The burnt factory! (Part - 3)

Why should I stay here anymore? I don't have a reason to stay any longer! If I stay, I will bring demise to both the innocents and notorious people. She started to find reasons for her to continue living.

Cairn continued to stand behind her while at most 20 steps away, Jasper couldn't take his eyes off from her, neither he knew how to comfort her. All he have done is kill others the moment he realized that others wore masks while staying next to him and now he can't fin! out how to comfort her when she is having a worst time ever.

The heavy smell of smoke and the gradually dropping of particles from the air and in the midst a crying and miserable Theo. He can't bring himself to utter even a single word as if his throat have given up, neither he could take a single step back or front and all he did was continue staring her from a distance.