved your life," he replied.

Gird peeked at him through sideways, he was trying to understand what was going on in the Prince mind.

"Yes, you have helped us, and we will definitely pay you back," Mike suddenly interfered between their conversations and said.

"What!" she shouted at him, "how can you promise anything without taking my permission".

Her eyes glaring at Mike and she glanced back at the Prince, "Any way, you came to help us by yourself, I never asked you to do so".

Mike weak heart trembled with fear as Theo gave him a glare and he again sat down on the ground.

His attitude suddenly changed while Theo was glancing at Mike, and he again smiled at her after she looked at him.

"Ok, I got it, but you still want lift to reach back to your mansion, right! And I don't think that you can get any help before the sun rises again and who knows, maybe some more people arrive here to kill you if you continue to stay here," he said.

Mike suddenly hoped up and said, "Yeah, that's true young master and you are still weak, so it's better to take their help and in return the master will definitely pay them back".

It made sense and she calmly stared at Mike and then at the Prince, "So what do you need from me?" she asked.

He replied while having a pretty smile, "Just let me stay with you and that will do".