The burnt factory! (Part - 2)

While Theo left quickly toward the factory, Jasper who was watching the whole scene from behind, took his entrance and stunned the four girls.

"So, what were you all saying?" he smiled gently as he asked.

Amelia took his smile as his kindness and greeted him but used honorific. The other three also greeted him but they were quite surprised that Amelia, who was greeting Prince was calling him Prince Preston rather then Jasper as she did before.

"Good afternoon, your highness Prince Preston," they all greeted him with courtesy.

Jasper again smiled brightly, "No need for that".

It made the four of them relaxed for a second and they stopped being suspicious of Amelia.

"I knew everything was a lie! You are very gentle unlike the rumors, your highness" said the one whose personality is notorious and anger always sat on her nose.